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  1. Hi, I create a mysql database called calendar with phpmyadmin. In the installation of the application, I click check connection. I got good news that DB successfully connected. Newbie to mysql and sql. I am having some problems and thus decided to create a log file witn a brand new install. of the application. I come across this data entry: SQL Log File INPUT FIELD Example: /var/log/calendarsql.log OPTIONAL. Put a name of a (folder and) file where the calendar logs every SQL query to the database. This is good for debugging. If left blank ("") no log will be kept. That's the default. I enter var/log/calendarsql.log and click the save configuration button to receive the following: Could not open the SQL Log File for writing. Make sure the Web server has access to write to that location. Error: fopen(/var/log/calendarsql.log) [<a href='function.fopen'>function.fopen</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory. 1) Where and what do I use to create such a file or directory. Cluesless, for I do not even know what kinda preparation I have to do prior to clicking save configuration in the installation of the application. I have created a DB called calendar in PHPmyadmin. OH, calendar is a mysql DB with no tables. Do I create a calendarsql.log? Why /var/log/ path? I do not think it is a DB they want. Any ideas? Why could they just create a text file and thus I believe there is more to it. tx ----Unrelated 2nd Question------- User ID Regular Expression /^[A-Za-z][\._A-Za-z0-9\-\\]{1,49}$/ The regular expression entered for 'User ID Regular Expression' is invalid. Error: preg_match() [<a href='function.preg-match'>function.preg-match</a>]: Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash Looking at the required expression input, I entered useridauth and I am surprise I did not enter a vaild input. Any character or number with length between 1 to 49.should be valid with \-accepted ... It been ages I look at regexp and what was invalid with useridauth as my input? tx
  2. Hi, It has been awhile since I played with relational database. Currently, I am doing a calendar installation and I got an error 404 whereby I posted in Apache. While waiting, I am trying to dissect the calendar installation and I am trying to understand something about authentication. Above is my mandatory DB called calendar with root being the user and password being null. Since it has DB security with user name root and password, why the authentication data entry? Is authentication mandatory from deducing the authentication data layout? That is, must I select one of the three checkbox? ( Newbie to this installation and documentiation is a joke). Lol, I just realize I did not enteri a user id and maybe thaty is why I am getting that 404 erro.(pre-usage checking requirement nearly non-existent). I am trying to troubleshoot by having an understanding of my clueness (apache and authentication). Why is user id required for authentication and how will it be use in the calendar? Will that user id be the admin id for the calendar program? Hmm. Going back on track to my topic. What is the advantage and disadvantage of each authentication method (DB, LDAP, HTTP)? This is the first time I have come across an installation whereby authentication data required and I do not know why or how it will be use in the calendar program. (Different users can enter information into the calendar). Any help in understanding with educated guesses appreciated for it is an unsupported product. Tx for taking the time to read my post and to share your understanding.
  3. Hi, Enviroment: Vista Home Premium being use as a development server. xampp ver 1.7.3 I am a newbie and xammp is running fine since hello world and demo runs. I see the calendar running as an end user for I can look at upcoming, day, week, month. But if I click on the update button, I get the error 404 message on url http://localhost/calendar/update.php . Have a feeling it is related to a simple usage setting and appreciate your help. More of a coder and hope I am posting in the correct area as apache or settings issue. Even if my checklist information looks good, please mention to narrow my troubleshooting. Or if u need more debugging inforamtion, please ask. tx http://localhost/calendar/update.php in firefox and I get [bResolving checklist after doing some googling research on information I belive might be relevant or important.[/b] My httpd.conf file content LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so (Note: Uncommented for no # symbol) ClearModuleList AddModule mod_rewrite.c uncommented (Note: they are not in my httpd.conf) Rather than going about changing blindly, I thank you in advance for your guidance. Sorry for asking this question but I did google to get some ideas. Tx PS: Problem also pop up upon clicking the submit button after entering admin name and password in addevent.php Looks like administrative php routines since end-user php routines display web pages.
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