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  1. Is this a difficult problem to solve? Or perhaps I posted in the wrong subforum? Could someone point me to where perhaps would be a better place to post this question? Thank you!
  2. Hello all! So I am working on screen scraping a site for my son's rec league. I seem to be having problem with the pre_match_all syntax. Here is my code <?php $url = "http://www.mywebsite.com"; $raw = file_get_contents($url); $newlines = array("\t","\n","\r","\x20\x20","\0","\x0B"); $content = str_replace($newlines, "", html_entity_decode($raw)); $start = strpos($content,'table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"'); $end = strpos($content,'</table>',$start) + 8; $table = substr($content,$start,$end-$start); preg_match_all("|<tr(.*)</tr>|U",$table,$rows); foreach ($rows[0] as $row){ if ((strpos($row,'<th')===false)){ preg_match_all("|<td(.*)</td>|U",$row,$cells); $game_date = strip_tags($cells[0][0]); $game_time = strip_tags($cells[0][1]); $rink = strip_tags($cells[0][2]); $home_team = strip_tags($cells[0][3]); $home_score = strip_tags($cells[0][4]); $visiting_team = strip_tags($cells[0][5]); $visiting_score = strip_tags($cells[0][6]); echo "{$game_date} @ {$game_time} : [{$home_team}] - {$home_score} vs. [{$visiting_team}] - {$visiting_score} <br>\n"; } } ?> My issue is that I am trying to get it to only display the data if the team name = x. I tried to replace the preg_match_all("|<td(.*)</td>|U",$row,$cells); with preg_match_all("|Posse|U",$row,$cells); (Posse is one of the team names). No luck. Any input/thoughts?! Thank you!!
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