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Everything posted by Larry0788

  1. I have tried to put in on the same place as echo ("Your claim form was successfully sent!"); and it doesn't work. Should that be like: <? $subject="from ".$_GET['name']; $headers= "From: ".$_GET['email']."\n"; $headers.='Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'; mail("kc@kamil-cizek.com", $subject, " <html> <head> <title>Contact letter</title> </head> <body> <br> " . "name: " .$_GET['name']. "<br>" . "email: " .$_GET['surname']. "<br>" . "fax: " .$_GET['tel']. "<br>" . "age: " .$_GET['email']. "<br>" . "gender: " .$_GET['address']. "<br>" . "name: " .$_GET['city']. "<br>" . "email: " .$_GET['postcode']. "<p>" . "fax: " .$_GET['date']. "<br>" . "age: " .$_GET['type']. "<p>" . "message: <p>" .$_GET['message']." </body> </html>" , $headers); <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=./index.html">; ?>
  2. Hello, I have just finished very simple contact form at http://stjohnsclaims.co.uk/test5/index-6.html and I am strugling to redirect the page to index.html, or any other URL when buttom "submit" is pressed. html file always reads contact.php file and then echo ("Your claim form was successfully sent!"); on blank background. How can I redirect it? I know this is very trivial question, but I have alrready spend many hours trying to fix it with no result. Thank you html body.... <div class="indent1"> <h2>Claim Form</h2> <form action="contact.php" method="get" id="form"><div class="container"> <div class="col-5"><h4>Your Details:</h4> <div class="h"><input name="name" type="text" class="input1" />Name:</div> <div class="h"><input name="surname"type="text" class="input1" />Surname:</div> <div class="h"><input name="tel"type="text" class="input1" />Tel:</div> <div class="h"><input name="email"type="text" class="input1" />Email Adress:</div> <div class="h"><input name="address"type="text" class="input1" />Address:</div> <div class="h"><input name="city"type="text" class="input1" />City:</div> <div class="h"><input name="postcode"type="text" class="input1" />Postcode:</div><p> <h4>Accident Details</h4> <div class="h"><input name="date"type="text" class="input1" />Date of Accident:</div> <div class="h"><input name="type"type="text" class="input1" />Accident Type:</div> </div> <div class="col-6">Accident details/Injuries sustained:</div> <div class="col-7"> <textarea name="message" class="textarea" rows="40" cols="30"></textarea> <div class="container1"> <div class="fright"> <a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('form').reset()" class="link-1"><em><b>Clear</b></em></a> <div class="indent-2"> <a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('form').submit()" class="link-1"><em><b>Submit</b></em></a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div></form> --------------------------------------------------------------- contact.php on the server <? $subject="from ".$_GET['name']; $headers= "From: ".$_GET['email']."\n"; $headers.='Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'; mail("kc@kamil-cizek.com", $subject, " <html> <head> <title>Contact letter</title> </head> <body> <br> " . "name: " .$_GET['name']. "<br>" . "email: " .$_GET['surname']. "<br>" . "fax: " .$_GET['tel']. "<br>" . "age: " .$_GET['email']. "<br>" . "gender: " .$_GET['address']. "<br>" . "name: " .$_GET['city']. "<br>" . "email: " .$_GET['postcode']. "<p>" . "fax: " .$_GET['date']. "<br>" . "age: " .$_GET['type']. "<p>" . "message: <p>" .$_GET['message']." </body> </html>" , $headers); echo ("Your claim form was successfully sent!"); ?>
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