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  1. hi friends, I am using one API in which i need to make request for flight search, i am using soapclient to connect with the server to fetch available flights, below is the xml in which request format will be. SOAP 1.1 The following is a sample SOAP 1.1 request. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values. POST /tws_mind/Ws_TravelPortal.asmx HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length SOAPAction: "http://tempuri.org/Ws_fnAirAvail" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Body> <Ws_fnAirAvail xmlns="http://tempuri.org/"> <objReq> <destination> <string>string</string> <string>string</string> </destination> <domestic>boolean</domestic> <journeydate> <dateTime>dateTime</dateTime> <dateTime>dateTime</dateTime> </journeydate> <journeytype>string</journeytype> <Noofadults>int</Noofadults> <Noofchild>int</Noofchild> <Noofinfant>int</Noofinfant> <preferedairlines> <string>string</string> <string>string</string> </preferedairlines> <preferredclass>string</preferredclass> <returndate>dateTime</returndate> <source> <string>string</string> <string>string</string> </source> <strPreferredCarrierType>string</strPreferredCarrierType> <GetCachedData>boolean</GetCachedData> </objReq> <objSecurity> <strLoginId>string</strLoginId> <strPassword>string</strPassword> </objSecurity> </Ws_fnAirAvail> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> and below is the request which is made by me. $request=array( 'objReq'=>array('destination' => "DEL", 'domestic' => 1, 'journeydate'=>"25/10/2011", 'journeytype'=>"R", 'Noofadults'=>2, 'Noofchild'=>0, 'Noofinfant'=>0, 'preferedairlines'=>"", 'preferredclass'=>"Y", 'returndate'=>"28/10/2011", 'source'=>"BLR", 'strPreferredCarrierType'=>"ANY", 'GetCachedData'=>false ) 'objSecurity'=>array('strLoginId'=>"loginid", 'strPassword'=>"password" ) ); $wsdl="http://*/*/?wsdl"; try{ $cliente=new SoapClient($wsdl); $vem=$cliente->Ws_fnAirAvail($request); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); exit; } echo "<pre>"; print_r($vem); My problem is i am getting below response, if i change the request in anyway i always get the same response. Please correct my request in case i made bad request for the server. stdClass Object ( [Ws_fnAirAvailResult] => stdClass Object ( [objclsException] => stdClass Object ( [errorcode] => GEN0E0006 [errortype] => E [errordesc] => Please provide Security object. ) [strMessage] => ) )
  2. slq: query is attached; Please let me know why this code is not displaying image. <?php $cid=mysql_connect('localhost','root',''); mysql_select_db('filesystem',$cid); $fp=fopen('DSC00194 copy.jpg','r'); $fs=filesize('DSC00194 copy.jpg'); //$data=fread($fp,$fs); //$data=addslashes($data); //mysql_query("insert into file2db(name,size,type,data) values('DSC00194 copy.jpg',$fs,'image/jpeg','$data')"); $rs=mysql_query("select * from file2db"); $row=mysql_fetch_array($rs); $data=file_get_contents($row['data']); $data=stripslashes($data); header("Content-type:".$row['type']); print $data; ?> [attachment deleted by admin]
  3. i tried the above code in xampp and that was not working but rt now i tried in wamp and it is working .Please let me know what was the problem. i am new in this technology.
  4. Hello All, I tried and search in google so many times but i not getting what i exactly want. As i was trying a bit typical task as i think though i am not able to display image using fopen and fread function, Please help me to get a code else tell me whether we can display image using these function or not. please check the below code is correct? $location='C:/xampp/htdocs/dog.jpg'; $size = getimagesize($location); $img_type = $size['mime']; $data = file_get_contents($location); //$img_data = addslashes($data); header("Content-type: ".$img_type); print $data;
  5. <html> <head> <script> function do() { window.location.href="http://www.google.co.in/"; } </script> </head> <body> <h3>i am test page</h3> <input type='submit' onClick='do()' /> </body> </html>
  6. appologies i didn't search in twitter..... actually i was searching in google and lots of site told how to do but i was not getting the result. Thanks for help.
  7. I need to create a web application using php to display 10 most relevant tweets from Twitter in real-time for the keyword "@cldmgc". Could anyone please assist me to get the idea for the project........
  8. Thanks for the help, As i was not able to understand what was the problem with easyphp that's why I have installed joomla in wamp and now it is working fine.
  9. I entered following settings username=root password=nothing database name=joomla15 i have created folder with name joomla15 in www folder, and pasted the joomla files which i have downloaded, please tell me is there any problem with easyphp version because my easyphp version is 2.0
  10. Hi, I was trying to configure joomla on easyphp software in my system as offline.IT was successfull till the step 3 then in step 4 it is showing "Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL" error message. :'( I had tried and search everywhere in google to recover from this failure but i didn't get anything, Only few thing i came to know that joomla can run successfully in Xampp only. Please tell me is that the only option to run joomla or through easyphp we can also use joomla. also let me know also that could i use joomla without having my own website or not.
  11. Hi All, For the last post,I m very happy that i found out so many great mind who are watching my problem and solving online. anyway great thanks for all, just now i m making a project and i m facing problem in the below code "i need to know how can make this code easy or how can i make rdata variable accessible for the download button" generatecv.php file <?php if(isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) { $name=$_REQUEST['pname']; $pin=$_REQUEST['pin']; $mnumb=$_REQUEST['mnumber']; $tnumb=$_REQUEST['telenumber']; $email=$_REQUEST['email']; $obj=$_REQUEST['obj']; $title=$_REQUEST['jobt']; $activity=$_REQUEST['activity']; //$file=fopen('test.doc','a+'); //echo @fwrite($file,$name); //fclose($file); $rdata=""; $rdata.="<table id='cvtbl' border='0' align='center' > <th>Resume</th> <tr><td>".$name.":</td></tr><tr><td>Objective:</td></tr>"; $rdata.="<tr><td>".$obj."</td></tr>"; $rdata.="<tr><td>Email:".$email."</td></tr>"; $rdata.="</table>"; echo $rdata; echo "<style>#cv{display:none;}</style>"; echo "<form><input type='submit' name='dwnld' id='dwnld' value='Download'/></form>"; } if(isset($_REQUEST['dwnld'])) { header("Content-type:application/msword"); header("Content-disposition:attachment;filename=test.doc"); $fp=fopen("test.doc","r") or die("try again"); $data=fread($fp,filesize('test.doc')); fwrite($fp,$rdata); echo $data; fclose($fp); //echo $rdata."<br />".$rdata; } ?> this is the html file <html> <title>User details</title> <body> <form name='cv' id='cv' method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action='generatecv.php'> Enter your name<input type=text name=pname id=pname /> Zip Code<input type=text name=pin id=pin /> Mobile number<input type=text name=mnumber id=mnumber /> <br />Telephone number <input type=text name=telenumber id=telenumber /> Email address<input type=text name=email id=email /> <br />Enter your objective<br /><textarea name=obj id=obj cols=30 rows=5 ></textarea> <!--University Name <input type=text name=university id=university /> --> <br /><!--uni, city ,state ,type of degree ,full degree name,date--> <br /><!--Experience<br /><textarea name=exp id=exp cols=30 rows=5 ></textarea> --> Select type of resume <select name='type' id='type' onChange=''> <option value='0'>Graduate</option> <option value='1'>Post Graduate</option> <option value='2'>Non Graguate</option> <option value='3'>Other</option> </select> Job title<input type='text' name='jobt' id='jobt' /> <br /><!--company name,city ,state ,office number ,job description ,date of employment--> <br />Activity <input type=text name=activity id=activity size=100 /> <br />Honors/Awards<input type=text name=honor id=honor size=100 /> <input type='submit' name='submit' id='submit' value='Generate CV' /> <input type='reset' name='Reset' id='submit' value='Reset' /> </form> </body> </html> Many thanks in advance
  12. i have been using Apache for a long time but now i want to experience IIS server .i have windows xp professional sp 3 . i want to run PHP applications in IIS server .is this possible or not . if this is possible then how to do that ? thanx in advance for any help.....
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