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Everything posted by chaithu7844

  1. I have a XML file in the following format <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <services> <service id="14" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/defaut.png" colonne="Acti_S" Libelle="Accès aux soins" ></service> <service id="17" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/defaut.png" colonne="Acti_B" Libelle="Accompagnement scolaire" ></service> <service id="9" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/defaut.png" colonne="Acti_J" Libelle="Accueil de jour" ></service> <service id="15" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/defaut.png" colonne="Acti_T" Libelle="Accueil téléphonique" ></service> <service id="1" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/defaut.png" colonne="Acti_A" Libelle="Accueil-Orientation" ></service> <service id="6" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/6.png" colonne="Acti_G" Libelle="Aide au logement" ></service> <service id="8" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/8.png" colonne="Acti_I" Libelle="Alphabétisation / FLE" ></service> <service id="2" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/2.png" colonne="Acti_C" Libelle="Domiciliation" ></service> <service id="3" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/3.png" colonne="Acti_D" Libelle="Douche" ></service> <service id="4" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/defaut.png" colonne="Acti_E" Libelle="Emploi" ></service> <service id="5" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/defaut.png" colonne="Acti_F" Libelle="Formalités" ></service> <service id="19" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/defaut.png" colonne="Acti_K" Libelle="Formation" ></service> <service id="7" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/defaut.png" colonne="Acti_H" Libelle="Hébergement" ></service> <service id="10" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/defaut.png" colonne="Acti_M" Libelle="Hébergement avec enfant" ></service> <service id="11" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/defaut.png" colonne="Acti_N" Libelle="Nourriture" ></service> <service id="12" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/defaut.png" colonne="Acti_P" Libelle="Prévention Santé" ></service> <service id="13" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/defaut.png" colonne="Acti_R" Libelle="Réinsertion" ></service> <service id="16" logo="http://www.quiaccueillequi.org/webservices/logos/defaut.png" colonne="Acti_V" Libelle="Vestiaire" ></service> </services> ---------------------------------- I WANT TO STORE EACH LINE IN A ARRAY, THE MAIN DIFFICULTY HERE IS I WANT TO STORE EACH LINE AS A STRING AND OUTPUT THE VALUE AS A STRING, WHICH WHEN I STORE I AM NOT GETTING ANY OUTPUT AFTER STORING THE VALUE INTO A VARIBALE AND GIVING ECHO. COULD U HELP ME OUT HOW TO STORE EACH LINE AS A STRING IN A ARRAY
  2. Could any one help me out with this code please, I have to show it as my company deadline and which will help me assure my job else i will be fired 1)First of all i have a table ra with name log_connect with the following attributes `log_id` bigint(40) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `login` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `account_id` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `universe_id` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `action` enum('connection','visit','deconnection') NOT NULL, `activity_qaq` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `service_qaq` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `datetime_log` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`log_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=2 ; with example values as (1, 'login', 'ACC001', 'UNI001', 'connection', 'ActivityA', 'ServiceA', '2011-03-11 11:25:41') (2, 'login', 'ACC002', 'UNI002', 'connection', 'ActivityB', 'ServiceB', '2011-03-11 11:30:41') (3, 'login', 'ACC001', 'UNI001', 'deconnection', 'ActivityA', 'ServiceA', '2011-03-11 12:45:41') (4, 'login', 'ACC002', 'UNI002', 'deconnection', 'ActivityB', 'ServiceB', '2011-03-11 12:56:41') 2) Second step is to fill the values from the above table ie i have to retrieve from the above table and fill in few tables, here is where the problem occurs: a) first i have to fill the following table activity_rating which has the format ie i have to fill the id_acti here which is nothing but the activity_qaq present in the above table along with the rating_acti as the time spent on a particular activity as shown above the first user spends time on ActivityA from 2011-03-11 11:25:41 to 2011-03-11 12:45:41, ie from the conenction to a disconnection of that particular ActivityA. ( i am not able to understand how we calculate the timing in this sense i mean we can retreive the values but how to caluculate how i said ) `activity_rating` ( `id` smallint(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `id_acti` smallint(5) DEFAULT NULL, `rating_acti` float DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ; 3) similarly we have to calcuulate the time spent by an user on a particular Service for example Service A and fill in the following table of service_qaq which has the following format. Here id_acti is nothing but the activity_qaq from the first table of log_connect and id_service is nothing but service_qaq from the first table log_conenct. `service_acti` ( `id` smallint(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `id_acti` smallint(5) DEFAULT NULL, `id_service` smallint(5) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `id_service` (`id_service`), KEY `id_acti` (`id_acti`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1128 ; -- 4) This step is the most difficult of all and i totally dont understand how to code this. here we fill in id_user as the account_id of our log_connect table, time_session is one one week and id acti is the activities from log_connect and time_acti is the total time spent is the total time spent by a particular user on a particular activity in that week, and similar is the serice and time_service. we have another table of the format `user_log_analyse` ( `id` smallint(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `id_user` smallint(5) DEFAULT NULL, `id_session` smallint(5) DEFAULT NULL, `time_session` float DEFAULT NULL, `id_acti` smallint(5) DEFAULT NULL, `time_acti` float DEFAULT NULL, `id_service` smallint(5) DEFAULT NULL, `time_service` float DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `id_service` (`id_service`), KEY `id_acti` (`id_acti`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=18 ; This is the general code i use for connecting to database and retrieving values <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="fr" > <head> <title> Login Details </title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <?php try { $database = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=Logindetails', 'root', 'root'); $bd = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=BDQAQ', 'root', 'root'); } catch (Exception $e) { die('Erreur : ' . $e->getMessage()); } // First select the unique Account Ids,action,activity_qaq,service_qaq From our table log_connect $sqlListeAccountid="SELECT account_id as Account,action as actions,activity_qaq as activity,service_qaq as service FROM log_connect"; $Req_Liste_Account = $database->prepare($sqlListeAccountid); $Req_Liste_Account->execute() or die(print_r($Req_Liste_Account->errorInfo())); $ResultListeAccount =$Req_Liste_Account->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $nbrUser= count($ResultListeAccount); ?> </body> </html>
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