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Everything posted by jrgord

  1. Not sure exactly where this problem is coming from, but php seems the most likely candidate to fix it. My php loads, from a MySQL database, a list of names (students in a class) and a drop-down for each student with attendance options. Based on the information in the database, the appropriate attendance option is selected (<option selected></option>). Everything works fine on the initial page load. Next, I want to update the status, so I select a new option from the drop-down list and click submit. The php code updates the database correctly, but the selected option (in HTML) is still the original one. If I change the option to something different and submit again, I get the previously selected option (that I selected the first time) - in essence, the HTML is always one step behind the database. I've attached the snippet of relevant code - again, I know that the code works when the page loads initially and that the database is getting updated correctly. Any help or comments are appreciated. [attachment deleted by admin]
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