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Posts posted by Maknib


    The span ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s needs to float left, but I need the ui-icon ui-icon-closethick to float right as it's a 'delete' button...



    i don't see the float: left; for this?

  2. inkscape (vector design) and Gimp (photo editor) are able to anything you like to do if you know how, besides that rounded corners are no photo's so no need to use a photo editor :)


    both are free!


    yeah i have the gimp somewhere aswell never used it though.


    see the site i was thinking of setting up was this one

    was playing around trying to setup the syntax highlighter was so happy when it worked

  3. well in the end not the coder but the client is the one decides what there audience is.  :P If they say IE 5,6,7,8 you should have the old school rounded corners ready for use. :) And if you do it right adjusting for IE isn't as troublesome as some think.

    yeah i know :( silly clients and their Ie's hehe

    but yeah i have some corners made in Adobe fireworks ( i choose fireworks over photoshop, maily beause i know how to use it and i dont have monies for PS)


    luckily i havn't needed to use them yet.

  4. nice, good luck on your time management, I already bought a time machine.


    Anyway i like the fact your willing to share your knowledge i bet there are quite some people that will find it useful.


    i like teaching html and css.

    until i learn more php and Jquery and feel confident with it i won't share because i don't want to give away wrong information.


    i must say css3 @font-face is Awesome. i was so happy when i saw that.

    and rounded corners... then i thought awww people with IE can't see my nice rounded corners.. then i thought.. meh they chose to use ie :P

  5. well i suggest you read the sticky (at the css board), most repeated questions  (6 or so) are mentioned there: peeps that forget a doctype using tables for no good reason etc etc.  Centering pages, sticky footer, @font-face, css3 stuff, quite some stuff that is not mentioned so that could be nice.

    But I have to mention some active member here named Crmamx just made a complete beginners guide on css. So if you have too much time left i say go for it and make another. If you think that's not very useful, see what he did and maybe you can add what you think could be nice.


    Hey Cheers, i saw the stickie there, was going to go through them all but thought i'd just see if anything not mentioned was here.


    will have to check out this guide, i'm currently going through Uni and i remember when i first started learning html and css i thought... gee i wish there was a site that showed specific examples all in one site.


    i want to eventually get up to bigger things like, a contact form using css and jquery that pops up and fades out the website... eventually.. but as i'm at uni i got assignments and i work full time so time is an issue.. maybe there's a php script to slowdown time for me somewhere :P

  6. Hi guys,


    i am trying to build a website with quick simple explinations on how to do things using CSS and HTML.

    things like.. horizontal menu, centering a div, basic things for beginners showing and explaining the HTML and CSS code for it.


    i was wondering if there are any repeated questions you get on these forums that you go .. geez i wish i had a like for this!


    this way i can get a list of ideas of things to explain for my site.


  7. its not a whole new language, its just got new stuff. so some browsers support it better than others, but they can all do it, using www.html5test.com you can see how well, and guess what, IE comes last in the list!!


    haha of course IE comes last, so it should.

    i was thinking more abouot about the doctype.


    if i just did <!DOCTYPE html>, this will work  even if i don't use the "new" features of html5.

  8. haha yeah i don't want to do that. The creator of jQuery was doing an AMA on reddit the other day and he said he used VMWare. Was wondering if anybody on here used something like that.


    I'm developing locally on MAMP. I was hoping i didn't have to push everything to my host, then dust off and hook up my pc desktop to look at it through IE.


    i've never reallly used it but you can enter your URL here and choose the browsers you wish to check it in. it can take a while depending on how many browser shots you need and still yuo need to upload to the net




  9. Hey all!,


    don't think i ever introduced myself so.. hi *wave*

    my name is Mark i'm from Brisbane Australia. i am currently studying programming at Uni via Distance Education and i HOPE to get a web development job out of it afterwards, i hope to learn more php and web languages. I have always enjoyed HTML and CSS and from what i've seen i LOVE PHP and Jquery looks very interesting.


    even though i love HTML and CSS i don't like working with graphics, so i hope to get into back end web development after all the graphics are done for me:)



    See you out there in the forums.



  10. just trying to see if i have this right in my head here..


    if i have a page that has a topic on it and many replies,  the tables would look like this..



    would this be the right code to pull out the topic AND all responses for say.



    $topic = 'SELECT * from topics where id = $id'
    $replies = 'SELECT * from replies where replies.topic_id = $id'


    sounds difficult haha, i think i'll just stick to upload image must be under thisMany/kb and then just resize to 100px 100px


    i'm guessing i could use CSS to say image must be 100 x 100 (or say image will resize to

  12. ah i see thanks.

    yes i was going to use extrnal links or upload images (with a max size of course)


    just playing around trying to get it all working getting my head around PHP. so much fun. one i have it working i'm going to try to convert it into a MVC structure. :)

  13. Hi guys,


    im just trying to work out an app in my head and on paper. im just wondering..

    when a user registers they can choose an Avatar 100px by 100px jpg, when they upload one would i then grab the file and store all Avatars in a avatar image folder and rename it to something like.. avatar[user_id].jpg and keep them all in the same folder.




    would i crate a folder called users, each user gets their own folder with files like avatar.jpg and it finds the [user_id] folder and pulls the avatar out from that, or is there a more prefered method?



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