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  1. Thanks guys... problem solved: $temp = (int) $ temp; $ was missing
  2. first of all, i am really sorry that i did not paint clear picture of my problem. I am getting value 01 as string after some string spilt function. Now i want to use this value as integer. //function body function converthours($temp) { $temp = (int)temp; echo $temp *60; } //function call <?php $temp = "01"; //temp is declared as string variable with value 01. in original code, its value return by another function converthours($temp); ?> @Maq Sorry but why 01 is not an integer?
  3. <?php $temp = "01"; $temp = (int)temp; echo $temp; ?> I am using above code to convert string to integer variable but i am getting incorrect output.. somehow casting chopping values in the string. for example, above code should give me output 01 but actual output is 0. any pointer? i am new to php... Thanks, Rajesh
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