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  1. Ok so I did some digging and it appears like it could be an issue with my hosting company. I host my site through godaddy and I have my email with them. When I changed the above PHP Script to use one of my gmail accounts to receive the email, instead of my domain email, it worked. Any suggestions?
  2. I got this PHP mailer as part of a template I downloaded. It seems to work for everyone except for me. I would love some help. I followed their documentation as for what to change and you will see it documented as to the area I was supposed to change and the part I should not touch. I only updated the top portion but for some reason its not working. When I tested the contact page after uploading the site, I used one of my own email addresses to send an email to the destination address of my company. I get a response email in the account that I fill in the email field with, but the actual destination email account for my business never gets the message that the customer/I write. This is the code I have so far, so could you please tell me whats wrong. Thanks! Sorry I cant upload files at work. <?php error_reporting(E_WARNING); $variables = array( "subject" => $_POST["sender_subject"], "message" => $_POST["sender_message"], "name" => $_POST["sender_name"], "email" => $_POST["sender_email"], ); $conf = array( "notification_email" => array( "enable" => true, "to" => "shane@photographybysp.com", "to_name" => "Photography by Shane Padgett", "from" => "{EMAIL}", "from_name" => "{NAME}", "subject" => "New Message: {SUBJECT}", "type" => "html", "message" => <<<EOD <p>Someone new is interested!</p> <p> Email: {EMAIL}<br> Subject: {SUBJECT}<br> {MESSAGE} </p> EOD ), "autoresponder_email" => array( "enable" => true, "from" => "shane@photographybysp.com", "from_name" => "Photography by Shane Padgett", "to" => "{EMAIL}", "to_name" => "{NAME}", "subject" => "Thank you for your message", "type" => "html", "message" => <<<EOD <p>Your message has been recieved!</p> <p> Email: {EMAIL}<br> Subject: {SUBJECT}<br> {MESSAGE} </p> EOD ), ); ## starting the actual code, you have nothing else to configure from this point forward. function SendMail() { $params = AStripSlasshes(func_get_args()); //check to see the numbers of the arguments switch (func_num_args()) { case 1: $email = $params[0]; $vars = array(); break; case 2: $email = $params[0]; $vars = $params[1]; break; case 3: $to = $params[0]; $email = $params[1]; $vars = $params[2]; break; case 4: $to = $params[0]; $to_name = $params[1]; $email = $params[2]; $vars = $params[3]; break; } if ($email["email_status"] == 1) { return true; } $msg = new CTemplate(stripslashes($email["email_body"]) , "string"); $msg = $msg->Replace($vars); $sub = new CTemplate(stripslashes($email["email_subject"]) , "string"); $sub = $sub->Replace($vars); $email["email_from"] = new CTemplate(stripslashes($email["email_from"]) , "string"); $email["email_from"] = $email["email_from"]->Replace($vars); $email["email_from_name"] = new CTemplate(stripslashes($email["email_from_name"]) , "string"); $email["email_from_name"] = $email["email_from_name"]->Replace($vars); if (!$email["email_reply"]) $email["email_reply"] = $email["email_from"]; if (!$email["email_reply_name"]) $email["email_reply_name"] = $email["email_from_name"]; //prepare the headers $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; if ($email["email_type"] == "html") $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n"; else $headers .= "Content-type: text/plain\r\n"; //prepare the from fields if (!$email["email_hide_from"]) { $headers .= "From: {$email[email_from_name]}<{$email[email_from]}>\r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: {$email[email_reply_name]}<{$email[email_reply]}>\r\n"; } $headers .= $email["headers"]; if (!$email["email_hide_to"]) { return @mail($email["email_to"] , $sub, $msg,$headers); } else { } $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); return mail($to, $sub, $msg,$headers); } function AStripSlasshes($array) { if (is_array($array)) foreach ($array as $key => $item) if (is_array($item)) $array[$key] = AStripSlasshes($item); else $array[$key] = stripslashes($item); else return stripslashes($array); return $array; } $_TSM = array(); class CTemplate { /** * template source data * * @var string * * @access private */ var $input; /** * template result data * * @var string * * @access public */ var $output; /** * template blocks if any * * @var array * * @access public */ var $blocks; /** * constructor which autoloads the template data * * @param string $source source identifier; can be a filename or a string var name etc * @param string $source_type source type identifier; currently file and string supported * * @return void * * @acces public */ function CTemplate($source,$source_type = "file") { $this->Load($source,$source_type); } /** * load a template from file. places the file content into input and output * also setup the blocks array if any found * * @param string $source source identifier; can be a filename or a string var name etc * @param string $source_type source type identifier; currently file and string supported * * @return void * * @acces public */ function Load($source,$source_type = "file") { switch ($source_type) { case "file": $this->template_file = $source; // get the data from the file $data = GetFileContents($source); //$data = str_Replace('$','\$',$data); break; case "rsl": case "string": $data = $source; break; } // blocks are in the form of <!--S:BlockName-->data<!--E:BlockName--> preg_match_all("'<!--S\:.*?-->.*?<!--E\:.*?-->'si",$data,$matches); // any blocks found? if (count($matches[0]) != 0) // iterate thru `em foreach ($matches[0] as $block) { // extract block name $name = substr($block,strpos($block,"S:") + 2,strpos($block,"-->") - 6); // cleanup block delimiters $block = substr($block,9 + strlen($name),strlen($block) - 18 - strlen($name) * 2); // insert into blocks array $this->blocks["$name"] = new CTemplate($block,"string"); } // cleanup block delimiters and set the input/output $this->input = $this->output = preg_replace(array("'<!--S\:.*?-->(\r\n|\n|\n\r)'si","'<!--E\:.*?-- >(\r\n|\n|\n\r)'si"),"",$data); } /** * replace template variables w/ actual values * * @param array $vars array of vars to be replaced in the form of "VAR" => "val" * @param bool $clear reset vars after replacement? defaults to TRUE * * @return string the template output * * @acces public */ function Replace($vars,$clear = TRUE) { if (is_array($vars)) { foreach ($vars as $key => $var) { if (is_array($var)) { unset($vars[$key]); } } } // init some temp vars $patterns = array(); $replacements = array(); // build patterns and replacements if (is_array($vars)) // just a small check foreach ($vars as $key => $val) { $patterns[] = "/\{" . strtoupper($key) . "\}/"; //the $ bug $replacements[] = str_replace('$','\$',$val); } // do regex $result = $this->output = @preg_replace($patterns,$replacements,$this->input); // do we clear? if ($clear == TRUE) $this->Clear(); // return output return $result; } function SepReplace($ssep , $esep , $vars,$clear = TRUE) { if (is_array($vars)) { foreach ($vars as $key => $var) { if (is_array($var)) { unset($vars[$key]); } } } // init some temp vars $patterns = array(); $replacements = array(); // build patterns and replacements if (is_array($vars)) // just a small check foreach ($vars as $key => $val) { $patterns[] = $ssep . strtoupper($key) . $esep; //the $ bug $replacements[] = str_replace('$','\$',$val); } // do regex $result = $this->output = @preg_replace($patterns,$replacements,$this->input); // do we clear? if ($clear == TRUE) $this->Clear(); // return output return $result; } /** * replace a single template variable * * @param string $var variable to be replaced * @param string $value replacement * @param bool $perm makes the change permanent [i.e. replaces input also]; defaults to FALSE * * @return string result of replacement * * @acces public */ function ReplaceSingle($var,$value,$perm = FALSE) { if ($perm) $this->input = $this->Replace(array("$var" => $value)); else return $this->Replace(array("$var" => $value)); } /** * resets all the replaced vars to their previous status * * @return void * * @acces public */ function Clear() { $this->output = $this->input; } /** * voids every template variable * * @return void * * @acces public */ function EmptyVars() { global $_TSM; //$this->output = $this->ReplacE($_TSM["_PERM"]); //return$this->output = preg_replace("'{[A-Z]}'si","",$this->output); return $this->output = preg_replace("'{[A-Z_\-0-9]*?}'si","",$this->output); //return $this->output = preg_replace("'{[\/\!]*?[^{}]*?}'si","",$this->output); } /** * checks if the specified template block exists * * @param string $block_name block name to look for * * @return bool TRUE if exists or FALSE if it doesnt * * @access public */ function BlockExists($block_name) { return isset($this->blocks[$block_name]) && is_object($this->blocks[$block_name])? TRUE : FALSE; } /* function Block($block,$vars = array(),$return_error = false) { if ($this->BlockExists($block)) return $this->blocks[$block]->Replace($vars); else { return ""; } } */ /*Extra functions to keep the compatibility with the new CTemplateDynamic library*/ /** * description * * @param * * @return * * @access */ function BlockReplace($block , $vars = array(), $clear = true){ if (!is_object($this->blocks[$block])) echo "CTemplate::{$this->template_file}::$block Doesnt exists.<br>"; return $this->blocks[$block]->Replace($vars , $clear); } /** * description * * @param * * @return * * @access */ function BlockEmptyVars($block , $vars = array(), $clear = true) { if (!is_object($this->blocks[$block])) echo "CTemplate::{$this->template_file}::$block Doesnt exists.<br>"; if (is_array($vars) && count($vars)) $this->blocks[$block]->Replace($vars , false); return $this->blocks[$block]->EmptyVars(); } /** * description * * @param * * @return * * @access */ function Block($block) { if (!is_object($this->blocks[$block])) echo "CTemplate::{$this->template_file}::$block Doesnt exists.<br>"; return $this->blocks[$block]->output; } } /** * description * * @library * @author * @since */ class CTemplateStatic{ /** * description * * @param * * @return * * @access */ /** * description * * @param * * @return * * @access */ function Replace($tmp , $data = array()) { $template = new CTemplate($tmp , "string"); return $template->replace($data); } function EmptyVars($tmp , $data = array()) { $template = new CTemplate($tmp , "string"); if (count($data)) { $template->replace($data , false); } return $template->emptyvars(); } /** * description * * @param * * @return * * @access */ function ReplaceSingle($tmp , $var , $value) { return CTemplateStatic::Replace( $tmp , array( $var => $value ) ); } } header("Content-Type: text/xml"); if (!$variables["email"]) { echo "<response><message>error</message></response>"; die(); } if(!preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9])+([a-zA-Z0-9\._-])*@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)+$/",$variables["email"])){ echo "<response><message>error</message></response>"; die(""); } //check if the notification should be sent if ($conf["notification_email"]["enable"] == true) { $vars = $variables; foreach ($conf["notification_email"] as $key => $val) { $conf["notification_email"][$key] = CTemplateStatic::Replace($val , $vars); } //process the notify email $email = array( "email_to" => utf8_decode($conf["notification_email"]["to"]), "email_to_name" => utf8_decode($conf["notification_email"]["to_name"]), "email_from" => utf8_decode($conf["notification_email"]["from"]), "email_from_name" => utf8_decode($conf["notification_email"]["from_name"]), "email_subject" => utf8_decode($conf["notification_email"]["subject"]), "email_body" => utf8_decode($conf["notification_email"]["message"]), "email_type" => utf8_decode($conf["notification_email"]["type"]) ); foreach ($email as $key => $val) { $email[$key] = CTemplateStatic::Replace($val , $vars); } SendMail($email); } //check if the notification should be sent if ($conf["autoresponder_email"]["enable"] == true) { $vars = $variables; foreach ($conf["autoresponder_email"] as $key => $val) { $conf["autoresponder_email"][$key] = CTemplateStatic::Replace($val , $vars); } //process the notify email $email = array( "email_to" => utf8_decode($conf["autoresponder_email"]["to"]), "email_to_name" => utf8_decode($conf["autoresponder_email"]["to_name"]), "email_from" => utf8_decode($conf["autoresponder_email"]["from"]), "email_from_name" => utf8_decode($conf["autoresponder_email"]["from_name"]), "email_subject" => utf8_decode($conf["autoresponder_email"]["subject"]), "email_body" => utf8_decode($conf["autoresponder_email"]["message"]), "email_type" => utf8_decode($conf["autoresponder_email"]["type"]) ); foreach ($email as $key => $val) { $email[$key] = CTemplateStatic::Replace($val , $vars); } SendMail($email); } echo "<response><message>sent</message></response>"; die(); ?> MOD EDIT: . . . tags added.
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