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Everything posted by seowebguy

  1. okay well that is still a little over my head mainly because i'm not familiar with the syntax and placement of code. So i would put some of that stuff in the navtabs.php include file?
  2. Hi all, my first post here (except my intro post earlier today). I looked for this in the Code Snippet section and didn't see it, and honestly I'm very much a noob at this (for now, at least) so I'm not quite sure what I'd look for anyway. I've got a decent grasp on HTML and CSS and very little PHP. So here's what I need help with: I wrote a simple PHP include so that all my main pages (including the index file) would all use the same file (navtabs.php) for their navigation tabs. But how do I make the code in navtabs.php dynamic for which button should be highlighted on the proper page? Here is the code snippet for my navigation: <nav> <ul> <li><a href="index.php" class="current">Home</a></li> <li><a href="page-two.php" >Page Two</a></li> <li><a href="page-three.php">Page Three</a></li> <li><a href="page-four.php">Page Four</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="page-five.php">Page Five</a></li> </ul> </nav> Where class="current" is the highlighting attribute. All my pages using the same include of this code show the Home tab highlighted? Hoping someone has a simple fix for me. Thanks!
  3. Hi everyone, Um, I'm ready to get addicted now. I'm Clay, or "seowebguy" and I am at the point where I have to start learning PHP but right now I'm a TOTAL NOOB! Bear with me and thanks for having me! Looking forward to it
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