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  1. How can I modify the following code to not display $hash_row['total'], but to display the sum of the counted "total" value + 1? Is there a way that I can assign that variable in the "select query" area (for instance, "COUNT(hr.hasher_id) + 1 as total1"), and then call $hash_row['total1] in the result table? I'm not sure if the syntax exists to add an integer value to a COUNT value and assign to a new variable... <?php include "modules/dbase_connection.php"; #create MySQL connection $sql_connection = sql_connect("blah","blah","blah","blah"); # select the Hashers and hashes by total number<br /> $hash_query = " SELECT ha.*, COUNT(hr.hasher_id) as total FROM hashers as ha, hash_records as hr WHERE hr.hasher_id = ha.hasher_id GROUP BY hr.hasher_id ORDER BY total DESC "; $hash_result = mysql_query($hash_query) or die(mysql_error()); $x = 1; while($hash_row = mysql_fetch_array($hash_result)) { #display the table header if($x == 1) { echo ' <br /> <table align="left"> <br /> <tbody> <tr><br /><td colspan="2"><strong>Potential On-Sec</strong></td><br /></tr>'; $x++; } echo '<tr><br /><td>' . $hash_row['hasher_name'] . '</td><br /><td>' . $hash_row['total'] . '</td><br /><td>- ' . $hash_row['real_name'] . '</td><br /></tr>'; } echo '</tbody></table></td><br />'; ?>
  2. When I type in <br>, it is automatically converted to <br /> when I save it. (Working in a Joomla article.)
  3. Unfortunately, no luck. I don't know what the problem is. It's like it just doesn't want to read the line break tag. It is especially crazy in the concatenated header string... it is reading the <strong>, the <em>, and displaying appropriately. It just refuses to read the <br />! Here is the newest non-working code: <?php # if submit_hash is present, then pull up the attendance from specified hash if($_GET['submit_hash']) { # select all the hashers from the specified hash $query = " SELECT h.*, ha.* FROM hashes as h, hashers as ha, hash_records as hr WHERE hr.hash_id = " . $_GET['hash_id'] . " && hr.hash_id = h.hash_id && hr.hasher_id = ha.hasher_id ORDER BY ha.hasher_name "; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error selecting Hash attendance.'); $x = 1; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($x == 1) { echo '<strong>' . '#' . $row['hash_num'] . ' ' . $row['hash_name'] . ' - ' . date("D, d M Y", strtotime($row['hash_date'])) . '</strong><em> Total Hashers: ' . mysql_num_rows($result) . '</em>' . '<br />'; echo '<br />'; $x++; } # see if this person was the hare if($row['hare_id'] == $row['hasher_id'] || $row['hare2_id'] == $row['hasher_id'] || $row['hare3_id'] == $row['hasher_id']) { $hare = '- hare'; } else { $hare = ''; } echo '<br />'; echo '<br />' . $row['hasher_name'] . ' <b>' . $hare . '</b></br>'; } } else if($_GET['submit_hasher']) { # if submit_hasher is present, pull up all of their hashes and aliases # select all the hashes that this person has attended $a_query = " SELECT h.*, ha.* FROM hashes as h, hashers as ha, hash_records as hr WHERE hr.hash_id = h.hash_id && hr.hasher_id = ha.hasher_id && hr.hasher_id = " . $_GET['hasher_id'] . " ORDER BY h.hash_date DESC "; $a_result = mysql_query($a_query) or die('Error selecting the person\'s Hashes . '); $x = 1; while($a_row = mysql_fetch_array($a_result)) { if($x == 1) { echo '<strong>Hash Attendance Record For ' . $a_row['hasher_name'] . '</strong> <em>(' . mysql_num_rows($a_result) . ' total hashes)</em>' . '<br />'; echo '<br />'; $x++; } echo '<br />'; echo '<br />' . '#' . $a_row['hash_num'].' ' . $a_row['hash_name'] . ' on ' . date("D, d M Y", strtotime($a_row['hash_date'])); # see if this person was a hare if($a_row['hasher_id'] == $a_row['hare_id'] || $a_row['hasher_id'] == $a_row['hare2_id'] || $a_row['hasher_id'] == $a_row['hare3_id']) { echo ' - <b>hare</b>'; } echo ''; } echo ''; } echo ' <table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td> '; ?>
  4. Thank you for your reply! So I entered the concatenated <br> tags as you suggested, but it still isn't working. Everything still displays on a singular line with no line breaks. Below is the new code. Suggestions? <?php # if submit_hash is present, then pull up the attendance from specified hash if($_GET['submit_hash']) { # select all the hashers from the specified hash $query = " SELECT h.*, ha.* FROM hashes as h, hashers as ha, hash_records as hr WHERE hr.hash_id = " . $_GET['hash_id'] . " && hr.hash_id = h.hash_id && hr.hasher_id = ha.hasher_id ORDER BY ha.hasher_name "; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error selecting Hash attendance.'); $x = 1; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($x == 1) { echo '<strong>' . $row['hash_num'] . ' ' . $row['hash_name'] . ' - ' . date("D, d M Y", strtotime($row['hash_date'])) . '</strong><em>Total Hashers: ' . mysql_num_rows($result) . '</em>' . '<br />'; $x++; } # see if this person was the hare if($row['hare_id'] == $row['hasher_id'] || $row['hare2_id'] == $row['hasher_id'] || $row['hare3_id'] == $row['hasher_id']) { $hare = '- hare'; } else { $hare = ''; } echo '<br />' . $row['hasher_name'] . ' <b>' . $hare . '</b>'; } } else if($_GET['submit_hasher']) { # if submit_hasher is present, pull up all of their hashes and aliases # select all the hashes that this person has attended $a_query = " SELECT h.*, ha.* FROM hashes as h, hashers as ha, hash_records as hr WHERE hr.hash_id = h.hash_id && hr.hasher_id = ha.hasher_id && hr.hasher_id = " . $_GET['hasher_id'] . " ORDER BY h.hash_date DESC "; $a_result = mysql_query($a_query) or die('Error selecting the person\'s Hashes . '); $x = 1; while($a_row = mysql_fetch_array($a_result)) { if($x == 1) { echo '<strong>Hash Attendance Record For ' . $a_row['hasher_name'] . '</strong> <em>(' . mysql_num_rows($a_result) . ' total hashes)</em>' . '<br />'; $x++; } echo '<br />' . '#' . $a_row['hash_num'].' ' . $a_row['hash_name'] . ' on ' . date("D, d M Y", strtotime($a_row['hash_date'])); # see if this person was a hare if($a_row['hasher_id'] == $a_row['hare_id'] || $a_row['hasher_id'] == $a_row['hare2_id'] || $a_row['hasher_id'] == $a_row['hare3_id']) { echo ' - <b>hare</b>'; } echo ''; } echo ''; } echo ' <table width="100%"> <br /> <tbody> <tr> <br /> <td> '; ?>
  5. I have developed the following code, which queries a MySQL database and returns multiple results using several WHILE loops: <?php # if submit_hash is present, then pull up the attendance from specified hash if($_GET['submit_hash']) { # select all the hashers from the specified hash $query = " SELECT h.*, ha.* FROM hashes as h, hashers as ha, hash_records as hr WHERE hr.hash_id = " . $_GET['hash_id'] . " && hr.hash_id = h.hash_id && hr.hasher_id = ha.hasher_id ORDER BY ha.hasher_name "; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error selecting Hash attendance.'); $x = 1; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($x == 1) { echo '<strong>' . $row['hash_num'] . ' ' . $row['hash_name'] . ' - ' . date("D, d M Y", strtotime($row['hash_date'])) . '</strong><em>Total Hashers: ' . mysql_num_rows($result) . '</em>'; $x++; } # see if this person was the hare if($row['hare_id'] == $row['hasher_id'] || $row['hare2_id'] == $row['hasher_id'] || $row['hare3_id'] == $row['hasher_id']) { $hare = '- hare'; } else { $hare = ''; } echo $row['hasher_name'] . ' <b>' . $hare . '</b>'; } } else if($_GET['submit_hasher']) { # if submit_hasher is present, pull up all of their hashes and aliases # select all the hashes that this person has attended $a_query = " SELECT h.*, ha.* FROM hashes as h, hashers as ha, hash_records as hr WHERE hr.hash_id = h.hash_id && hr.hasher_id = ha.hasher_id && hr.hasher_id = " . $_GET['hasher_id'] . " ORDER BY h.hash_date DESC "; $a_result = mysql_query($a_query) or die('Error selecting the person\'s Hashes . '); $x = 1; while($a_row = mysql_fetch_array($a_result)) { if($x == 1) { echo '<strong>Hash Attendance Record For ' . $a_row['hasher_name'] . '</strong> <em>(' . mysql_num_rows($a_result) . ' total hashes)</em>'; $x++; } echo '#' . $a_row['hash_num'].' ' . $a_row['hash_name'] . ' on ' . date("D, d M Y", strtotime($a_row['hash_date'])); # see if this person was a hare if($a_row['hasher_id'] == $a_row['hare_id'] || $a_row['hasher_id'] == $a_row['hare2_id'] || $a_row['hasher_id'] == $a_row['hare3_id']) { echo ' - <b>hare</b>'; } echo ''; } echo ''; } echo ' <table width="100%"> <br /> <tbody> <tr> <br /> <td> '; ?> The problem is that everything that is returned from the WHILE loops is displayed in a single line. However, I want the data displayed with a line break between each result, like this: Header Return 1 from WHILE loop Return 2 from WHILE loop Return 3 from WHLIE loop How do I need to modify the code to make it display appropriately?
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