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Everything posted by ev0

  1. i lol'd, very very very clever.
  2. Basically I'm a member of an "online dating site". The website tracks who views your profile and displays recent viewers prominently on the home page. One of the ways to get more people to pay attention to your profile (for dates *wink*) is to view peoples profiles and hope they view yours in return and initiate a conversation. Now to my question. I've been able to log into the site successfully with cURL and grab the page contents and implode on unique nodes with php. How can I crawl through users profiles with this. Like I'm a tad stumped on how link crawling works. Any guides that have helped you out in the past would be appreciated. I've used google tons on this subject, and have come up empty. I don't think my keywords are appropriate for genre of question query haha. Thanks ahead of time.
  3. Doesn't matter that it's for your own use. It's against the ToS. Anything beyond the mental exercise is prohibited. Okay, regardless if it's for facebook and against terms of service. Say I have a number array of 5 users and 4,000 numbers associated. Take that into account, and this no longer is a mental exercise but a question in which i'm struggling with. But thank you for your answer.
  4. Okay, I'll make this short and sweet, and all side comments are irrelevant. I'm doing this for my own happies So using Facebook.com's API you can extract all of a specific user's friends in an array. Well I'm making a array check to see who on that users friend list was removed or deleted them that week using array_dif(); in this method: 1) User allows the application 2) Application catches the user's friends_id's in an array and stores them // this is where i'm having trouble, i'll come back to it 3) User then waits a few days and notices their friend count is no longer 400, it's now 399! 4) User logs into my application, and checks the previously uploaded array against their current array of friends. Okay now to the part i'm struggling with is, what would you do? Should i store them each uniquely in a database? Because some users have 4,000+ friends and that gets quite strenuous. OR! Should i save them into a txt file unique to that person's user_id. I kind of like the 2nd option, however it's less ( to my newbish mind ) customizable versus the sql_queries. Once again, i'd like to reiterate, i don't care that this is again Facebooks terms of service, it's for my own personal gain and just enjoy taking on projects in my spare time that force my brain to work hard. That's all, hope you excuse the typos and poor grammar. Typed this pretty quickly, any questions - feel free to ask!
  5. Oh wow, there really was a function already for that :'( Thanks a ton!
  6. Basically i want to take an array of numbers let's say: <? $array1=array("1","2","3","4"); ?> Now say i reprint that same array, but the 3 is missing. <? $array2=array("1","2","4"); ?> How would i print what's missing from $array1 out of $array2? Sorry if this is confusing, i'll be happy to go into details if needed.
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