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  1. Does anybody know of a pre-existing script/piece of code that'd allow users to add their own personal links to an intranet page, in the style of the mockup below. I'm guessing something like this exists, as I've seen them quite a few times before, but I can't find any? The server is IIS 7.5 with Active Directory being used by the way. Thanks http://i40.tinypic.com/16aobpj.jpg
  2. They're each individual checkboxes, and the checkboxes save their states, so for example Monday1 & 3 are checked by 2 & 4 are unchecked.
  3. There will be multiple checkboxes so /Checkboxes/Monday1/index.php /Checkboxes/Monday2/index.php /Checkboxes/Monday3/index.php /Checkboxes/Monday4/index.php I couldn't give them all the same database details as they'd just overwrite eachother, but I don't want to have to enter the details in each separate one. The database info file is in php, so is there anything I can enter that'll get the name of the directory and use that as the name of the table?
  4. Because what I'd have is one config file which you'd enter in, and then that would replicate to all the folders. If all the checkboxes are being directed to the same table, then they'd end up overwriting eachother.
  5. How could I make it so that the name of the table is the same as the name as the folder? So if the path is /CheckBoxes/Monday1/index.php Then the name of the table will be Monday1
  6. Actually I've worked out how to create a table, but how would I make it so that the table's name is the directory's name. I've found how to do it in php; <?php $junk=getcwd(); $pass="0"; $long=0; $tv=strlen($junk); $dvd=$tv-1; while ($pass=="0") { $vhs=substr($junk,$dvd,1); if ($vhs==chr(47)) {$pass=1;} if ($vhs==chr(92)) {$pass=1;} $long=$long+1; $dvd=$dvd-1; } $vhs=substr($junk,$dvd+2,$long-1); print "$vhs"; ?> and that'll give the directory, and the table creating script is; <?php include("dbinfo.inc.php"); //get settings mysql_connect($host,$user,$password); //connect to database @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); //select a database or give a error $query="CREATE TABLE [i]TABLE NAME TO BE DIRECTORY[/i] (checkbox TEXT NOT NULL )"; //create the table checkbox, with type TEXT mysql_query($query); //execute it $query2="INSERT INTO checkbox (checkbox) VALUES ('0')"; //add a 0 to field checkbox mysql_query($query2); //execute it mysql_close(); //close the connection ?> Finished creating table. How could I do this so that the Table name is that of the directory. Thanks
  7. Yeah. The Checkbox part of it that I found used separate databases for every database. I've never looked into combining them so far, but I think it'd be much better if I could. How could I modify the configuration file so that it uses tables?
  8. Yeah, database tables, that's it. What I want to do is have say a database called 'checkboxes' and then tables in the database called; monday1 monday2 monday3 etc
  9. Hi, I've created an application which stores its data in a MySQL Database, and it has a section to do with Checkboxes, but at the moment every checkbox is stored in a different database so I have 20 odd different databases. I know I can combine them with something like a example_example thing, but the problem is I've got no idea what the thing is called! The config file is <?php $user="username"; //username of the MySQL database $password="password"; //password of the MySQL database $database="monday1"; //database you want to open in the MySQL database $host="localhost"; //host to connect to for the MySQL database ?> Is it as simple as changing the database name so it looks like; <?php $user="username"; //username of the MySQL database $password="password"; //password of the MySQL database $database="bb_monday1"; //database you want to open in the MySQL database $host="localhost"; //host to connect to for the MySQL database ?> I might be totally off, but I'm not really sure what to search for. I know in wordpress databases they usually have wp_. Thanks
  10. Hi, I'm completely new to anything that is not html but I'm wondering if in something like php I can get a checkbox to permanently save through reloads and different machines. My idea was just to have a page with only a checkbox on it, and then load that through and iframe in html. If anybody could give me the code for that checkbox page (complete if possible as I don't really know anything about that type of programming) I would be very grateful. Thank You
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