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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. Since you just pm'ed me and i gave the solution, make sure you mark the topic solved ones you implemented it. Saves others time reading through
  2. CSS targets HTML and set style to it.... Without seeing both html and the css mentioned we can't do anything for you. If you have an online example that would be even better. The css given won't cause the stuff you shown in the image
  3. Run your website through the validator. If your website looks crap in IE (certainly version 9) your doing it wrong.
  4. Yes you can http://php.net/manual/en/control-structures.continue.php (use of continue) But you might want to have a look in to the switch statement http://www.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.switch.php
  5. Well, this looks more like a jquery thing, but something you might want to have a look at in your humongous stylesheet is whether you used the :active pseudo class on the image. Right now it when you press it (active state) It looks like the image is positioned absolute because the container <dd> that holds it looses the dimensions of that image. You can test that out by adding position absolute in the normal state of the image, you get the same effect. Anyway If I were you I would have a careful look at the javascript and skim through your stylesheet for the :active state. That is what is causing this. But as you can imagine i am not going to skim through an almost 3000 lines counting stylesheet. As a side note, I would really remove the footer text that states " as with all cool websites bla bla bla" That's just nonsense.
  6. in addition to nightslyr, mysql_real_escape_string requires a connection, if you don't have that nothing will happen. (so your function won't return anything) can you place this above your script: error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); and report what errors you get?
  7. It looks like you have magic quotes enabled. go in to php.ini and check if it is enabled, if so put it off. If you don't have access to php.ini use stripslashes instead There are quite some articles written about this. but if you can disable magic quotes do that
  8. your welcome, I marked your topic solved (little button left bottom corner)
  9. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=341703.0
  10. send an email to all the big brands that got hacked lately. they probably have some semi secure framework But seriously, framework or not, in the end it's you that has to do the thinking, and the assembling of bits and pieces. The validating sanitizing filtering etc. A good read on security I find is the a little booklet from Chris Shifflet.
  11. remove position relative from line 16 #nav li { float: left; /* position:relative; */ } keep in mind the container (holding the <ul>'s) does not have a min-width so if the container becomes to narrow it will pop each <ul> on a new line
  12. The mark up for the menu i don't like to be honest. as a quick fix you could by using conditional comments do the following. for instance for .nav .nav2 ul{display:none;} .nav2:hover ul {display:block;} in addition you might to have a read on the (son of)suckerfish menu. much cleaner in my opinion.
  13. I updated immediately to FF6 because in IE 5, some addons didn't work like YSlow. That said when developing I use a mixture of browsers. I develop in FF than check in each version of IE (6,7,8,9), than run it through opera safari and last but not least Chrome. I just like editing css more in firebug (or Opera) than the tools IE and Chrome give (inspector). On the other hand I like the networking tool of Chrome more. Anyway in the end your website should just be valid and work properly across browsers, that is what the clients pays for. Although I must say I wont give an alternative for most css3 things like border-radius and box-shadow unless the client is happy paying for the extra time involved adding those good old sliding doors
  14. anything is possible. You could add custom code to your modules, or your template. Or use a component named Jumi which allows you add php and javascript within articles and modules without them being sanitized. Have a look in Jumi, it's great. (keep in mind though don't allow normal or registered users to use this or your website is brought to ground within the day.
  15. fatgorillahotwheels.com co2isforpussies.com
  16. a few things, first of all your html elements are missing some vital things. <label> is connected to the ID of another form element so you need to provide that. for instance <label for="monkeys">lalala</label> Second your input element needs a name for instance: <input type="text" name="monkeys" id="monkeys" /> notice the id i gave that makes the connection with the label. As far as how to work with a database, have a look at the tutorial section, There is a nice tutorial there named 'database handling' if i am correct. Good luck!
  17. it's always a nice thing if you let others know what exact error you get. Besides that if you are only targeting ie6, you might want to add a meta redirect with conditional comments like so: <!--[if IE 6]> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://example.com/"> <![endif]--> place it in the header
  18. Try the following: <?php /* some error checking */ error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); if(isset($_POST['submit']) // if someone presses submit && !empty($_POST['name']) // and name is filled in && !empty($_POST['email'])){ // and email is filled in // $name = $_POST['name']; //added these $email = $_POST['email']; // added these $formBody="Name: $name\nEmail:$email"; $headers = "From: $email"; // if(mail("me@yahoo.com", "Add to E-mail List Request", $formBody, $headers)){ //email print "Thank you. Your request has been submitted <br /> <br />"; print "Current date and time :"; print date("F j, Y g:i A T"); }else{ // if the email didn't process echo 'oops something went wrong'; } } ?> The key this with forms is that you validate. Are the values as expected? (make sure you have a read on something called email header injection) Also, notice i am using a $_POST variable. since your form method is 'post' we require to use those values. edit: also make sure you look at the examples given in the manual:http://php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php
  19. do you have an online example of your code that is not working? I am not a fan of w3schools but since they have an example with a horse i must link to it http://www.w3schools.com/html5/tag_audio.asp Also the browser must be ready for it
  20. Don't keep adding things to the threads wish list, it makes them long and chaotic. The threads question is answered and solved. To give a brief answer to your last question. The properties involved in positioning are Float, and the positions relative and absolute Google those bold words for tutorials or get a decent book. We are not here to write your code we are here to assist with your code (your efforts).
  21. Look at your source: <div class="person"> <h3> <img width="40%" border="0</h3" src="get.php?id=23&dbchange=Test">Test<br> </h3> </div> don't place the image inside the <h3> element. Do as this <div class="person"> <img width="40%" border="0</h3" src="get.php?id=23&dbchange=Test"> <h3> Test </h3> </div> Also it would be smart to give Div with class person some fixed dimensions so it looks the same for each item just add the dimension to the class. for instance: div.person { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #EEEEEE; float: left; height: 200px; margin: 10px; width: 200px; } p.s. I ones wrote a litle article on this, you might want to check it out
  22. This should work just fine with images(if the dimensions are correct). If you have an online example of what you say is not working I am happy to have a look at it.
  23. BillyBob, i am glad that you are glad that you have an idea that i have no idea what i am talking about and that you after 3 days came up with the idea to use the :hover class anyway on the class of current. And I must admit your first question was clear seeing it afterwards, I must have misread it at the time being. But that does not make this forum a blame and shame one nor your question rocket science. If you want to propagate here that I am completely off, accuse me of calling you stupid, do your thing I don't really mind. What i don't like though is that you have a feeling that i didn't see your mad skills and that I should have recognized them. My apologies for that sir. Wish you all the best and glad you solved it.
  24. Hi techmate, what i would do is wrap it up in a div and float that one. Also instead of using a h1 element i rather use a h3 element but that is up to you. here is what i would do. Also I see you have a anchor closing tag but not a beginning one so i removed that for now. I also added an alt tag for the image always wise to include that for seo purposes if used correctly. while ($list = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) { $name=$list['image']; $name=$list['name']; echo '<div class="person"><h3>' . $name . "</h3>" . '<img src="get.php?id=$listidagain&dbchange=$dbc" width="40%" border="0" alt=""></div>'; } than in css you just do div.person{float:left;margin:10px;}
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