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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. It works now, this is what I had to do: <?php$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Leerlingenkeuzes WHERE naam='$naam' AND klas='$klas'"); $user = mysql_fetch_array($query); if($user['controle'] == 1){ header ("Location: /ingeschreven.php"); exit(); } else { }?>
  2. So, from the beginning: nothing is in my database yet. I go to the site, register perfectly fine. My name and class are written down in a DB, also my 'controle' character got set to 1. This means that the next time I visit the page, I shouldn't be able anymore to go to it and I should be redirected to '/ingeschreven.php' So let's say that 'Tom Tollenaere' '6IICT' and '1' are written down in the DB So basicly, when I revisit the site, I shouldn't be able to do it anymore. This is not the case. I can still visit it But after that I register another person into the database, as described above, with the following values: 'test jan' '6EE' '1' Now when I re-go to the site with either logged in as Tom Tollenaere or as test jan or as any new user, it does redirect me to /ingeschreven.php So it doesn't work, it just doesn't redirect me if I only registered one person, and it redirects me every time after I registered 2 persons... It should be individual for every person, so if person X has been there before, he shouldn't be able to visit it again, but if person Y is new, he should be able to visit it till he registered himself... I hope this helped you
  3. Hello, I'm currently programming a site for my school as final work. Some stuff works, other doesn't yet anyway, here is my question: People have to register on the site. Once they done it, and they revisit it, they shouldn't be able to visit it anymore. I want to check this with a control sign, in my database it is named 'controle'. When 'controle' is set to 1, it means they have registered them self already and they should be redirected to another page. I wrote something but it is not correct at all. Any ideas? <?php $query ="SELECT naam FROM Leerlingenkeuzes"; // Selecteren it leerlingenkeuzes $result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());// $query .= " WHERE naam='".$naam."' AND controle='1' AND klas='".$klas."'"; $res=mysql_fetch_row($result); while($res = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($res['controle']='1') { header ("Location: /ingeschreven.php"); echo $res['naam']; } else { echo $res['klas']; } } ?>
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