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Everything posted by Micro22

  1. As I have said above.. the rest of it works.. and i gave an example of where i used the code and it not working.. which is the exact code from my site.. but if you wish to see the rest of my session handler: common.php: $sessionLifetime = get_cfg_var("session.gc_maxlifetime"); function sess_regen_id() { $old = session_id(); session_regenerate_id(); sess_destroy($old); } function sess_open($who, $cares) { return true; } function sess_close() { return true; } function sess_read($sess_id) { global $DB; $sql = "SELECT `session_data` FROM `sessions` WHERE session_id = '".$sess_id."' AND session_agent = '".$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]."' AND session_expire > '".time()."';"; $query = $DB->query($sql); if($DB->num_rows($query) > 0) { $r = $DB->fetch($query); return $r['session_data']; } return ''; } function sess_write($sess_id, $sess_data) { global $DB, $sessionLifetime; $query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM `sessions` WHERE `session_id` = '". $sess_id ."';"); if($DB->num_rows($query) > 0) { $DB->query("UPDATE `sessions` SET `session_data` = '". $sess_data ."', `session_expire` = '". (time() + $sessionLifetime) ."' WHERE `session_id` = '". $sess_id ."';"); if($DB->affected() > 0) return true; return false; } else { $DB->query("INSERT INTO `sessions`(`session_id`, `session_data`, `session_expire`, `session_agent`, `session_ip`) VALUES ('". $sess_id ."', '". $sess_data ."', '". (time() + $sessionLifetime) ."', '". $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ."', '". $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ."');"); if($DB->affected() > 0) return ''; return false; } return false; } function sess_destroy($sess_id) { global $DB; $DB->query("DELETE FROM `sessions` WHERE `session_id` = '". $sess_id ."';"); if($DB->affected() > 0) return true; return false; } function sess_gc($limit) { global $DB; $DB->query("DELETE FROM `sessions` WHERE `session_expire` > '". (time() - $limit) ."';"); if($DB->affected() > 0) return true; return false; } session_set_save_handler("sess_open", "sess_close", "sess_read", "sess_write", "sess_destroy", "sess_gc"); register_shutdown_function('session_write_close'); session_start(); the database class i am using i know works.. and in this scope it works as again it works with the other functions.. also again as i said above no errors are thrown. (before you say i don't check for errors on the queries my DB class handles that). the $_SESSION should be global by default.. and simply commenting all of the above code out works with the default PHP session handler so it's not a scope problem for $_SESSION (which is used directly after this file is included anyway) i will include the code i used again to test all of this: index.php require_once './common.php'; var_dump($_SESSION); // outputs array(0) {} if(!isset($_SESSION['count'])) $_SESSION['count'] = 0; else $_SESSION['count']++; echo $_SESSION['count']; // outputs 0 everytime // rest of code. since session_start() is in common.php it is running before the sessions are being called.. and the auto start is not on for PHP sessions.
  2. I thought i included this above, but i guess i missed it. I tried both with and without settype there.. infact it was a recent addition as to a reason why it wasn't working.
  3. Hey guys, I have been banging my head against a wall here with this. I am saving my sessions in my database via session_set_save_handler(). So let me walk you through what I have here, what works, and what the issue seems to be. basically, the problem is the $_SESSION array is empty on page load. common.php: I have the open / close / read / write / destroy / and gc functions. These all work properly as when i use a session variable it stores into the database and i can see all of the information in there.. inside of common.php i have session_start().. I am positive that the session_start() is running becasue common.php is included into index.php and i tried adding session_start() to index.php again and i got an E_NOTICE saying the session already began. (yes, for the read function i am returning a string... i included that below). for the table itself, i have set the session_data as both text and blob, same issue with both. index.php: includes common.php. I know it's included as other aspects of the file are included and work properly. if i call var_dump($_SESSION) i get an empty array. and i prited out the session_id() and it matched my session id in the database. and the values that are stored in there are correct. i have for example: count|i:0 now with that value actually in the database and when calling session_id() and i get the ID that matches in the table. so i will get an E_NOTICE of an undefined index.. i was trying something like: if(!isset($_SESSION['count'])) $_SESSION['count'] = 0; else $_SESSION['count']++; echo $_SESSION['count']; Everytime the page is reloaded, count is reset to 0.. I can tell that it is reset to 0 as the expired time changes in the database after every load of the page (which is part of the write function). I double checked that it wasn't a problem for some reason with the ++ by adding in a variable that sets to 1 when in the if, and 0 if in the else, and it always outputs a 1. i have included here my read function since that apparently is the issue.. function sess_read($sess_id) { global $DB; $sql = "SELECT `session_data` FROM `sessions` WHERE session_id = '".$sess_id."' AND session_agent = '".$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]."' AND session_expire > '".time()."';"; $query = $DB->query($sql); if($DB->num_rows($query) > 0) { $r = $DB->fetch($query); return settype($r['session_data'], 'string'); } return ''; } I tried also with removing the agent and expire check to see if it was an issue there but same problem. I probably have missed something really dumb but i can't for the life of me figure it out and I have googled around for a similar issue. The actual output of the page is correct.. all of the HTML and CSS information loads properly.. no errors are reported (and i have E_ALL on). Thanks
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