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Everything posted by dogger

  1. OK, in my html file, I have "${uri}" which is a directory/filename. A link (href) is created directly from "${uri}" that opens the file when clicked. This works great. <dd><a href="${uri}">${uri}</a> (${size} bytes)<br><br></dd> Now, I want to also add the ability to explor the directoy. So I want to add another link (href) with the directory only include in "${uri}". For example, if "${uri}" = '/this/is/the/directory/and/thefile.txt', I want an href w/ '/this/is/the/directory/and' I created the file dir.php w/ the following <?php function giveme_dir_only( $a ) { $mydir = dirname($a ); return $mydir; } ?> Now, how do I add this to my html/href command. There is no reason to run the dir.php until the user actually clicks on the link, eh? <dd><a href="xxxx">"xxxx"</a> <br><br></dd> Thanks in advance for the help!
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