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Everything posted by l4ci

  1. The page main idea is to provide an icon database ONLY for a special theme for the iphone, and it's mainly used from people that come from a forum where they search for these icons, so I don't want to explain complete strangers what the site is about - wouldn't make sence. You mean I shouldn't divide the different thing you can do by slash marks but comas?! Next time you need an icon for your iphone - themed suave There will be the option to show all available icons & download them all in a zip archive later. Thanks for your feedback! =)
  2. Thanks for your feedback and I hope you get well soon Yeah, I was thinking about that - thin line is a good idea! Well if you read the about page, means you found it - so you know what the page is about It shouldn't be that serious, just s place to read some news/tech/apple/fun/geek related stuff. I didnt create an iphone app for it - but the site has a special mobile version for smartphones/iphones. To create a iphone app I believe you need to learn another language than php/mysql javascript - a good article how to get started: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/08/11/how-to-create-your-first-iphone-application/
  3. Hey guys, would love to get some feedback on my new blog design http://chirpysnail.net/ It should be simple, minimalistic, easy to read, and yeah... cool somehow. What do you think?
  4. Idea moved on already, its now: iosiconfinder.com
  5. Added a testaccount, so you don't have to register to view member features: nick: Testuser password: test123
  6. Hello forum, I've just nearly alpha finished my newest project: EBOSH what a nothing-saying and silly name I know - but this is just the codename for now until I come up with something better. (Suggestions for a name?) What this project is about etc etc can already be read on the page. Not everything is working, but if you'd like to test the page with all it's functions just register (Option to delete your account is already implemented). I would like to get some feedback related to: - Design - Colors - Size - Images - Readability - overall experience NOT feedback about: - Its not working with javascript disabled -> I know that, I am using lesscss and jquery, so the page with javascript is supposed to NOT WORK. Currently it's hosted here: http://ebosh.net63.net/ Thank you! =)
  7. its working now again ... why? Don't know why! Post can be deleted! thanks
  8. Hey guys, Problem: php script keeps loading and i dont know why. What I've done so far is commenting out line-by-line so I found out that the problem is somewhere here: <div id="wrapper"> <div id="inner"> <div id="top"> <?php require 'basic/logo.php';?> <?php require 'basic/header.php';?> </div> its not working - keeps loading. Commenting out the 'required' stuff it works... error_reporting(E_ALL); is on... what the hell is the problem?! the files are there in /basic. Just dont know any further!
  9. urlencode() does the trick anway if someone needs to convert a string into an asci string and back here you go: Convert into ASCII: $wort = trim(stripslashes($wort)); $c = strlen($wort); $asci = ""; $i = 0; while($i<=$c){ if($i != $c){ $asci .= ord($wort[$i]); if($i+1 != $c){ $asci .= "_"; } } $i++; } $query = $asci; Convert back: $asci = trim($asci); $array = explode("_",$asci); $string = ""; foreach ($array as $value){ $string .= chr($value); }
  10. Hey there, wondering if anyone knows what this topic will be about okay lets start: I have a search function on my site. Basically I do this: if $_POST -> redirect ?search=$_POST if $_GET['search'] - > sql_query($search); Of course I am working with functions like mysql_real_escape_string - addslashes - htmlspecialchars , but I have the following problem: when redirecting chars like & % ? ! kill my $_GET var. Which function solves this? My solution: I convert every char in $_POST into an ascii code -> redirect ?search=$ascii_codes convert back into $string and do safe search.
  11. Yes I know, the content is not even finished yet, so everything will get corrected First: thank you.. but what do you mean with I took your advice? I think you are talking about getminecraft NET which is not my site Yea some minecraft stuff is missing, but its hard to fit pixel art in such a design... but I will try.
  12. Mh you mean the navigation links, or the links in content area? if(navigation links){ #navigation should not really be too big, because visitors should follow the steps via the buttons # e.g. clicking on 'Sounds good? Make the first step' rather than clicking 'Play minecraft' in the navigation }else{ # okay, but as big as the headlines?! }
  13. The Page was updated with a few design & content changes. Any feedback/critique yet? (21 views already)
  14. Hello forum, I am wondering what you people think about my new website. Or better: I would like to get critique GETMINECRAFT.COM What is this going to be? My plans are to make this site a easy to use and get started page for any minecraft newbie. In some simple steps the unaware-of-minecraft-visitor should be able to get to know minecraft, get to understand it and find links to server/wikis/etc that help him find the right way into the minecraft community. Why in steps and not as link-collection/landing page? Link collections tend to grow and grow with more links, less or more important, dead links etc. And after a while noone know what to click and how to keep everything clean and userfriendly. By using step-by-steps the visitor doesnt see tons of links on the first page, he gets to it right at the time he needs them. Your feedback! I would love to get some feedback, even though you shouldn't see the page as finished yet. Look at it as BETA. Thanks for reading, visiting, feedbacking or even spreading the link.
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