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  1. Thank you very much, that fixed the problem. At first it wasn't working, then I realized that my urls were looking like index.php?page=pages/blah, after deleting pages/ from the url, everything worked fine. I greatly appreciate your help.
  2. I was assuming that the code would pull $page from the URL, I guess I assumed wrong? If so, what would I need to do to fix this?
  3. I have fixed that, and I am still getting the same result, it is always loading the main.txt instead of the pages i am requesting
  4. Basically what I am trying to achieve is making sure any $page called originates from my server, but if no $page is defined, to include a default page I have set up. This is my code, and I cannot figure out what's wrong with it. <?php $path = 'pages/'; $extension = '.txt'; if ( preg_match("#^[a-z0-9_]+$#i",$page) ){ $filename = $path.$page.$extension; include($filename); } if (!$page) include 'pages/main.txt'; ?> An example URL I am using is www.mywebsite.com/index.php?$page=pages/tester What am I doing wrong?
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