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  1. Hello everyone, hopeing this is the correct place to place this, if not I apologize. I dont have a script, but here is what I hope to accomplish. There are 4 crew working, each works two days, then two nights then gets 4 off. Ex.. A platoon works 17th day, 18th day 19th night, 20th night then gets 4 off B platoon works 19th day, 20th day, 21st night, 22nd nght then gets 4 off C platoon works 21st day, 22nd day, 23rd night, 24th night then gets 4 off D platoon works 23rd day, 24th day, 25th night, 26th night then gets 4 off A platoon works 25th day, 26th day...... This schedule revolves like that for the entire year. (if A is working days, then D is working nights etc) I wanted to know if anyone could help me create a script that displays which crew is currently working, a script example that knows it is the 23rd and outputs "D platoon is on Duty" If anyone understands this and can help, please let me know. Thanks
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