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  1. gmp_init('2654435769'); crashes apache with vc-9 php/apache too, I will have to code something in c/c++ that does all that the php code was doing, so it gets called only once. Crap!
  2. I won't use 64 bits :/ and yes I needed to use floatval because I'm running on 32 bit. mysql uses 64 bit integers even on 32 bit systems, I tried this function to do all the calculations, but as said before I got the same result as mcrypt_decrypt instead of the same result as c++ function my_op($a, $b, $op) { global $mysqli; $result = $mysqli->query('SELECT CAST((CAST('.$a.' '.$op.' '.$b.' AS UNSIGNED INTEGER) & 0xFFFFFFFF) AS UNSIGNED INTEGER)'); $row = $result->fetch_row(); return $row[0]; } I still haven't been able to get php-vc9 to test with gmp extension, I'll post result when I get it. Thanks for interest.
  3. I tried to do it with mysql CAST and bitwise operators XD, I got the same result as with mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_XTEA, $key ,$string, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB); still not correct. I'm waiting this page is available(http://windows.php.net/download/) so I can try with php-VC9 and the gmp module, but I imagine I will get the same results : <
  4. Because of my code changed, now I have to use unpack, and with it I had to use floatval, so I just noticed until now, that I was using floats and I think the operands are not float compatible, I run php on 32 bit os. Probably that is the problem, using floats. I'm using a sample encrypted string of 8 characters long for easier testing. Encrypted chars: 33,112,187,46,81,81,246,60 correctly decrypted chars: 30,0,140,13,152,152,0,100 my_xtea decrypted chars: 99,152,220,80,152,9,159,226 function my_xtea($s, $key) { $delta = 0x9E3779B9; $sum = $delta * 32; $v0 = floatval(unpack('N', substr($s, 0, 4))); $v1 = floatval(unpack('N', substr($s, 4, 4))); for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++) { $v1 = $v1 - (((($v0 << 4) ^ ($v0 >> 5)) + $v0) ^ ($sum + $key[($sum>>11) & 3])); $sum = $sum - $delta; $v0 = $v0 - (((($v1 << 4) ^ ($v1 >> 5)) + $v1) ^ ($sum + $key[$sum & 3])); } $ret = pack('N*', $v0, $v1); return $ret; } $key = array(floatval('3027993532'), floatval('2715151340'), floatval('1391262992'), floatval('909125560')); $tmp = my_xtea(chr(33).chr(112).chr(187).chr(46).chr(81).chr(81).chr(246).chr(60), $key); echo ord($tmp[0]).','.ord($tmp[1]).','.ord($tmp[2]).','.ord($tmp[3]).','.ord($tmp[4]).','.ord($tmp[5]).','.ord($tmp[6]).','.ord($tmp[7]).'<br />';
  5. I had similar problem some weeks ago, this should work for you <?php function add_dir_data($dir) { global $result; $d = dir($dir); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if ($entry === '.' || $entry === '..') { continue; } if (is_dir($entry)) { add_dir_data($entry); } elseif (strtolower(substr($entry, -4)) === '.mp3') { $result[] = array('track_name'=>utf8_encode(substr($entry, 0, -4)),'location'=>utf8_encode($d->path.'/'.$entry)); } } $d->close(); } $result = array(); add_dir_data('f'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var list = <?php echo json_encode($result); ?>; </script> If you have an outdated version of php(less than 5.2) you probably won't have json_encode, so maybe you can try function __json_encode listed on comments @ http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-encode.php
  6. I'm decrypting much more data now and I can't rely on cache anymore, I already tried pear classes and other classes found online but most of them can't even encrypt and decrypt some string data correctly. I will test with mcrypt again, maybe I missed something but please help
  7. I came up with an optimization that will help me a bit because I'm using some repeated strings, I'm saving the result of the c++ program on files with length-md5-crc32-sha1 as filenames, performance improve is around 25 times on those strings, I still have to process many strings but this helps a lot.
  8. Sighs, I tried with php gmp functions now, I get crashes with no error on apache error log. Guess it will have to stay in c++, but I'm decoding a lot so it will be really shitty.
  9. I'm decoding some strings that were encoded by someone else, I have the key and already made a decoder in C++ and it is working but I want to avoid call "exec". For now I've tried to use mcrypt_decrypt (mcrypt Version 2.5. with all possible options but none gives correct results, compared to the correct c++ .exe results. I tried to "convert" the function to PHP around 6 times but none worked, I'm sure there is something I'm missing or I don't know about. This is the working decoder function in c++: void XTEADecode(LPCVOID lpBuffer, int dwSize, DWORD *lpXteaKey) { LPDWORD lpPtr = (LPDWORD)lpBuffer; int j; for(j=0; j<dwSize; j=j+{ unsigned long v0=*lpPtr, v1=*(lpPtr+1), i; unsigned long delta=0x9E3779B9, sum=delta*32; for(i=0; i<32; i++) { v1 -= ((v0 << 4 ^ v0 >> 5) + v0) ^ (sum + lpXteaKey[sum>>11 & 3]); sum -= delta; v0 -= ((v1 << 4 ^ v1 >> 5) + v1) ^ (sum + lpXteaKey[sum & 3]); } *lpPtr=v0; *(lpPtr+1)=v1; lpPtr+=2; } } Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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