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  1. Maybe something like this? Use an array to list all 50 states then use a foreach loop to display: <? $states = array( 'Arizona', 'New York', ....... ); foreach( $states as $value ) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE source = '$value'") or die(mysql_error()); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo "<a href='/state/$value/'>$value</a> ($num_rows)<br>"; } ?> I'm not positive this will work though, haven't checked.
  2. Heya, i'm a noob looking for some criticism on a bit of code that I wrote. I'm trying to form a function for updating records within a database. I've just recently learned about prepared statements so i'm trying to implement them into my existing code for security reasons. The problem that i'm having with using a function is that I have to pass the table names through variables which can't be used as a parameter for the PS. Therefore leaving me with the question: should I be using a function for this or should I just have multiple PS's throughout my code? Below is what I currently have running. Throughout my code I have arrays generated by forms: if( isset($_POST['edit']) ) { foreach( $_POST as $var => $value ) { $fields[] = $var; $vars[] = $value; } } Then I send the arrays to the function: update( database, table, $fields, $vars, field, null, null, $field, null, null, 'ORDER BY id', 'LIMIT 1', 1 ); Function: function update( $database, $table, $fields, $vars, $field1, $field2, $field3, $value1, $value2, $value3, $order, $limit, $num ) { $database = database( $database ); $table = table( $table ); $order = order( $order ); $limit = limit( $limit ); $num = intval( $num ); $db = new mysqli( 'localhost', '*', '*', $database ); $stmt = $db->stmt_init(); $arraySize = count( $fields ); for( $int = 0; $int < $arraySize; $int++ ) { if( checkInt( $fields[$int], $vars[$int] ) ) { $vars[$int] = intval( $vars[$int] ); $par1 = "i"; } else { $par1 = "s"; } if( $num == 1 ) { if( checkInt( $field1, $value1 ) ) { $value1 = intval( $value1 ); $par2 = "i"; } else { $par2 = "s"; } if( $vars[$int] != 'Submit' ) { $stmt->prepare( "UPDATE $table SET $fields[$int] = ? WHERE $field1 = ? $order $limit" ); $stmt->bind_param( "$par1$par2", $vars[$int], $value1 ); $stmt->execute(); } } } $stmt->close(); $db->close(); } I was told to hardcode all of the variables not being prepared. I'm not positive this is actually helpful though. Any input here would be appreciated. (i've done this for $database, $table, $order, $limit, $num: function table( $value ) { if( empty( $value ) ) { break; } else { $tables = array( 'comments', 'results' ); $key = array_search( $value, $tables ); return $tables[$key]; } } I guess i'm asking if this is OK or am I heading down the wrong direction. I hear using classes is a better solucion but i'm having trouble trying to understand how to use them. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
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