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Everything posted by javad_ghasri

  1. Hi sorry for my bad English I have this queries but when I using num_queries show over 40 for this code!! how can I optimize it for best performance category table is : ".$prefix."_modules_categories item table is : ".$prefix."_modules $display = $openclose; if ($display == 0) { $show = "none"; $catimg = "<img src=\"$closedimg\" align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\">"; } else { $show = "show"; $catimg = "<img src=\"$openimg\" align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\">"; } //Categories $result = $db->sql_query("select mcid, mcname FROM ".$prefix."_modules_categories WHERE visible='1' ORDER BY mcposition"); //$coin=0; global $multilingual, $currentlang; while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $mcid = $row['mcid']; $mcname = $row['mcname']; //$coin++; $mcname1 = $mcname; if(strlen($mcname1) == 0){ if ($multilingual == 1) { include("modules/languages/lang-".$currentlang.".php"); $mcname = "$mcnamed[$mcid]"; } else { include("modules/languages/lang-english.php"); $mcname = "$mcnamed[$mcid]"; } }else{ $mcname = "$mcname1"; } $content .= "</div><table border=0 cellpadding='1' cellspacing=1><tr><td width='16'><a id=\"x".$mcname."\" href=\"javascript:Toggle('".$mcname."','$align');\">$catimg</a></td><td><b>".$mcname."</b></table>\n"; $content .= "<div id=\"".$mcname."\" style=\"display: $show; margin-left: 1em;\">\n"; $result2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT title, custom_title, view, url FROM " . $prefix . "_modules WHERE active='1' AND inmenu='1' AND title!='$def_module' AND mcid='$mcid' ORDER BY custom_title ASC"); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2)) { $title = $row['title']; $custom_title = $row['custom_title']; $view = $row['view']; $url = $row['url']; $arraymodules[] = "$title:$custom_title:$view:$url"; $m_title = $title; $m_title2 = ereg_replace("_", " ", $m_title); include("modules/".$title."/language/lang-".$currentlang.".php"); if ($custom_title != ""){$m_title2 = $custom_title;}else{ if(strlen($mudulename) != 0){ $custom_title = "$mudulename"; } $m_title2 = $custom_title; } if ($m_title != $main_module) { $showit = 0; switch($view){ case 0: // All users case $showit = 10; break; case 1: // Registered user access if (is_user($user) || is_admin($admin)) $showit = 1; break; case 2: // Admin only access if (is_admin($admin)) $showit = 2; break; default: // Subscriber only access if (is_user($user) || paid()) $showit = 3; break; } global $db , $prefix; $rowz = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT gtset FROM ".$prefix."_config")); $gtset = intval($rowz['gtset']); if ($showit != 0) { $adds = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; if ($url != "" AND $gtset != 0) { $content .= "<table border=0 cellpadding='1' cellspacing=1><tr><td width='16'><img src=\"$arrowimg\" align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\"></td><td><a href=\"$url\" title=\"$m_title2\" onMouseOver=\"self.status=' $m_title2 ';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status='';return true\">$m_title2</a></td></tr></table>\n"; } else { $content .= "<table border=0 cellpadding='1' cellspacing=1><tr><td width='16'><img src=\"$arrowimg\" align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\"></td><td><a href=\"modules.php?name=$m_title\" title=\"$m_title2\" onMouseOver=\"self.status=' $m_title2 ';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status='';return true\">$m_title2</a></td></tr></table>\n"; } } } $mudulename = ""; } } $content .= "</div>"; $db->sql_freeresult($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result1);
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