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  1. Hi, First thanks for reply and explanation, after md5 I've and md5 $salt,password function is : $password_string = md5( $password ) . md5 ( $salt ); $password = md5 ( $password_string ); So this thing which I am aiming,to call password field from database and send it "unhashed" its not practically possible ? Regards
  2. Hi, I am having little troubles with one modification of my password retrieval script - currently when user forgot his pass the script generate a new one. After while some users forget it again ... so I want to simplify it a little bit by sending them their original password. Passwords are encrypted so I cant get them with simple MySql query,can you give me some tips how to proceed - my level is not really advanced but I am trying Here is part of the code which generate a new one after verification process and insert it into database: $salt = generate_rand (X); $new_password = generate_rand (X); $password = password ( $new_password, $salt ); $update_password = $db->query ("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "tableX SET password='$password', salt='$salt' WHERE uid='".$session_data['uid']."'"); Regards
  3. Please anyone - just an idea how to structure code for such events,any ideas how google did it (link above) ? I just cant figure it out what to use to get this result ... Regards
  4. Sorry for absence of code block which in the case would help but my thought was has anyone idea how google did this,I just need an idea how to implement such feature - I will deal with the code but I cant figure it out. Regards
  5. Hello guys I am developing my own system with event calendar but I stucked in the part where I should mark in the same way event which continue more than one day.What is my point - lets take for example google calendar, here you can see how the bar is purple for all 3 days marked for street cleaning : http://www.file-extensions.org/imgs/app-picture/6718/google-calendar.jpg Can you give me only an idea how I should proceed,what to use to achieve such result,what are my best options ? Thank you
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