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Everything posted by phpFTW

  1. Hello fellow developers, Let me start by saying I'm still a PHP noob so please don't go too hard on me if I my code reflects this noobishness... So I'm trying to build a (very) simple RSS reader using jQuery and PHP. When the user clicks on an option from a dropdown, an AJAX call is made and passes the url selected from the list to a PHP script. The PHP script then loads the appropriate xml file from an 'xmlcache' folder. Everything is working just fine for files named as such: somefilename_1231231231.xml The problem is that I need it to be able to load files which have been urlencoded such as: http%3A%2F%2Ffeeds.feedburner.com%2Fajaxian_1235523548 In case you're wondering, the numbers at the end are a timestamp which will determine if the reader will load a cached copy of the desired xml file (if it's less than an hour old) or if it needs to get a fresh version (this part of the code is not written yet). Here is a look at my script thus far: <?php $url = "./xmlcache/" . urlencode($_REQUEST['url']); //access url from AJAX call echo $url; //outputs -> "./xmlcache/http%3A%2F%2Ffeeds.feedburner.com%2Fajaxian_1235523548.xml", which is the same as the file's name $curTime = time(); $urlParts = explode('_', $url); $urlTime = intval($urlParts[1]); $diff = $curTime - $urlTime; $urlAge = 60 * 60; //60sec * 60min = 3600sec or 1 hour if(file_exists($url)){ if($diff > $urlAge){ //the > will be switched to < to make logical sense once testing is done. $xml = simplexml_load_file($url); //ROOT TAG foreach($xml as $key0 => $value){ echo "$key0: $value"; foreach($value->attributes() as $attributeskey0 => $attributesvalue1){ echo "$attributeskey0: $attributesvalue1"; } echo "<br />"; //1 LEVEL BELOW ROOT TAG foreach($value as $key => $value2){ echo "$key: $value2"; foreach($value2->attributes() as $attributeskey => $attributesvalue2){ echo "$attributeskey = $attributesvalue2"; } echo '<br />'; //2 LEVELS BELOW ROOT TAG foreach($value2 as $key2 => $value3){ echo "$key2: $value3"; foreach($value3->attributes() as $attributeskey2 => $attributesvalue3){ echo "$attributeskey2 = $attributesvalue3"; } echo '<br />'; //3 LEVELS BELOW ROOT TAG foreach($value3 as $key3 => $value4){ echo "$key3: $value4"; foreach($value4->attributes() as $attributeskey3 => $attributesvalue4){ echo "$attributeskey3 = $attributesvalue4"; } echo '<br />'; //4 LEVELS BELOW ROOT TAG foreach($value4 as $key4 => $value5){ echo "$key4: $value5"; foreach($value5->attributes() as $attributeskey4 => $attributesvalue5){ echo "$attributeskey4 = $attributesvalue5"; } echo '<br />'; //5 LEVELS BELOW ROOT TAG foreach($value5 as $key5 => $value6){ echo "$key5: $value6"; foreach($value6->attributes() as $attributeskey5 => $attributesvalue6){ echo "$attributeskey5 = $attributesvalue6"; } echo '<br />'; } } } } echo '<br />'; } echo '<br />'; } }else{ //need to create the XML file from scratch, do a curl function, or read from a text file echo "need a new version"; //@unlink("$url); } }else{ echo "That file does not exist.<br/>"; } ?> The error message I'm getting is this: Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "./xmlcache/http%3A%2F%2Ffeeds.feedburner.com%2Fajaxian_1235523548.xml" in C:\wamp\www\reader\loadfeed.php on line 13 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\wamp\www\reader\loadfeed.php on line 16 The second error is obviously thrown because the file doesn't get loaded. I appreciate any help you gurus have to offer, and if you have any suggestions for the best way to load a fresh version that will be handled by the first else statement, I'm all ears. Thanks guys!
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