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Everything posted by old_foggie

  1. Hello all, I'm new to PHP and new to this forum (although I have benefitted from your help already -cheers!). However, this time I cannot find the answer I need/recognise/understand.. I have a form and want to conduct tests on each field returning an error message as a session variable if the test fails. The test will be different for some of the fields, and the error message is specific to each field. If there is an error in any one of the fields I want to be redirected to a failure page where all of the error messages are displayed, otherwise I am sent on to another page. I have already written and tested a function to sanitise the incoming form data, so that's not a problem - it's just how to loop through and test. I can guess that there are many ways to do this but I need to understand why one option is better than another, and follow the syntax used (it's all part of my steep learning curve) The approach I have thought to use is to create an array holding the field name, the test and the message, then loop through using foreach, applying the array values into the test and creating the error message....but it's not working for me. The other method is to declare a variable $Stop='No' and if the loop identifies an error, part of the output is to change this to 'yes' and through that redirect to the error page. I'd really welcome your advice and tuition....cheers.. my code so far is... $Stop='No'; $StaffPassCheck=sanitisealphanum($_POST['PasswordCheck']); $Errors[0]['value']= sanitisealphanum($_POST['FirstName']); $Errors[0]['message']='Please re-enter your name'; $Errors[0]['test']=($StaffFname=""); $Errors[1]['value']= sanitisealphanum($_POST['Surname']); $Errors[1]['message']='Please re-enter your surname'; $Errors[1]['test']=($StaffSname=""); $Errors[2]['value']= sanitisealphanum($_POST['Post']); $Errors[2]['message']='You must select an option'; $Errors[2]['test']=($StaffPost="Select Value"); $Errors[3]['value']= sanitisealphanum($_POST['Username']); $Errors[3]['message']='You must select an option'; $Errors[3]['test']=($StaffUser=""); $Errors[4]['value']= sanitisealphanum($_POST['Password']); $Errors[4]['message']='Please re-enter your password'; $Errors[4]['test']=($StaffPass=""); $Errors[5]['value']= sanitisealphanum($_POST['PasswordCheck']); $Errors[5]['message']='Sorry, your passwords do not match'; $Errors[5]['test']=($StaffPass===$StaffPassCheck); foreach ($Errors as $key => $Value){ if ( $Errors['test']=true ){ $Stop='Yes'; return $_SESSION[$key]=$Value['message']; } } if ($Stop='Yes'){ header('Location.test.php'); die(); }else{ header('Location.indexp.php'); }
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