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Everything posted by jessecasimsiman

  1. Please bear with me, a newbie here. I'm trying to implement these on php but after a long googling, still not able to get better information. 1. Procedural packages function(main(myVar) { var mylocalVar="I'm a variable"; function(subA(){ expr.... }; function(subB(){ expr...}, } main("php")->subA() I can do this approach in other language but I'm not able to do it in php.. Any other equivalent solution? 2. How can I overwrite, append, insert, delete an existing modular function (like question 1). append -> means just add sub function to the existing function, and always become part of the function insert -> you can insert a function in a collection of a function, (usage might be on re-ordering the action) delete -> delete/disable a function in a collection of a function I'm trying to make my codes dynamic and flexible as much as possible so I can plug any function that I want. Thank you in advance.
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