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  1. Mike, Disregard last email, I worked it out and managed to save the file in php format. It WORKS great. Thanks very much, you're a genius. much appreciated. Paul
  2. Can you attach it as a php file please..... even in a php editor it seems to stay on one line. thanks Paul
  3. I can't seem to copy and paste with it remaining in lines, it all goes together like a text file... any ideas?
  4. Thanks very much Mike, Initially I had an error with a not expected ) here:- else { dieWell("Your graphic is too wide! Please upload a smaller one."); unlink($realname); exit; } } so i removed the second bracket. However, it now tells me i have unexpected $end on the last line, which is the end php tag, so not sure what is wrong. Here is the image-inc.php file that I have now ammended... any idea why I am getting this error? <?php //////////////////////////// COPYRIGHT NOTICE ////////////////////////////// // This script is part of PhotoPost PHP, a software application by // // All Enthusiast, Inc. Use of any kind of part or all of this // // script or modification of this script requires a license from All // // Enthusiast, Inc. Use or modification of this script without a license // // constitutes Software Piracy and will result in legal action from All // // Enthusiast, Inc. All rights reserved. // // http://www.photopost.com legal@photopost.com // // Contributing Developer: Michael Pierce (danasoft.com) // // // // PhotoPost Copyright 2002, All Enthusiast, Inc. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function resize_jpeg( $image_file_path, $new_image_file_path, $max_width=480, $max_height=1600 ) { global $Globals; $return_val = 1; $image_stats = getimagesize( $image_file_path ); $FullImage_width = $image_stats[0]; $FullImage_height = $image_stats[1]; $img_type = $image_stats[2]; switch( $img_type ) { case 1: $src_img = ImageCreateFromGif($image_file_path); break; case 2: $src_img = ImageCreateFromJpeg($image_file_path); break; case 3: $src_img = ImageCreateFromPng($image_file_path); break; default: diewell("Sorry, this image type ($img_type) is not supported yet."); exit; } if ( !$src_img ) { diewell("Unable to create image [$image_file_path].<br>Please contact system administrator."); exit; } $ratio = ( $FullImage_width > $max_width ) ? (real)($max_width / $FullImage_width) : 1 ; $new_width = ((int)($FullImage_width * $ratio)); //full-size width $new_height = ((int)($FullImage_height * $ratio)); //full-size height $ratio = ( $new_height > $max_height ) ? (real)($max_height / $new_height) : 1 ; $new_width = ((int)($new_width * $ratio)); //mid-size width $new_height = ((int)($new_height * $ratio)); //mid-size height if ( $new_width == $FullImage_width && $new_height == $FullImage_height ) copy ( $image_file_path, $new_image_file_path ); if ( $Globals{'usegd'} == 1 ) { $full_id = ImageCreate( $new_width , $new_height ); ImageCopyResized( $full_id, $src_img, 0,0, 0,0, $new_width, $new_height, $FullImage_width, $FullImage_height ); } else { $full_id = ImageCreateTrueColor( $new_width, $new_height ); ImageCopyResampled( $full_id, $src_img, 0,0, 0,0, $new_width, $new_height, $FullImage_width, $FullImage_height ); } switch( $img_type ) { case 1: $return_val = ImageGIF( $full_id, $new_image_file_path ); break; case 2: $return_val = ImageJPEG( $full_id, $new_image_file_path, 90 ); break; case 3: $return_val = ImagePNG( $full_id, $new_image_file_path ); break; default: diewell("Sorry, this image type is not supported yet."); exit; } ImageDestroy( $full_id ); return ($return_val) ? TRUE : FALSE ; } function gdwatermark($srcfilename, $watermark) { $imageInfo = getimagesize($srcfilename); $width = $imageInfo[0]; $height = $imageInfo[1]; $logoinfo = getimagesize($watermark); $logowidth = $logoinfo[0]; $logoheight = $logoinfo[1]; $horizextra =$width - $logowidth; $vertextra =$height - $logoheight; // middle //$horizmargin = round($horizextra / 2); //$vertmargin = round($vertextra / 2); // lower right corner $horizmargin = $horizextra; $vertmargin = $vertextra; $photoImage = ImageCreateFromJPEG($srcfilename); ImageAlphaBlending($photoImage, true); $logoImage = ImageCreateFromPNG($watermark); $logoW = ImageSX($logoImage); $logoH = ImageSY($logoImage); ImageCopy($photoImage, $logoImage, $horizmargin, $vertmargin, 0, 0, $logoW, $logoH); //ImageJPEG($photoImage); // output to browser ImageJPEG($photoImage, $srcfilename, 90); ImageDestroy($photoImage); ImageDestroy($logoImage); } function create_thumb( $realname, $filepath, $thecat, $thevideo="" ) { global $Globals, $userid, $imagewidth, $imageheight, $thumbnail, $resizeorig, $uganno; // // NEW RESIZE CODE // $basedir = $Globals{'datafull'}; $previewwidth = $Globals{'previewwidth'}; if ( $filepath == "default" ) { $filepath = $Globals{'idir'}."/video.jpg"; } $image_stats = getimagesize( $filepath ); $imagewidth = $image_stats[0]; $imageheight = $image_stats[1]; $img_type = $image_stats[2]; // Create thumbnails if ( $thevideo == "" ) { $filenoext = get_filename( $realname ); $theext = get_ext( $realname ); $thumbnail = "$userid".$filenoext."-thumb.$theext"; $outthumb = "$basedir$thecat/$thumbnail"; } elseif ( $thevideo == "rebuildthumbnail" ) { $filenoext = get_filename( $realname ); $theext = get_ext( $realname ); $thumbnail = $filenoext."-thumb.$theext"; $outthumb = "$basedir$thecat/$thumbnail"; } else { $filenoext = get_filename( $thevideo ); $theext = "jpg"; $thumbnail = "$userid".$filenoext."-thumb.jpg"; $outthumb = "$basedir$thecat/$thumbnail"; } $outthumb = strtolower( $outthumb ); $thumbnail = strtolower( $thumbnail ); if ( !file_exists( $outthumb ) ) { if ( $Globals{'usegd'} != 0 ) { if ( $imageheight < $imagewidth ) { $scaleFactor = $imagewidth / $previewwidth; $newheight = round( $imageheight / $scaleFactor ); $newwidth = $previewwidth; } else { $scaleFactor = $imageheight / $previewwidth; $newwidth = round( $imagewidth / $scaleFactor ); $newheight = $previewwidth; } $resize_worked = resize_jpeg($filepath, $outthumb, $newwidth, $newheight); } else { copy ( $filepath, $outthumb ); // watermark thumbnail before resizing // uncomment if you want your thumbnails to have watermarks //if ( $uganno{$thecat} != 1 && $Globals{'annotate'} == "yes") { // // stamp the image // watermark( $outthumb ); //} // if image is taller than wider, then portrait if ( $imageheight < $imagewidth ) { $scaleFactor = $imagewidth / $previewwidth; $newheight = round( $imageheight / $scaleFactor ); $newwidth = $previewwidth; //$previewwidth = $previewwidth } else { $scaleFactor = $imageheight / $previewwidth; $newwidth = round( $imagewidth / $scaleFactor ); $newheight = $previewwidth; //$previewheight = $previewwidth } $syscmd = $Globals{'mogrify_command'}." -format $theext -geometry ".$newwidth."x".$newheight." $outthumb"; // call ImageMagick mogrify to create the thumbnail system( $syscmd, $retval ); if ( $retval != 0 ) { dieWell("Error creating thumbnail! Error code: $retval<p>Command: $syscmd"); unlink( $outthumb ); unlink( $filepath ); exit; } } } $imagesize = filesize( $outthumb ); return( $imagesize ); } function watermark( $filepath, $isadmin=0 ) { global $Globals; $agravity = $Globals{'gravity'}; $water_image = $Globals{'watermark'}; // need to execute this command after images: // composite -compose over -gravity southeast eblogo.jpg jess.jpg jesslogo.jpg if ( $Globals{'usegd'} != 0 ) { $retval = gdwatermark( $filepath, $water_image ); } else { $composite_cmd = str_replace( "mogrify", "composite", $Globals{'mogrify_command'} ); $stampcmd = $composite_cmd." -compose over -gravity $agravity $water_image $filepath $filepath"; system( $stampcmd, $retval ); if ( $retval != 0 ) { if ( $isadmin == 0 ) { dieWell("Error creating watermarked original! Error code: $retval<br><br>Command: $stampcmd"); exit; } else { print "Error creating watermarked original on $filepath [$stampcmd]<br>"; } } } return; } function process_image( $realname, $filepath, $thecat ) { global $Globals, $userid, $link, $db_link, $uganno; global $username, $usergroup, $title, $desc, $keywords; global $adminexclude, $keywords, $notify, $resizeorig; list($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(); $mon = $mon + 1; if( strlen($year) == 3 ) $year = substr($year, 1); $julian = mktime($hour,$min,$sec,$mon,$mday,$year); $filenoext = get_filename( $realname ); $theext = get_ext( $realname ); $outfilename = "$userid$realname"; $basedir = $Globals{'datafull'}; $image_stats = getimagesize( $filepath ); $imagewidth = $image_stats[0]; $imageheight = $image_stats[1]; $imagesize = filesize( $filepath ); $resizeorig = 0; $maxwidth = $Globals{'maxwidth'}; $maxheight = $Globals{'maxheight'}; if ( $imagewidth > $maxwidth ) { if ( $Globals{'resizeorig'} == "yes" ) { $resizeorig = 1; } else { dieWell("Your graphic is too wide! Please upload a smaller one."); unlink($realname); exit; } if ( $imageheight > $maxheight ) { if ( $Globals{'resizeorig'} == "yes") { $resizeorig = 1; } else { dieWell("Your graphic is too tall! Please upload a smaller one."); unlink($realname); exit; } } // Watermark $watermarked = "no"; if ( $Globals{'annotate'} == "yes") { // stamp the image watermark( $filepath ); $watermarked = "yes"; } // Resizing if ( $resizeorig == 1 ) { // if image is taller than wider, then portrait if ( $imagewidth > $maxwidth ) { $scaleFactor = $imagewidth / $maxwidth; $newheight = round( $imageheight / $scaleFactor ); $newwidth = $maxwidth; } else { $scaleFactor = $imageheight / $maxheight; $newwidth = round( $imagewidth / $scaleFactor ); $newheight = $maxwidth; } if ( $Globals{'usegd'} != 0 ) { $resize_worked = resize_jpeg($filepath, $filepath, $newwidth, $newheight); } else { $syscmd = $Globals{'mogrify_command'}." -format $theext -geometry ".$newwidth."x".$newheight." $filepath"; // call ImageMagick mogrify to resize the original down system( $syscmd, $retval ); if ( $retval != 0 ) { dieWell("Error creating resized original! Error code: $retval"); unlink( $outthumb ); unlink( $filepath ); exit; } } $image_stats = getimagesize( $filepath ); $imagewidth = $image_stats[0]; $imageheight = $image_stats[1]; clearstatcache(); $imagesize = filesize( $filepath ); } //##// end resize original and/or annotate original ### //##// create a medium sized graphic if the graphic is too big ### $createmed = 0; $biggraphic = $Globals{'biggraphic'}; if ( $biggraphic > 0 ) { if ( $imagewidth > $biggraphic || $imageheight > $biggraphic ) $createmed = 1; } if ( $createmed == 1 ) { $medium = $filenoext."-med.$theext"; $medfile="$basedir$thecat/$userid$medium"; if ( $imageheight > $imagewidth ) { $scaleFactor = $imagewidth / $biggraphic; $medwidth = round( $imagewidth / $scaleFactor ); $medheight = $biggraphic; } else { $scaleFactor = $imageheight / $biggraphic; $medheight = round( $imageheight / $scaleFactor ); $medwidth = $biggraphic; } if ( $Globals{'usegd'} != 0 ) { $resize_worked = resize_jpeg($filepath, $medfile, $medwidth, $medheight); } else { copy ( $filepath, $medfile ); $syscmd = $Globals{'mogrify_command'}." -format $theext -geometry ".$medwidth."x".$medheight." $medfile"; // call ImageMagick mogrify to create the medium image system( $syscmd, $retval ); if ( $retval != 0 ) { dieWell("Error creating resized medium image! Error code: $retval<br>Command attempted: $syscmd"); unlink( $outthumb ); unlink( $filepath ); unlink( $medium ); exit; } } // get the proper stats $image_stats = getimagesize( $medfile ); $medwidth = $image_stats[0]; $medheight = $image_stats[1]; $medsize = filesize( $medfile ); } else { $medwidth = 0; $medheight = 0; $medsize = 0; } //##// end medium sized ### $username = addslashes( $username ); if ( empty($title) ) $title = $filenoext; $ititle = urldecode( $title ); $ititle = addslashes( $title ); $idesc = urldecode( $desc ); $idesc = addslashes( $desc ); $ikeywords = addslashes( $keywords ); $query = "INSERT INTO photos values(NULL,'$username', $userid, $thecat, $julian, '$ititle', '$idesc', '$ikeywords', '$realname', $imagewidth, $imageheight, $imagesize, '0', $medwidth, $medheight, $medsize, '1', $julian, '0', '$watermarked', '', '', '', '', '')"; $resulta = ppmysql_query($query, $link); if ( !$resulta ) { dieWell( "Database error! Please report to System Administrator.<p>$query" ); exit; } // end write ## } ?> thanks Paul
  5. Mike, I'm guessing you're referring to the image-inc.php file. If so here is that code: function resize_jpeg( $image_file_path, $new_image_file_path, $max_width=480, $max_height=1600 ) { global $Globals; $return_val = 1; $image_stats = getimagesize( $image_file_path ); $FullImage_width = $image_stats[0]; $FullImage_height = $image_stats[1]; $img_type = $image_stats[2]; switch( $img_type ) { case 1: $src_img = ImageCreateFromGif($image_file_path); break; case 2: $src_img = ImageCreateFromJpeg($image_file_path); break; case 3: $src_img = ImageCreateFromPng($image_file_path); break; default: diewell("Sorry, this image type ($img_type) is not supported yet."); exit; } if ( !$src_img ) { diewell("Unable to create image [$image_file_path].<br>Please contact system administrator."); exit; } $ratio = ( $FullImage_width > $max_width ) ? (real)($max_width / $FullImage_width) : 1 ; $new_width = ((int)($FullImage_width * $ratio)); //full-size width $new_height = ((int)($FullImage_height * $ratio)); //full-size height $ratio = ( $new_height > $max_height ) ? (real)($max_height / $new_height) : 1 ; $new_width = ((int)($new_width * $ratio)); //mid-size width $new_height = ((int)($new_height * $ratio)); //mid-size height if ( $new_width == $FullImage_width && $new_height == $FullImage_height ) copy ( $image_file_path, $new_image_file_path ); if ( $Globals{'usegd'} == 1 ) { $full_id = ImageCreate( $new_width , $new_height ); ImageCopyResized( $full_id, $src_img, 0,0, 0,0, $new_width, $new_height, $FullImage_width, $FullImage_height ); } else { $full_id = ImageCreateTrueColor( $new_width, $new_height ); ImageCopyResampled( $full_id, $src_img, 0,0, 0,0, $new_width, $new_height, $FullImage_width, $FullImage_height ); } switch( $img_type ) { case 1: $return_val = ImageGIF( $full_id, $new_image_file_path ); break; case 2: $return_val = ImageJPEG( $full_id, $new_image_file_path, 90 ); break; case 3: $return_val = ImagePNG( $full_id, $new_image_file_path ); break; default: diewell("Sorry, this image type is not supported yet."); exit; } ImageDestroy( $full_id ); return ($return_val) ? TRUE : FALSE ; } function gdwatermark($srcfilename, $watermark) { $imageInfo = getimagesize($srcfilename); $width = $imageInfo[0]; $height = $imageInfo[1]; $logoinfo = getimagesize($watermark); $logowidth = $logoinfo[0]; $logoheight = $logoinfo[1]; $horizextra =$width - $logowidth; $vertextra =$height - $logoheight; // middle //$horizmargin = round($horizextra / 2); //$vertmargin = round($vertextra / 2); // lower right corner $horizmargin = $horizextra; $vertmargin = $vertextra; $photoImage = ImageCreateFromJPEG($srcfilename); ImageAlphaBlending($photoImage, true); $logoImage = ImageCreateFromPNG($watermark); $logoW = ImageSX($logoImage); $logoH = ImageSY($logoImage); ImageCopy($photoImage, $logoImage, $horizmargin, $vertmargin, 0, 0, $logoW, $logoH); //ImageJPEG($photoImage); // output to browser ImageJPEG($photoImage, $srcfilename, 90); ImageDestroy($photoImage); ImageDestroy($logoImage); } function create_thumb( $realname, $filepath, $thecat, $thevideo="" ) { global $Globals, $userid, $imagewidth, $imageheight, $thumbnail, $resizeorig, $uganno; // // NEW RESIZE CODE // $basedir = $Globals{'datafull'}; $previewwidth = $Globals{'previewwidth'}; if ( $filepath == "default" ) { $filepath = $Globals{'idir'}."/video.jpg"; } $image_stats = getimagesize( $filepath ); $imagewidth = $image_stats[0]; $imageheight = $image_stats[1]; $img_type = $image_stats[2]; // Create thumbnails if ( $thevideo == "" ) { $filenoext = get_filename( $realname ); $theext = get_ext( $realname ); $thumbnail = "$userid".$filenoext."-thumb.$theext"; $outthumb = "$basedir$thecat/$thumbnail"; } elseif ( $thevideo == "rebuildthumbnail" ) { $filenoext = get_filename( $realname ); $theext = get_ext( $realname ); $thumbnail = $filenoext."-thumb.$theext"; $outthumb = "$basedir$thecat/$thumbnail"; } else { $filenoext = get_filename( $thevideo ); $theext = "jpg"; $thumbnail = "$userid".$filenoext."-thumb.jpg"; $outthumb = "$basedir$thecat/$thumbnail"; } $outthumb = strtolower( $outthumb ); $thumbnail = strtolower( $thumbnail ); if ( !file_exists( $outthumb ) ) { if ( $Globals{'usegd'} != 0 ) { if ( $imageheight < $imagewidth ) { $scaleFactor = $imagewidth / $previewwidth; $newheight = round( $imageheight / $scaleFactor ); $newwidth = $previewwidth; } else { $scaleFactor = $imageheight / $previewwidth; $newwidth = round( $imagewidth / $scaleFactor ); $newheight = $previewwidth; } $resize_worked = resize_jpeg($filepath, $outthumb, $newwidth, $newheight); } else { copy ( $filepath, $outthumb ); // watermark thumbnail before resizing // uncomment if you want your thumbnails to have watermarks //if ( $uganno{$thecat} != 1 && $Globals{'annotate'} == "yes") { // // stamp the image // watermark( $outthumb ); //} // if image is taller than wider, then portrait if ( $imageheight < $imagewidth ) { $scaleFactor = $imagewidth / $previewwidth; $newheight = round( $imageheight / $scaleFactor ); $newwidth = $previewwidth; //$previewwidth = $previewwidth } else { $scaleFactor = $imageheight / $previewwidth; $newwidth = round( $imagewidth / $scaleFactor ); $newheight = $previewwidth; //$previewheight = $previewwidth } $syscmd = $Globals{'mogrify_command'}." -format $theext -geometry ".$newwidth."x".$newheight." $outthumb"; // call ImageMagick mogrify to create the thumbnail system( $syscmd, $retval ); if ( $retval != 0 ) { dieWell("Error creating thumbnail! Error code: $retval<p>Command: $syscmd"); unlink( $outthumb ); unlink( $filepath ); exit; } } } $imagesize = filesize( $outthumb ); return( $imagesize ); } function watermark( $filepath, $isadmin=0 ) { global $Globals; $agravity = $Globals{'gravity'}; $water_image = $Globals{'watermark'}; // need to execute this command after images: // composite -compose over -gravity southeast eblogo.jpg jess.jpg jesslogo.jpg if ( $Globals{'usegd'} != 0 ) { $retval = gdwatermark( $filepath, $water_image ); } else { $composite_cmd = str_replace( "mogrify", "composite", $Globals{'mogrify_command'} ); $stampcmd = $composite_cmd." -compose over -gravity $agravity $water_image $filepath $filepath"; system( $stampcmd, $retval ); if ( $retval != 0 ) { if ( $isadmin == 0 ) { dieWell("Error creating watermarked original! Error code: $retval<br><br>Command: $stampcmd"); exit; } else { print "Error creating watermarked original on $filepath [$stampcmd]<br>"; } } } return; } function process_image( $realname, $filepath, $thecat ) { global $Globals, $userid, $link, $db_link, $uganno; global $username, $usergroup, $title, $desc, $keywords; global $adminexclude, $keywords, $notify, $resizeorig; list($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(); $mon = $mon + 1; $julian = mktime($hour,$min,$sec,$mon,$mday,$year); $filenoext = get_filename( $realname ); $theext = get_ext( $realname ); $outfilename = "$userid$realname"; $basedir = $Globals{'datafull'}; $image_stats = getimagesize( $filepath ); $imagewidth = $image_stats[0]; $imageheight = $image_stats[1]; $imagesize = filesize( $filepath ); $resizeorig = 0; $maxwidth = $Globals{'maxwidth'}; $maxheight = $Globals{'maxheight'}; if ( $imagewidth > $maxwidth ) { if ( $Globals{'resizeorig'} == "yes" ) { $resizeorig = 1; } else { dieWell("Your graphic is too wide! Please upload a smaller one."); unlink($realname); exit; } } if ( $imageheight > $maxheight ) { if ( $Globals{'resizeorig'} == "yes") { $resizeorig = 1; } else { dieWell("Your graphic is too tall! Please upload a smaller one."); unlink($realname); exit; } } // Watermark $watermarked = "no"; if ( $Globals{'annotate'} == "yes") { // stamp the image watermark( $filepath ); $watermarked = "yes"; } // Resizing if ( $resizeorig == 1 ) { // if image is taller than wider, then portrait if ( $imagewidth > $maxwidth ) { $scaleFactor = $imagewidth / $maxwidth; $newheight = round( $imageheight / $scaleFactor ); $newwidth = $maxwidth; } else { $scaleFactor = $imageheight / $maxheight; $newwidth = round( $imagewidth / $scaleFactor ); $newheight = $maxwidth; } if ( $Globals{'usegd'} != 0 ) { $resize_worked = resize_jpeg($filepath, $filepath, $newwidth, $newheight); } else { $syscmd = $Globals{'mogrify_command'}." -format $theext -geometry ".$newwidth."x".$newheight." $filepath"; // call ImageMagick mogrify to resize the original down system( $syscmd, $retval ); if ( $retval != 0 ) { dieWell("Error creating resized original! Error code: $retval"); unlink( $outthumb ); unlink( $filepath ); exit; } } $image_stats = getimagesize( $filepath ); $imagewidth = $image_stats[0]; $imageheight = $image_stats[1]; clearstatcache(); $imagesize = filesize( $filepath ); } //##// end resize original and/or annotate original ### //##// create a medium sized graphic if the graphic is too big ### $createmed = 0; $biggraphic = $Globals{'biggraphic'}; if ( $biggraphic > 0 ) { if ( $imagewidth > $biggraphic || $imageheight > $biggraphic ) $createmed = 1; } if ( $createmed == 1 ) { $medium = $filenoext."-med.$theext"; $medfile="$basedir$thecat/$userid$medium"; if ( $imageheight > $imagewidth ) { $scaleFactor = $imagewidth / $biggraphic; $medwidth = round( $imagewidth / $scaleFactor ); $medheight = $biggraphic; } else { $scaleFactor = $imageheight / $biggraphic; $medheight = round( $imageheight / $scaleFactor ); $medwidth = $biggraphic; } if ( $Globals{'usegd'} != 0 ) { $resize_worked = resize_jpeg($filepath, $medfile, $medwidth, $medheight); } else { copy ( $filepath, $medfile ); $syscmd = $Globals{'mogrify_command'}." -format $theext -geometry ".$medwidth."x".$medheight." $medfile"; // call ImageMagick mogrify to create the medium image system( $syscmd, $retval ); if ( $retval != 0 ) { dieWell("Error creating resized medium image! Error code: $retval<br>Command attempted: $syscmd"); unlink( $outthumb ); unlink( $filepath ); unlink( $medium ); exit; } } // get the proper stats $image_stats = getimagesize( $medfile ); $medwidth = $image_stats[0]; $medheight = $image_stats[1]; $medsize = filesize( $medfile ); } else { $medwidth = 0; $medheight = 0; $medsize = 0; } //##// end medium sized ### $username = addslashes( $username ); if ( empty($title) ) $title = $filenoext; $ititle = urldecode( $title ); $ititle = addslashes( $title ); $idesc = urldecode( $desc ); $idesc = addslashes( $desc ); $ikeywords = addslashes( $keywords ); $query = "INSERT INTO photos values(NULL,'$username', $userid, $thecat, $julian, '$ititle', '$idesc', '$ikeywords', '$realname', $imagewidth, $imageheight, $imagesize, '0', $medwidth, $medheight, $medsize, '1', $julian, '0', '$watermarked', '', '', '', '', '')"; $resulta = ppmysql_query($query, $link); if ( !$resulta ) { dieWell( "Database error! Please report to System Administrator.<p>$query" ); exit; } // end write ## } ?> thanks Paul
  6. MikeDean89.. Thanks, I'm not a PHP guru so I don't fully understand your reply. Could I impose on you to repost the code with what needs to be corrected so I can see if it works. I would really appreciate it, as I have no idea why, all of a sudden it is not working on the server.
  7. I have been using this script for years. I realise it is a little old and probably not well written, however it has been functional. I suspect the problem is that maybe they have turned the register_globals off at the server and the script is no longer working. I don't know if that is the problem. The error I get when I attempt to upload an image is this: Error: MySQL error reported! Query: INSERT INTO photos values(NULL,'corrobex', 1, 10, , 'makinti', '', '', 'makinti.jpg', 571, 381, 42520, '0', 0, 0, 0, '1', , '0', 'no', '', '', '', '', '') Result: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' 'makinti', '', '', 'makinti.jpg', 571, 381, 42520, '0', 0, 0, 0, '1', , '0', 'n' at line 1 Database handle: Resource id #3 Now here is the script: <?php include("pp-inc.php"); include("login-inc.php"); include("image-inc.php"); if ( is_array($HTTP_POST_FILES) ) { while(list($key,$value) = each($HTTP_POST_FILES)) { ${$key} = $value; } } function handleupload( $location = "data" ) { global $HTTP_POST_FILES, $userid, $Globals, $category; $tmpname = $HTTP_POST_FILES['theimage']['tmp_name']; $realname = $HTTP_POST_FILES['theimage']['name']; $tmpcloseup = $HTTP_POST_FILES['closeup']['tmp_name']; if (is_uploaded_file($tmpname) ) { $realname = fixfilenames( $realname ); $closeup = preg_replace("/(\.[A-Za-z]+)$/", "-closeup\\1", $realname); if ( $location != "data" ) { $dst_file = $location; } else { $dst_file = $Globals{'datafull'}."$category/$userid$realname"; $closeup_file = $Globals{'datafull'}."$category/$userid$closeup"; } copy($tmpname, $dst_file); copy($tmpcloseup, $closeup_file); } else { dieWell("Uploaded file not found: $realname<br>Typical reason is that the file exceeded allowed limits."); exit; } return; } authenticate(); $nolimit = 0; if ( $Globals{'adminnolimit'} == "yes" && $adminedit == 1 ) { $nolimit = 1; } $adminexclude = 0; if ( $Globals{'adminexclude'} == "yes" && $adminedit == 1 ) { $adminexclude = 1; } if ( $adminedit == 0 ) { if ( $Globals{'allowup'} == "no" ) { dieWell( "User uploads not allowed" ); } } $querystring = findenv("QUERY_STRING"); if ( ($useruploads == 0 && $gologin==1) || $querystring == "gologin" ) { $furl=$Globals{'maindir'}; $furl= str_replace( $Globals{'domain'}, "", $furl ); $furl="$furl/uploadphoto.php"; login( $furl ); exit; } if ( $gologin != 0 ) { if ( $useruploads == 0 ) { dieWell("Sorry, you don't have permission to upload photos."); exit; } } topmenu(); if ( !isset($theimage) ) { $catdefault = ""; if ( !empty($cat) ) { $query = "SELECT id,catname,thumbs FROM categories WHERE id=$cat LIMIT 1"; $resultb = ppmysql_query($query,$link); while ( list( $subid, $subcatname, $subthumbs ) = mysql_fetch_row($resultb) ) { if ( $ugcat{$subid} != 1 ) { $catdefault = "<option selected value=\"$subid\">$subcatname</option>"; } } ppmysql_free_result( $resultb ); } $header = str_replace( "titlereplace", "Upload Photo", $header ); $output = "$header<center><p> <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" height=\"40\" width=\"".$Globals{'tablewidth'}."\"><Tr> <Td valign=\"middle\" width=\"50%\">$menu2</td> <td width=\"50%\" align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\">$menu</td></tr></table> <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'bordercolor'}."\" width=\"".$Globals{'tablewidth'}."\" align=\"center\"><tr><td> <table cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"> <tr align=\"center\"> <td colspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'headcolor'}."\"><font face=\"".$Globals{'headfont'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'headfontcolor'}."\" size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\"><B>".$Globals{'galleryname'}." Image Upload</font></td> <td colspan=\"1\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'headcolor'}."\"><font face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'headfontcolor'}."\" size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\"> <a href=\"javascript:PopUpHelp('uploadphoto.php')\">help</a></font> </td> </tr> <form method=\"post\" action=\"".$Globals{'maindir'}."/uploadphoto.php\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\">Username</font></td><td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"> <font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\">$username</td></tr> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\" width=\"50%\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\">Choose a category</font></td><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><select name=\"category\">$catdefault"; if (empty($subid)) $subid=""; $selected = $subid; catmoveopt(0); $output .= $catoptions; $imgdir = $Globals{'zipuploaddir'}."/$userid"; $skiphtml = "</table><table cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'headcolor'}."\" align=\"center\"> <font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'headfontcolor'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\"> <b>ADMIN OPTIONS FOR BULK OR ZIP UPLOADS</b></font> </td> <td align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'headcolor'}."\"><font face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'headfontcolor'}."\" size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\"> <a href=\"javascript:PopUpHelp('adminskip.php')\">help</a></font> </td> </tr></table> <table cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\">Skip upload and process the files in your upload directory<br><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontsmall'}."\">Files should already be in: <b>$imgdir</b></td> <td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"skipupload\" value=\"skipupload\"></td></tr> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\">Show thumbnails during processing?</td> <td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\" align=\"center\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\"><select name=\"dthumbs\"><option selected>yes</option><option>no</option></select></font></td></tr> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\">Number of thumbnails to process next?</td> <td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\" align=\"center\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\"><select name=\"numprocess\"><option selected>10</option><option>25</option><option>50</option><option>100</option></select></td></tr>"; $output .= "</select></td></tr> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\">Photo to upload:</font><br><b><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontsmall'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\" color=\"red\">$maxfilesize</font></b></td><td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><input type=\"file\" name=\"theimage\"></td></tr> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\">Matching closeup to upload:</font><br><b><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontsmall'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\" color=\"red\">$maxfilesize</font></b></td><td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><input type=\"file\" name=\"closeup\"></td></tr> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\">Enter a title for the photo</td><td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"title\"></td></tr> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\">To help users find your photo, please enter a few (up to 10) descriptive keywords (separated by spaces):</td><td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"keywords\"></td></tr> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\">Photo Description</td><td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><textarea name=\"desc\" cols=\"30\" rows=\"5\"></textarea></td></tr> $skiphtml <Center> <Tr><Td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\"><center> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"password\" value=\"$password\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userid\" value=\"$userid\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\" value=\"2000000\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Upload/Submit\"> <p><b>When you hit SUBMIT, the file you selected will be uploaded.</b><br></font><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontsmall'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\"> (Depending on the size of the file and your connection, this may take some time. <b>Please be patient.</b>)</p></font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><p>".$Globals{'cright'}."$footer"; print $output; } else { if (empty($skipupload)) $skipupload=""; if ( $category == "" ) { dieWell( "You must choose a category before uploading."); exit; } if ( $skipupload == "skipupload" ) { $deftitle = urlencode($title); $defdesc = urlencode($desc); $furl = $Globals{'zipuploadurl'}."/$userid"; forward( $Globals{'maindir'}."/bulkupload.php?ppaction=addphotos&do=preview&photopath=$userid&deftitle=$deftitle&defdesc=$defdesc&defcat=$category&keywords=$keywords&numprocess=$numprocess&dthumbs=$dthumbs&furl=$furl", "Preparing to process image list!" ); exit; } $realname = $HTTP_POST_FILES['theimage']['name']; if ( $realname == "" ) { dieWell( "You need to enter the name of a file to upload! $thevideo / $theimage" ); exit; } $realname = fixfilenames( $realname ); $theext = get_ext( $realname ); $filepath = $Globals{'datafull'}."$category/$userid$realname"; $outfilename = "$userid$realname"; $query = "SELECT userid,bigimage FROM photos where userid=$userid"; $resulta = ppmysql_query($query,$link); while( list( $uid, $bgimage ) = mysql_fetch_row($resulta) ) { if ($uid == $userid && $uid != 0) { if ( $bgimage == $realname ) { dieWell("Sorry, you already uploaded an image called $realname. Try a different name."); exit; } } } ppmysql_free_result($resulta); $title = fixmessage( $title ); $keywords = fixmessage( $keywords ); $desc = fixmessage( $desc ); if ( $category == "notcat" ) { $emessage = "The category you chose is a top level category.<p>Please go back and choose one of its subcategories to upload your image."; dieWell($emessage); } //####// Write the file to a directory ##### //#// Do you wish to allow all file types? yes/no (no capital letters) $allowall = "no"; //#// If the above = "no"; then which is the only extention to allow? //#// Remember to have the LAST 4 characters i.e. .ext if ($realname != "") { $isfilegood = "yes"; if ( $allowall != "yes" ) { if ( !is_image($outfilename) ) { $isfilegood = "no"; } } if ($isfilegood == "yes") { handleupload(); } // // ZIP Uploads for Users // if ( $Globals{'allowzip'} ) { if (strtolower(substr($outfilename,strlen($outfilename) - 4,4)) == ".zip" ) { $filepath = $Globals{'zipuploaddir'}."/$userid"; $filedir = "$filepath/$outfilename"; if ( !file_exists( $filepath ) ) { mkdir( $filepath, 0755 ); chmod( $filepath, 0777 ); } chdir( $filepath ); handleupload( $filedir ); $sys_cmd = $Globals{'zip_command'}." -qq $filedir"; system( $sys_cmd ); unlink( $filedir ); $deftitle = urlencode($title); $defdesc = urlencode($desc); $furl = $Globals{'zipuploadurl'}."/$userid"; if ( empty($numprocess) ) $numprocess = 10; if ( empty($dthumbs) ) $dthumbs = "yes"; forward( $Globals{'maindir'}."/bulkupload.php?ppaction=addphotos&do=preview&photopath=$userid&deftitle=$deftitle&defdesc=$defdesc&defcat=$category&keywords=$keywords&numprocess=$numprocess&dthumbs=$dthumbs&furl=$furl", "Preparing to process image list!" ); exit; } } } if ( file_exists($filepath) ) { $insize = filesize( $filepath ); } else { dieWell("File upload error. Cannot find uploaded file.<br>Path: [$filepath]"); exit; } if ( $isfilegood != "yes" ) { dieWell( "Image must be a .jpg, .gif, .tif or .png file." ); exit; } $thumbsize = create_thumb( $realname, $filepath, $category ); process_image( $realname, $filepath, $category ); $query = "SELECT id FROM photos WHERE userid=$userid AND bigimage='$realname'"; $resulta = ppmysql_query($query,$link); list( $forwardid ) = mysql_fetch_row($resulta); ppmysql_free_result($resulta); if ( empty($forwardid) ) { dieWell( "There was a problem processing your image: $realname.<p>Please notify the System Administrator." ); exit; } forward( $Globals{'maindir'}."/showphoto.php?photo=$forwardid", "Your image was uploaded successfully!" ); } ?> Do Globals need to be on for this to work? Or is there another problem? thanks Paul MOD EDIT: . . . tags added.
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