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Everything posted by fatmach

  1. Hi guys, i have a little problem was wondering if anybody can help me out,.. i cant seem to understand why this keeps popping up Fatal error: Cannot redeclare CSQLAdmin::$functions in /home/chekweb1/public_html/propretymanagement/lib/sqladmin.php on line 31 <?php class CSQLAdmin extends CLibrary { /** * description * * @var type * * @access type */ var $form; /** * description * * @var type * * @access type */ var $functions; /** * description functions list which will be executed in variouse points of sqladmin * * @var type * * @access type */ var $functions; function CSQLAdmin($section , $templates , $db , $tables , $extra = "") { global $_CONF; if (!$_GET["page"]) $_GET["page"] = 1; parent::CLibrary("SQLAdmin"); //checking if the templates are orblects or path to a template file if (!is_array($templates)) //if path the load the tempmate form that file $this->templates = array("generic_form" => new CTemplate($templates)); else $this->templates = $templates; $this->db = $db; $this->tables = $tables; //extra variables to be passed to cform $this->extra = $extra; //loading the forms , changed the varialbes locations, but still keeping the compatibility $path = ($_CONF["forms"]["adminpath"] ? $_CONF["forms"]["adminpath"] : $_CONF["formspath"] ); if (dirname($section)) { $path .= dirname($section) . "/" ; $section = basename($section); } //debuging part if (defined("PB_DEBUG") && (PB_DEBUG == "1")) echo "<br>FILE:SQLADMIN:MAIN:{$path}{$section}.xml"; $conf = new CConfig( $path . $section . ".xml"); $this->forms = $conf->vars["form"]; //loading the edit/add forms if (is_array($this->forms["forms"])) { foreach ($this->forms["forms"] as $key => $val) { unset($conf); //debuging part // if (defined("PB_DEBUG") && PB_DEBUG == "1") // echo "<br>FILE:SQLADMIN:SECTION:{$path}{$section}.xml"; $conf = new CConfig($path . $val ); $this->forms["forms"][$key] = $conf->vars["form"]; //adding the tables $this->forms["forms"][$key]["table"] = $this->forms["table"]; $this->forms["forms"][$key]["table_uid"] = $this->forms["table_uid"]; $this->forms["forms"][$key]["xmlfile"] = $path . $val ; } } $this->form = new CForm($this->templates["generic_form"], &$db , &$tables); } /** * description * * @param * * @return * * @access */ function FormList($items = "") { global $base; //checking if hte values weren't inputed ion the main object if (is_array($this->items)) { $items = $this->items; } //crap, preexecute a function, which is suposed in some times to preload the items too if (is_array($this->functions["list"]["pre"])) call_user_func($this->functions["list"]["pre"], &$items , &$items_count); //if i got no elements from preloader functions, then i load it manualy if (!is_array($items)) { //cheking if is a normal browse or a search method if (isset($this->forms["uridata"]["search"]) && ($_GET[$this->forms["uridata"]["action"]] == $this->forms["uridata"]["search"])) { $items = $this->db->QuerySelectLimit($this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["list"]["table"]],"*", "`" . $_GET["what"] . "` " . ( $_GET["type"] == "int" ? "='" . $_GET["search"] . "'" : "LIKE '%" . $_GET["search"] . "%'"),(int) $_GET["page"],$this->forms["forms"]["list"]["items"]); $count = $this->db->RowCount($this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["list"]["table"]] , " WHERE `" . $_GET["what"] . "` " . ( $_GET["type"] == "int" ? "='" . $_GET["search"] . "'" : "LIKE '%" . $_GET["search"] . "%'")); } else { $items = $this->db->QuerySelectLimit($this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["list"]["table"]],"*","",(int) $_GET["page"],$this->forms["forms"]["list"]["items"]); $count = $this->db->RowCount($this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["list"]["table"]]); } } $_GET["page"] = $_GET["page"] ? $_GET["page"] : 1; //auto index the element $start = $this->forms["forms"]["list"]["items"] * ($_GET["page"] - 1 ); if (is_array($items)) { foreach ($items as $key => $val) { $items[$key]["_count"] = ++$start; } } //$data = new CForm($this->templates["generic_form"], &$this->db , &$this->tables); return $this->form->SimpleList($this->forms["forms"]["list"] , $items , $count , $this->extra["list"]); } /** * description * * @param * * @return * * @access */ function SetFunction( $form , $event , $function) { $this->functions[$form][$event] = $function; } /** * description * * @param * * @return * * @access */ function ListProcess($pre = "" , $after = "" ) { $this->functions["list"]["pre"] = $pre; $this->functions["list"]["after"] = $after; } /** * description * * @param * * @return * * @access */ function StoreRecord($redirect = true) { global $base, $_CONF; //validating the input data if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { //doing a autodetect for storing type , edit or add //if $_GET["type"] is set is simple, else detecting after the id form if (!isset($_GET["type"])) { if ($_POST[$this->forms["table_uid"]]) $_GET["type"] = "edit"; else $_GET["type"] = "add"; } //if validation succeeds then i move the files from /tmp to their directory, else i will proceed to add //precheck for uploaded files, like temporary images, etc. $form = $this->forms["forms"][$_GET["type"]]; if (is_array($form["fields"])) { foreach ($form["fields"] as $key => $val) { switch ($val["type"]) { case "date": $_POST[$key] = mktime ( $_POST[$key . "_hour"] , $_POST[$key . "_minute"] , $_POST[$key . "_second"] , $_POST[$key. "_month"] , $_POST[$key. "_day"] , $_POST[$key. "_year"]); break; case "droplist": if ($val["subtype"] == "multiple") { //detect the fields which should be available for this field if (is_array($_POST)) { foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { if (strstr($k , $key . "_option_")) { $option[] = $v; } } //ok, now build the result if (is_array($option)) { $_POST[$key] = implode($val["tree"]["db_separator"],$option); } else { $_POST[$key] = ""; } } else { } } break; case "upload": $file = true; case "image": unset($_POST[$key]); //checking how choosed the client to set the image switch ($_POST[$key . "_radio_type"]) { case 0: //checking if the client specified any image type if (is_array($_FILES[$key . "_upload_client"]) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$key . "_upload_client"]["tmp_name"])) { $img = &$_FILES[$key . "_upload_client"]; //temporary upload the file in images/upload/tmp/ $name = $_POST[$key . "_temp"] != "" ? $_POST[$key . "_temp"] : $val["file"]["default"] . time() . $val["file"]["ext"]; @move_uploaded_file($img["tmp_name"] , $_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $name ); // generate the tn image if ($val["tn"]["generate"] == "true") { $base->image->Resize( $_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $name , $_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $val["tn"]["preffix"] . $name , $val["tn"]["width"] ); $_POST["tn_" . $key] = "1"; } //setting read/delete/save permission for all users, usefull if the httpd is working as normal user ( most cases ) chmod ($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $name , 0777); // die; //setting the temp variable $_fields["values"][$key . "_temp"] = $name; $_POST[$key . "_temp"] = $name; $_POST[$key . "_file"] = $_FILES[$key . "_upload_client"]["name"]; $_POST[$key] = "1"; } break; case "1": //, the guy wants to download a ing image if ($_POST[$key . "_upload_web"] != "http://") { //i have to be very carefully here, if the image is not a valid link, then //everithing get messed. $image = @GetFileContents($_POST[$key . "_upload_web"]); $name = $_POST[$key . "_temp"] != "" ? $_POST[$key . "_temp"] : $val["file"]["default"] . time() . $val["file"]["ext"]; SaveFileContents( $_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $name , $image); chmod ($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $name , 0777); // generate the tn image if ($val["tn"]["generate"] == "true") { @$base->image->Resize( $_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $name , $_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $val["tn"]["preffix"] . $name , $val["tn"]["width"] ); $_POST["tn_" . $key] = "1"; } //setting the temp variable $_fields["values"][$key . "_temp"] = $name; $_POST[$key . "_temp"] = $name; $_POST[$key . "_file"] = basename($_POST[$key . "_upload_web"]); $_POST[$key] = "1"; } break; case "-1": // echo "<pre style=\"background-color:white\">"; // print_r($_POST); // die; //trying to remove the tmp image is exists if (file_exists($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $_POST[$key . "_temp"]) && is_file($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $_POST[$key . "_temp"])) @unlink($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $_POST[$key . "_temp"]); //removing the original image too if exists else @unlink($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . $val["path"] . $val["file"]["default"] . $_POST[$val["file"]["field"]] . $val["file"]["ext"]); $_fields["values"][$key . "_radio_type"] = 0; $_POST[$key] = 0; $_fields["values"][$key . "_temp"] = ""; $_POST[$key . "_temp"] = ""; $_POST[$key . "_file"] = ""; break; } //hm ... checking if that IS A REAL IMAGE if ($_POST[$key . "_temp"] && !$file) { $img = @GetImageSize($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $_POST[$key . "_temp"]); if (!is_array($img)) { //removing the image, maybe in future return the er a proper answer //echo "MOHHHHH"; @unlink($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $_POST[$key . "_temp"]); $_POST[$key . "_temp"] = ""; $_POST[$key] = 0; } } break; } } } //force for no validation sometimes if ($_GET["FORMvalidate"] == "false") $fields = ""; else $fields = $this->form->Validate($this->forms["forms"][$_GET["type"]] , $_POST); if (!is_array($fields)) { //adding to database if (!$_POST[$this->forms["forms"]["add"]["table_uid"]]) { $id = $this->db->QueryInsert($this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["add"]["table"]] , $_POST); $_POST[$this->forms["forms"]["add"]["table_uid"]] = $id; } else { $this->db->QueryUpdate($this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table"]] , $_POST , "`" . $this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"] . "`='" . $_POST[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"]] . "'" ); $id = $_POST[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"]]; } //data stored, taking care of uploade files/images, etc if (is_array($form["fields"])) { foreach ($form["fields"] as $key => $val) { switch ($val["type"]) { case "upload": case "image": //checking if is really e file, else if no tmp is set then it can be the folder where are stored the values if (is_file($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $_POST[$key . "_temp"])) { //moving the image stored in temp variable //check if the file already exists if (is_file($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . $val["path"] . $val["file"]["default"] . $_POST[$val["file"]["field"]] . $val["file"]["ext"])) { @unlink($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . $val["path"] . $val["file"]["default"] . $_POST[$val["file"]["field"]] . $val["file"]["ext"]); } @rename( $_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $_POST[$key . "_temp"] , $_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . $val["path"] . $val["file"]["default"] . $_POST[$val["file"]["field"]] . $val["file"]["ext"] ); // generate the tn image if ($val["tn"]["generate"] == "true") { @rename( $_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $val["tn"]["preffix"] . $_POST[$key . "_temp"] , $_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . $val["path"] . $val["tn"]["preffix"] . $val["file"]["default"] . $_POST[$val["file"]["field"]] . $val["file"]["ext"] ); } //setting the image as true $_POST[$key] = 1; //updateing the database $this->db->QueryUpdate($this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table"]] , $_POST , "`" . $this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"] . "`='" . $_POST[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"]] . "'" ); } break; default: if (is_array($val["file"])) SaveFileContents($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . $val["file"]["path"] . $val["file"]["default"] . $_POST[$val["file"]["field"]] . $val["file"]["ext"] , $_POST[$key] ); break; } } } if (!$_GET["type"]) { $_GET["type"] = $_POST[$this->forms["forms"]["table_uid"]] ? "edit" : "add"; } $this->templates["generic_form"]->blocks["Temp"]->input = $this->forms["forms"][$_GET["type"]]["redirect"]; //replacing the values //die($this->templates["generic_form"]->blocks["Temp"]->Replace($_POST)); if ($_GET["returnURL"]) { header("Location:" . urldecode($_GET["returnURL"])); exit; } if ($redirect == true) { header("Location: " . CryptLink($this->templates["generic_form"]->blocks["Temp"]->Replace(array_merge($_GET,$_POST)))); exit; } else { return true; } } } else { die("ARGH!!!"); //redirecting to list page header("Location:" . str_replace("&action=store" , "" , $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])); exit; } if (is_array($_fields["values"])) $fields["values"] = array_merge($fields["values"], $_fields["values"]); return $this->form->Show($this->forms["forms"][$_GET["type"]] , $fields); } /** * description * * @param * * @return * * @access */ function RestoreURI($section) { if (is_array($_GET)) { foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) { $out[$key] = $key . "=" . $val; } $out[$this->forms["uridata"]["action"]] = $this->forms["uridata"]["action"] . "=" . $this->forms["uridata"][$section]; unset($out[$this->forms["table_uid"]]); return CryptLink($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] . "?" . implode("&" , $out)); //return $_ } } /** * description * * @param * * @return * * @access */ function DoEvents($section = "" , $extra = "" , $values = "") { global $base , $_CONF; if (is_array($extra)) { $this->extra = array_merge($this->extra , $extra); } switch ($_GET[$this->forms["uridata"]["action"]]) { case $this->forms["uridata"]["delete"]: if (($_GET["rconfirm"] == "true")&&($_GET["confirmed"] != "true")) { return $this->templates["generic_form"]->blocks["DeleteItem"]->Replace(array( "title" => $_GET["title"] ? urldecode($_GET["title"]) : "Delete Item", "description" => $_GET["description"] ? urldecode($_GET["description"]) : "Are you sure you want to delete this record?", "return" => urldecode($_GET["returnURL"]), "cancel_location" => urldecode($_GET["returnURL"]), "delete_location" => $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "&confirmed=true" )); } //searching for element $data = $this->db->QFetchArray("SELECT * FROM `" . $this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table"]] . "` WHERE `" . $this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"] . "`='" . $_GET[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"]] . "'" ); //checking if this is a valid data if (is_array($data)) { $this->db->Query("DELETE FROM `" . $this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table"]] . "` WHERE `" . $this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"] . "`='" . $_GET[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"]] . "'" ); } if ($_GET["returnURL"]) { header("Location: " . CryptLink(urldecode($_GET["returnURL"]))); exit; } else { header("Location:" . $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]/*$this->RestoreURI("list")*/); exit; } break; case $this->forms["uridata"]["store"]: return $this->StoreRecord(); break; case $this->forms["uridata"]["add"]: $fields["values"] = $values; return $this->form->Show($this->forms["forms"]["add"] , $fields , $this->extra["add"]); break; case $this->forms["uridata"]["edit"]: //searching for element $data = $values["edit"] ? $values["edit"] : $this->db->QFetchArray("SELECT * FROM `" . $this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table"]] . "` WHERE `" . $this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"] . "`='" . $_GET[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"]] . "'" ); //checking if this is a valid data if (is_array($data)) { $fields["values"] = $data; return $this->form->Show($this->forms["forms"]["edit"] , $fields , $this->extra["edit"]); } header("Location:" . $this->RestoreURI("list")); exit; break; case $this->forms["uridata"]["details"]: //searching for element $data = $this->db->QFetchArray("SELECT * FROM `" . $this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table"]] . "` WHERE `" . $this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"] . "`='" . $_GET[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"]] . "'" ); //checking if this is a valid data if (is_array($data)) { $fields["values"] = $data; return $this->form->Show($this->forms["forms"]["details"] , $fields, $this->extra["details"]); } header("Location:" . $this->RestoreURI("list")); exit; break; case $this->forms["uridata"]["search"]: case $this->forms["uridata"]["list"]: default: return $this->FormList($values["list"]); break; } } } ?>
  2. That makes alot of sence .. Cause to scrape every individual site would be crazy.. By looking at the sites code would you be able to tell me what database service they are using
  3. Hey, guys I'm coming to you today cause I need your brains for two seconds, I was surfing the web the other day and I wanted to know how www.onespout.com...is able to pull all the data from different deals through different web sites. It's something eve bean trying to figure out for a while and this site dud it perfectly. They have all the data,...what the deal tittle the price, the value, the time left... And it's like there scraping the data write of these websites pages. But I tried and it doesn't work like this site... Help me figure the code out thanks
  4. you think there is any other way, i tried learning regexp and its just to complicated for me to unferstand. ..
  5. More information on the job posting. I am looking to fetch information from daily deal website, Such as tuango.ca, socialliving.com, groupon.com...ect I want to retrieve data from different daily deal sites, and I want to retrieve all the deals of the day from each different city in the website. For example www.tuango.ca Has a deal a day in Montreal, Toronto,...ect I want to be apply to retrieve data from all the different location within the site. I want the script to fetch the data of deals. To be more clear I want the script to fetch What site the deal was on What location was it for What's the tittle of the deal What price is the deal What's the value of the deal What's the saving in percentage of the deal How much were sold What's the minimum amount of the deal before it becomes activated What's the company who did the deal Company address Company postal code Company phone number (there might be more categories..will talk more if you pass this stage of the interview process) Ones all this data is fetched I need it to automatically be store in a database. Every morning at 4:am (eastern time) I need it to run the script, because the days deals finish at midnight and it's the only way of getting a number of the total number of coupons sold. you'll usually see the final stats of the deal on their recent deals page of the website. I want to know how a site like http://onespout.com/deals/montreal did it.. I'm not asking somebody to do it for me I'm just asking someone to guide me in takeing the right steps
  6. i need someone tohelp me build a script that will fetch infomration on a website, and automatically input it into a database. I know its possible i have reaserached it, and it can be done by using the $curl php technique. it is not a coplicated job i just dont have time for it. i need the script to access diffrent website, at a specific time of day. i want the sript to automaticlly fetch the data from each site at a spesific time during the day. i really dont know where to start... any help will be apprecited. I managed to come up with this, but it does not do what i want <?php class tagSpider { var $crl; // this will hold our curl instance var $html; // this is where we dump the html we get var $binary; // set for binary type transfer var $url; // this is the url we are going to do a pass on function tagSpider() { $this->html = ""; $this->binary = 0; $this->url = ""; } function fetchPage($url) { $this->url = $url; if (isset($this->url)) { $this->ch = curl_init (); // start cURL instance curl_setopt ($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // this tells cUrl to return the data curl_setopt ($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->url); // set the url to download curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); // follow redirects if any curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, $this->binary); // tell cURL if the data is binary data or not $this->html = curl_exec($this->ch); // grabs the webpage from the internet curl_close ($this->ch); // closes the connection } } function parse_array($beg_tag, $close_tag) // this function takes the grabbed html and picked out the pieces we want { preg_match_all("($beg_tag.*$close_tag)siU", $this->html, $matching_data); // match data between specificed tags return $matching_data[0]; } } ?>
  7. hi i am not sure if i should be posting this problem hear.. so please direct me to the right place if i am. I am trying to create a application form, for people wanting to apply for a apartment. I managed to connect to the database set up table, even make the actual form. Know that everything is done i wanted to make it a little more interactive. I want the form to automatically show the price per month and the size of the apartment if the applicant choses apartment 1 on the form, or if he chooses apartment 2. a managed to tweak around with a filtering system by jquery but i am lost and tired, i wanted to know if there was something simple out there that could help me. Thank you so much for the help.
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