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Everything posted by fathernugen

  1. Hi, The twitter widget that appears at the top of the page is there by magic and not by design. I only added the twitter widget to the space next to the facebook widget half way down the page. The one you see at the top of the page is the problem one. I only added the code once. And the widget appears twice. You said "Wahy don't you just remove the top Twitter widget and add some text for each slide". The slides are the only item that should be populating the top of the page. The twitter widget should not be there. Its a problem with the code. Do you have any idea what could be causing this anomoly?
  2. I have hard coded the twitter widget into my homepage now, my thinking was that I would avoid any problems by doing that. I still get the same problem on my homepage. Twitter appears where it is supposed to but another ghost of the first twitter box turns up to haunt the top right of my website. Do I have to get the Ghost Busters in or does anyone know what I do to fix this? I've tried turning off all plugins, and adding jquery no conflict library but the problem still persists. Homepage is here, problem is obvious: http://www.atmosphere-uk.com
  3. Hi code masters, I have a small problem which will probably be "too easy" for some of you. The twitter feed I added to my post appears twice. One in the right place (where the post usually is) and one in the top left which hovers over the rest of the post like its from independence day. This is what I did to cause this monstrosity. 1. Logged into twitter, got some widget code. 2. Changed a couple of colours. 3. Copied and pasted the code into the html section of my Wordpress post. 4. Pressed update and went to look at my new post. 5. Cussed my computer for being wrong. ------------------------------------------ I have tried this too and it furnishes me with the same result. 1. Create custom field called twitter. 2. Add code into value field. 3, Update to see that it's the same a s last time. ------------------------------------------ I want the twitter feed to appear where the post normally is. Here is a link so you can see what my problems are; http://www.atmosphere-uk.com/social-media/twitter/ Thanks for looking, anyone who does, and if you manage to help Ill be over the moon. Surya Osborne.
  4. Hello, I am having problems adding some code to a php file who's function is to apply some custom fields to the posts I enter. <?php get_header(); ?> <div class="portfolio-wrapper"> <? $cat=$wp_query->get_queried_object(); $catslug=$cat->slug; $catdesc=$cat->description; $sp=strpos($catdesc,'<DELIMETER>'); $catdesc1=$catdesc; $catdesc2=''; if($sp!==false){ $catdesc1=substr($catdesc,0,$sp); $catdesc2=substr($catdesc,$sp+11); } wp_nav_menu('container=div&container_class=portfolionav&menu_class=&fallback_cb=&theme_location=printssubmenu'); $content=get_the_content() ?> <div class="panel"> <div class="panel-wrapper"> <h1 class="header_col_full"><?= $cat->name?></h1> <? print wpautop($catdesc1); global $id; query_posts("posts_per_page=-1&print_categories=$catslug&post_type=print"); if(have_posts()){?> <ul class="portfolio"> <? while(have_posts()){the_post()?> <li> <a href="<?= wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($id));?>" rel="prettyPhoto[inonearray]" title=""><? the_title()?> <? the_post_thumbnail('print_category',array('alt'=>'Lucy Young - '.get_the_title()))?></a> <p></p> <? gpm('original-5-50','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/original-5-50.png" /></a></span>')?> <p></p> <? gpm('original-10-100','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/original-10-100.png" /></a></span>')?> <p></p> <? gpm('original-12-170','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/original-12-170.png" /></a></span>')?> <p></p> <? gpm('original-8-235','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/original-8-235.png" /></a></span>')?> <p></p> <? gpm('original-14-250','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/original-14-250.png" /></a></span>')?> <p></p> <? gpm('original-16-320','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/original-16-320.png" /></a></span>')?> <p></p> <? gpm('original-12-320','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/original-12-320.png" /></a></span>')?> <p></p> <? gpm('original-20-375','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/original-20-375.png" /></a></span>')?> <p></p> <? gpm('original-24-455','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/original-24-455.png" /></a></span>')?> <p></p> <? gpm('original-24-495','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/original-24-495.png" /></a></span>')?> <p></p> <? gpm('original-30-725','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/original-30-725.png" /></a></span>')?> <p></p> <? gpm('original-30-825','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/original-30-825.png" /></a></span>')?> <p></p> <? gpm('cards-6','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/cards-6.png" /></a></span>')?> <p></p> <? gpm('cards-10','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/cards-10.png" /></a></span>')?> <p></p> <? gpm('cards-20','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/cards-20.png" /></a></span>')?> <p></p> <? gpm('vouchers-25','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/vouchers-25.png" /></a></span>')?> <p></p> <? gpm('vouchers-50','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/vouchers-50.png" /></a></span>')?> <p></p> <? gpm('vouchers-100','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/vouchers-100.png" /></a></span>')?> </li> <? }?> </ul> <? } wp_reset_query(); ?> <div style="clear:both"><?= $catdesc2?></div> </div> </div> <!-- End of panel --> </div><!-- .coda-slider --> <?php get_footer(); ?> These are the parts where I have added custom images for the custom data. The enclosed <p></p> tags are just for spacing. <? gpm('original-5-50','<span class="paypal"><a href="','"><img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/core/trend_images/original-5-50.png" /></a></span>')?> I have had no problems with these in the past but now i have tried to add more for various different needs in different categories Is there anything I have obviously done wrong? IN the past I have added these and they have worked perfectly. This time however I am having no luck. The pages where this data is displayed is here: http://www.lucyyoungart.com/print_categories/prints-for-sale/ Thanks fro your help if there is anyone out there who can solve the riddle of the custom fields. Surya Osborne.
  5. <div id="logotext"> <h1 class="logotext"><a href="http://www.sittingspiritually.co.uk">SITTING SPIRITUALLY</a></h1> </div> <div id="newsletter"> <h3 class="newslettertext"><a href="http:///www.sittingspiritually.co.uk/newsletter.php">Subscribe to our Newsletter</a></h3> </div> Oh yeah, that's the problem. The additional /....... Couldn't see it when I was editing. Now it's clear as day. You helped without helping, like Bruce Lee, fighting without fighting. Your a true teacher. I bow to you. Thanks. Surya Osborne.
  6. Hi, I have never had a problem as strange as this one. I'm aware of the browser differences, and what they can do to a design. But my latest problem has me stumped. Here is the problem outline: I am doing some work for a local businesses website. I added a link in the header of the site which takes you to a newsletter page/archive. The link works fine in FF Chrome Safari, but guess what, dopey old internet explorer has forgotten how to read links. If you click the link in internet explorer it says the page doesn't exist. It freaking does. I just made and tested it. I thought it was a caching problem, but I have been on computers where the cache has been emptied, or the site has never been visited from thast particular machine. Al the code for checking this out will be viewable through the view source function. If you want me to post specific pieces of code then let me know. So, if anyone has any insight into this then I will be most grateful. Surya Osborne.
  7. Why has no one called up Chris Coyier from CSS Tricks. It's an invaluable site where you can learn whatever your level. I'm not an associate, friend or affiliate, just keen on learning from the masters. http://css-tricks.com/
  8. Hello, I have built a custom wordpress site and just have one problem with the css on one page. Within the blog section the pages wiggle from left to right due to a missing declaration for the width of some of the divs/headers/columns. If you use the link below you will find the page in question. http://www.lucyyoungart.com/news/ I have used firebug to try and find out which element is causing the problem. I found a few elements which could have been causing the problem so I changed the widths of them but none had any effect. I hope there is a genius out there who has a sixth sense with this kind of stuff. I am not one of those people. I have to hack around in css until eventually something works. The problem only persists on the blog pages. Every other page on the site does not suffer from this symptom. I really hope one of you coding genii can help me out with this. A million thanks you's to anyone who tries. Surya Osborne.
  9. I have removed the stupid align. I have since added to the style sheet - margin: 0 auto; And added a div. That seems to have fixed it. Can anyone recommend any other pre-load image method I can use. The current one I'm using doesn't seem to be doing the trick.
  10. I just thought of something else; Do you use eric meyers css reset by any chance? http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/ Your browser could be using default values if you haven't reset them.
  11. Hello, Do you have more than one style sheet styling this website? If you have more than one css file you might have style override from from styles you might have declared twice? I'm just having a stab in the dark here. I think I might be having the same problem on a site I'm helping out with: http://www.sittingspiritually.co.uk/ The slider moves about when viewed in internet explorer and sometimes in safari. The solution for you might well work for me [internet explorer must die]
  12. Hello, If you look at a site I'm updating: www.sittingspiritually.co.uk The jquery slider on the homepage does strange things. Try reloading the page a few times to see the slider in its different positions. Sometimes it sits perfectly. Other times it jumps to the right and overlaps the right hand sidebar. The html code for it is here: <div id="homeslides"> <div id="slider" class="image-section"> <a href="http://www.sittingspiritually.co.uk/garden-swing-seats"><img src="images/slider/swingseatcobb.jpg" alt="Swing Seats on the Cobb Lyme Regis by Sitting Spiritually - Bespoke Swings For All Ages" title="Swing Seats on the Cobb Lyme Regis by Sitting Spiritually - Bespoke Swings For All Ages" /></a> <a href="http://www.sittingspiritually.co.uk/rope-swings.php"><img src="images/slider/2_boys_on_a_rope_swing.jpg" alt="Oak Rope Swings by Sitting Spiritually - Bespoke Swings For All Ages" title="Oak Rope Swings by Sitting Spiritually - Bespoke Swings For All Ages" /></a> <a href="http://www.sittingspiritually.co.uk/garden-swing-seat-harmony"><img src="images/slider/harmony.jpg" alt="Harmony Painted Pine Swing Bench by Sitting Spiritually - Bespoke Swings For All Ages" title="Harmony Painted Pine Swing Bench by Sitting Spiritually - Bespoke Swings For All Ages" /></a> <a href="http://www.sittingspiritually.co.uk/garden-swing-seat-kyokusen.php"><img src="images/slider/kyokusen.jpg" alt="Kyokusen Curved Oak Swing Chair by Sitting Spiritually - Bespoke Swings For All Ages" title="Kyokusen Curved Oak Swing Chair by Sitting Spiritually - Bespoke Swings For All Ages" /></a> <a href="http://www.sittingspiritually.co.uk/garden-swing-seat-serenity"><img src="images/slider/serenity.jpg" alt="Serenity Western Red Cedar Swing Seats by Sitting Spiritually - Bespoke Swings For All Ages" title="Serenity Western Red Cedar Swing Seats by Sitting Spiritually - Bespoke Swings For All Ages" /></a> <a href="http://www.sittingspiritually.co.uk/garden-swing-seat-pergolas"><img src="images/slider/canopy.jpg" alt="Swing Seats for Pergola's, Gazebo's, Arbours and Trees by Sitting Spiritually - Bespoke Swings For All Ages" title="Swing Seats for Pergola's, Gazebo's, Arbours and Trees by Sitting Spiritually - Bespoke Swings For All Ages" /></a> <a href="http://www.sittingspiritually.co.uk/garden-swing-seat-tranquillity"><img src="images/slider/tranquillityoak.jpg" alt="Tranquillity Oak Swing Seat by Sitting Spiritually - Bespoke Swings For All Ages" title="Tranquillity Oak Swing Seat by Sitting Spiritually - Bespoke Swings For All Ages" /></a> </div> </div> And the CSS is here: div#homeslides { align: center; width: 450px;} #slider {position: relative; margin: 0 auto;} .image-section {display: block; margin: 0px 00px 20px; padding: 0;} .image-section img {background: #FAFAFA; border: 1px solid #ECECEC; padding: 5px; height: 320px;} :focus {outline: none;} The problem seems worse in Firefox and Internet Explorer. I've added some simple preloading code I got form here: http://perishablepress.com/press/2008/06/14/a-way-to-preload-images-without-javascript-that-is-so-much-better/ But the problem was there before I added this. Hope someone has enough insight to spot the flaws. Thanks in advance for any comments/help. Fathernugen.
  13. I found the answer on the wordpress help site. Apparently I modify this: <?php query_posts();?> to look like this: <?php query_posts('');?> And I'm done. I am however worried that it's going to be harder than that...... If anyone knows some better practice than this I would like to know. Thanks for any help I receive. Surya.
  14. I have successfully installed wordpress, got the shop bit up and running, the theme works too. I am receiving this error on my installation of Wordpress. I have wp-ecommerce and a theme i purchased from Storefront (who need to recruit some more support workers) all working on here. Warning: Missing argument 1 for query_posts(), called in /home/dunford/public_html/wp-content/themes/storefront-elegance-1.2/page.php on line 12 and defined in /home/dunford/public_html/wp-includes/query.php on line 59 If any one has any ideas what I have to edit in the query.php file then I will be eternally grateful.
  15. OK. When I tested it with two of my own email addresses it worked perfectly. I think it could be a problem with one of the email addresses. I'll try using another email address in it's place to see if that's the problem.
  16. <?php $firstname = $_POST['firstname']; $lastname = $_POST['lastname']; $email = $_POST['email']; $dropdown = $_POST['dropdown']; $formcontent=" From: $firstname \n Surname: $lastname \n Email: $email \n Dropdown: $dropdown"; $recipient = "[email protected], [email protected]"; $subject = "Newsletter Sign Up"; $mailheader = "From: $email \r\n"; mail($recipient, $subject, $formcontent, $mailheader) or die("Error!"); if ( mail($recipient, $subject, $formcontent, $mailheader) ){ header('Location: http://www.sittingspiritually.co.uk/thankyou.php'); } else { die ("error"); } ?> I have recently created a small snippet of php code for posting mail and it's sweet apart from 1 thing. I have two email addresses in the recipient section. It only sends to the last name in the list. Is this because i have written recipient? Should it be recipients? I need this mail to be delivered to both of the email addresses. I'm sure it's simple for someone with expert knowledge. Thanks in advance for any help.
  17. In that case, you guys have done sterling work. Thanks for your help.
  18. That, as an answer, is not enough, please expand... Do you know what I can add to the php to make some server side validation?
  19. I have added the code Abracadaver posted and it works. Sweet, thanks. But how do I tackle the failure which snowman is talking about. Also which piece of code is the best practice? Abracadavers or Snowmans??? I do have a simple jquery validation which stops the form being sent if the field are not filled. Take a look at www.sittingspiritually.co.uk/newsletter.php
  20. Hi, Today I have taken my first step towards familiarisation with php. I have created a simple form form a tutorial I read. The mail.php file is this: <?php $firstname = $_POST['firstname']; $lastname = $_POST['lastname']; $email = $_POST['email']; $dropdown = $_POST['dropdown']; $formcontent=" From: $firstname \n Surname: $lastname \n Email: $email \n Dropdown: $dropdown"; $recipient = "[email protected]"; $subject = "Newsletter Sign Up"; $mailheader = "From: $email \r\n"; mail($recipient, $subject, $formcontent, $mailheader) or die("Error!"); echo "You have been added to our newsletter subscription list!" . " -" . "<a href='newsletter.php' style='margin:0 auto; top: 100px; text-decoration:none;color:#ff0099;'> Return to Sitting Spiritually</a>"; ?> My problem is that users are redirected to a blank page with 'thank you return to sitting spiritually'. I would like to use a custom thank you page with a url like; www.sittingspiritually.co.uk/thankyou.php so the look of the site is not completely ruined by my php inadequacies. Is there a small piece of code i can add to the mail.php file so i can use a custom page for the success??? I hope some one can help, thanks in advance.
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