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  1. I have figured it out!! I need to SUM it up before it comes out of the database... here is my end result: $slots = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(preserved) FROM treservations WHERE reservation_date='$reservation_date' AND reservation_hour='$reservation_hour'") or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($slots)){ echo "Total ". $row['SUM(preserved)']; echo "<br />"; } Thank you to anyone who considered answering...
  2. Hello, I have a database that contains a column with a int value for number of slots reserved, and what I want to do is fetch the value of each column and add them together to create one whole number. For example, in my database under preserved I have two separate values of 2 and 4.. I would like to take those two values and add them up into 6 through php... here is what I have so far: $slots = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM treservations WHERE reservation_date='$reservation_date' AND reservation_hour='$reservation_hour'") or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($slots)) { $row["preserved"]; } mysql_free_result($slots); Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.. if I need to add additional code please let me know. Thank you!
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