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  1. I have an auctions website and I want to create a feature that is similar to ebay in which users will receive an email if one of the auctions they are watching will end in less than 3 hours. I will be using a cron job to call up this page every 15 minutes. When the cron job executes, I would like it to send 1 email per auction to every user that has that auction on their watchlist if the auction will be ending in 3 hours. I don't know whether it needs to be a separate email for each user or one mass email where their emails are hidden. The 4 tables in my database we are concerned about are "auctions, "users, "watchlists" and "products." I am trying to use the script phpMailer to execute the code because I heard it was the best one. Anways here is what I have so far. I am missing alot because I had no clue what to do. <?php require("class.phpmailer.php"); $holder = mysql_connect("localhost", "user", "password"); mysql_select_db("database", $holder); // NEED TO FIX THIS // Need to get ALL of the auction id's where the end time is less than 3 hours and the notification hasn't already been sent // $auctionid = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM auctions WHERE DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 3 HOUR) <= end_time AND notification = 0", $holder); // get the auction title of EACH of the auctions selected above which is not stored in the auctions table but in the products table..will be used for body of email /// AGAIN, NEED THIS TO GET ME ALL OF THE NAMES OF AUCTIONS THAT ARE ENDING IN 3 HOURS// $auctiontitle = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM products LEFT JOIN auctions ON auctions.product_id=products.id WHERE auctions.id = $auctionid", $holder); // PROBABLY NEED TO FIX THIS // Need to get ALL of the email addresses who have ANY of the above auction ids on their watchlist // $email = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM users LEFT JOIN watchlists ON users.id=watchlists.user_id WHERE watchlists.auction_id = $auctionid", $holder); // Update the auctions table. Turn notification to 1 so the notification for that auction can't be sent again // AGAIN NEED THIS FOR ALL OF THE AUCTIONS ENDING IN 3 HOURS // $query1="UPDATE auctions SET notification = '1' WHERE id = '$auctionid'"; mysql_query($query1) or die(mysql_error()); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->From = "no-reply@domain.com"; $mail->FromName = "Site Name"; // Getting and error message for the foreach but I saw a similar example and this is what I was told to do // NEED THIS TO ADD EACH OF THE EMAIL ADDRESSES INDIVIDUALLY // foreach ( $email as $recipients ) { $mail->AddAddress ($recipients); } $mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap to 50 characters $mail->IsHTML(true); // set email format to HTML $mail->Subject = "Your Watched Auction is Ending Soon"; // Sample Body // WANT TO DISPLAY THE TITLE OF THE AUCTION (NAME OF PRODUCT) FOR THE AUCTION ID USING $auctiontile FROM ABOVE // $mail->Body = "Your auction titled $auctiontile is ending soon"; // Same as above // $mail->AltBody = Your auction titled $auctiontile is ending soon"; if(!$mail->Send()) { echo "Message could not be sent."; echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo; exit; } echo "Message has been sent"; ?>
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