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Everything posted by bluewater

  1. Can someone show me the correct code to display a group of checkbox values as part of an if statement? For example: in Programme One, lesson 100, lesson 310 and lesson 102 are available. In Programme Two, lesson 302, lesson 201, and lesson 102 are available. The "lesson types" are a checkbox group. I need to output the lesson types depending on whether they are part of Programme One or Two, along with other variables such as instructor student ratio. I put the following code together where field_lessons is the checkbox group; <?php if ($fieldsObjects['field_type']->data == "Programme One") { print '<p class="details_heading03">Instructor Student Ratio</p>'; echo $fieldsFormatted['field_student_ratio']. '<br />'; foreach ($fieldsObjects['field_lessons']->data as $name => $value) { echo $value; echo "<br/>"; } else { echo "no"; } ?> I have also tried using this statement: <?php if ($fieldsObjects['field_type']->data == "Programme One") { print '<p class="details_heading03">Instructor Student Ratio</p>'; echo $fieldsFormatted['field_student_ratio']. '<br />'; echo (isset($fieldsObjects['field_lessons']->data) && is_array($fieldsObjects['field_lessons']->data)) ? } else { echo "no"; } ?> I am new to php, and I am customising a template which is part of Sobi2, which has been installed as a component of Joomla! (CMS)? Thank you jo
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