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  1. Thanks so much!!!! It finally worked! I only had to change (user_id, name) to (user_id, restaurant_id). :D:D Again thank you, I was trying to figure out all day yesterday
  2. Hi, I have this form which will create a checkbox list using data from my database and also determin if a checkbox had been checked before and check if it had. <form style="text-align:center" name="PrefRestaurant" id="PrefRestaurant" action="preferances_check.php" method="post"><table align="center"> <?php checkbox(id, name, restaurants, id); ?></table> <input type="submit" name="Prefer" id="Prefer" value="Επιλογή"/></form> function checkbox($intIdField, $strNameField, $strTableName, $strOrderField, $strMethod="asc") { $strQuery = "select $intIdField, $strNameField from $strTableName order by $strOrderField $strMethod"; $rsrcResult = mysql_query($strQuery); while ($arrayRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsrcResult)) { $testqry = "SELECT * FROM user_restaurant WHERE user_id = $_SESSION[userId] AND restaurant_id = $arrayRow[id]"; $rsltestqry = mysql_query($testqry); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($rsltestqry); if ($numrows == 1) { echo "<tr align=\"left\"><td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"restaurant[]\" value=\"$arrayRow[id]\" checked/>$arrayRow[name]</td></tr>"; } else{ echo "<tr align=\"left\"><td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"restaurant[]\" value=\"$arrayRow[id]\" />$arrayRow[name]</td></tr>"; } } } Now the part which I can't get to work is when I'm trying to store the new values in my database. When I click the submit button I clear my database of any row that is related to the currently loggedin user and I want to store his new preferences (checked cheboxes). I've read that only the cheked checkboxes' values are POSTed so I did this (preferances_check.php) foreach($_POST['restaurant'] as $value) { $query="INSERT INTO user_restaurant VALUES ('$_SESSION[userId]','$value')"; } But it is not working, nothing gets written in my table Could someone please enlighten me on this? Thnks!
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