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  1. Aha! I have managed to acheive this using the following jQuery $("ul#quicknews li:last-child").addClass("last"); Thanks for all your help guys.
  2. I've been given another snippet of code from somewhere which fundamentally does what I want... if($list_latestnews['ID'] == 2) { $li = '<li class="last">'; } else { $li = '<li>'; }?> However, as the ID's change as more news is added, the 2nd item in the news list isn't always going to be ID==2, how do I change this to become the 2nd output entry, rather than a set ID?
  3. Hey guys, bascially I'm developing a simple news script, and part of it has a "quick news" section, which will display the latest 3 (or any number I want) news items, each seperated by a line (<hr> in the example below). What I want to acheive is the top 2 news items have a set LI class assigned to them, and then the 3rd LI in the list to have a different style attached to it (one without a bottom border basically), so it'll bascially repeate out the normal <li> until it hits the last item to be output, at which point it uses a LI with a class attached to it. What I don't know how to do, is tell the PHP that once it's out putted 2 LI's, then the 3rd LI is to have a different class on it. eg <li>News Item 1</li> <li>News Item 2</li> <li class="last">News Item 3</li> I'm pretty new to PHP so not sure how to achieve this and would appreicate any help you can offer. Here's my code so far... <?php $latestnews_sql = "SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 3"; $latestnews_query = mysql_query($latestnews_sql) or die (mysql_error()); $list_latestnews = mysql_fetch_assoc ($latestnews_query); ?> <ul> <?php do { ?> <li><p><strong><?php echo $list_latestnews['title']; ?></strong></p> <?php echo substr($list_latestnews['body'],0,80)."...";?> <a href="news-detail.php?ID=<?php echo $list_latestnews['ID']; ?>">view more</a></p> <p><span style="font-size:13px; font-style:italic;"><?php echo $list_latestnews['author']; ?> - <?php echo date("l, jS F Y", strtotime($list_latestnews['date'])); ?></span></p> <hr /> </li> <?php } while ($list_latestnews = mysql_fetch_assoc ($latestnews_query)) ?> </ul>
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