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  1. I think that is exactly what I need! Thanks heaps.
  2. Hey guys. So I'm about to start developing a Private Messaging system for a CMS that I already have set up and working fine, and I had a problem I would like to solve before I start. I would like to add a feature that allows users to send the message to one or more users at a time. Whether it be by typing in the different usernames seperated by commas in the input field or another method, I have no idea how I'd handle submitting this into the database. I don't want it to be like a group conversation though, I want it to submit the message seperately for each user they included in the receptitents field. Any suggestions on how to go about doing this? Gathering it'd be like an array of some sort but I have very little experience with arrays from forms and how to seperate them.
  3. The only way I can see this working is using time() and I've tried this and had no luck. So I just need an idea on how to go about this since all attempts I've had have failed.
  4. Hello. I have recently been building a user system and trying to code an "Online Users" script for it however it is not working out for me, so I thought I'd come and ask here. I need a script that adds them to the table 'online' when they login and then remove them when they logout. That part is simple to do however I am using sessions and I am trying to figure out a way to check if they are inactive like every 10 minutes, and if they are delete their row from the db. It'd be appreciated if someone could set up a code for this.
  5. username (The user's username) rank ( 1= Normal User 2= VIP) vip_purchased (The date the VIP was purchased, preferably in the format: Y/m/d) They are all VARCHAR but I can change/add anything if needed So I want the rank to change back to 1 after a month has passed since vip_purchased
  6. Hello everyone I am coding a membership system for my usersystem on my website and I needed a little help. I have searched around quite a bit and can't find a working code. In my database I have the date the VIP was purchased and I was wondering if anyone had a code which would check if they've had VIP for over a month and if so, delete it from the database. I'm new-ish to MySQL and PHP and can't seem to code a working one.
  7. Thanks! God you don't know how long I've been searching for a code like this
  8. Yeah but is there any way to do it with this type of sql? If not do you have a suggestion of what SQL I should use? $fetch1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `badges` WHERE `uid` = '$logged[username]'"); echo "<table cellspacing='10' cellpadding='2' border='0'><tr>"; while ($badge = mysql_fetch_array($fetch1)) { echo "<td valign='top'>"; echo "<a href='badge.php?id=$badge[id]'><img src='$badge[image]' border='0' width='50' height='50'></a>"; echo "</td>"; } echo "</tr></table>"; That displays the badges fine, but obviously it just shows all the badges in one row, instead of two badge per line before it starts another. So I want it like: () = Badge by the way () () () () () () But it is showing like: () () () () () () ()
  9. Hey everyone. So I am coding a badge system for my website usersystem. I am trying to think how I'll handle issues before actually starting to code it and one issue I just can't seem to figure out how to handle.. How would I limit the amount of MySQL results to show per line. Eg. A user has 6 badges but I'd only like to show 2 per line. So in total it'd show 3 lines with 2 badges per line. If that makes any sense? Is there any way possible to actually do this?
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