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  1. In theory what I want is to have a object with an array of objects that consists of the same class but I do not know how to do it. I don't even know if it is possible. To better explain it I have thought of an example; I have an object called Cube. Inside the Cube can be multiple Cubes and inside those Cubes can also be multiple Cubes. The levels must be infinite. How will I do this in PHP and how will I initiate every Cube inside each other? I am new to PHP OOP but not OOP in general. I do understand the basic concept of OOP. Here is how my codes looks at the moment. The reason I might be struggling is because I'm use to declare arrays and that isn't done in PHP. class.bucket.inc.php <?php class Cube { private $_name; public $_cubes; public function __construct($name) { $this->_name = $name; } public function setName($name) { $this->_name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->_name; } public function __toString() { return $this->_name; } } ?> index.php <?php $cube_one = new Cube('one'); $cube_one->_cubes = array(); $cube_two = new Cube('two'); $cube_two->_cubes = array(); $cube_one->_cubes[0] = new Cube('one_one'); $cube_one->_cubes[1] = new Cube('one_two'); $cube_one->_cubes[2] = new Cube('one_three'); $cube_two->_cubes[0] = new Cube('two_one'); $cube_two->_cubes[1] = new Cube('two_two'); ?> Am I doing it right? Eventually, the result I want must be something like this. <cube id="one"> <cube id="one_one"> </cube> <cube id="one_two"> </cube> <cube id="one_three"> </cube> </cube> <cube id="two"> <cube id="two_one"> </cube> <cube id="two_two"> </cube> </cube> Thanks, Fanus
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