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Everything posted by neogine

  1. Hi, i m new with php programming... I m working on one form in which i have created filter options for filter dynamic table content by completed, approve and rejected status.... but problem is when i m selecting any filtered option using select list data is displayed... but when i m clicking on next button in paging... dynamic table showing blank... same slect list getting blank.... anyone will help me...? code of php file <?php require_once('../Connections/localhost.php'); ?> <?php if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } $MM_authorizedUsers = "client"; $MM_donotCheckaccess = "false"; // *** Restrict Access To Page: Grant or deny access to this page function isAuthorized($strUsers, $strGroups, $UserName, $UserGroup) { // For security, start by assuming the visitor is NOT authorized. $isValid = False; // When a visitor has logged into this site, the Session variable MM_Username set equal to their username. // Therefore, we know that a user is NOT logged in if that Session variable is blank. if (!empty($UserName)) { // Besides being logged in, you may restrict access to only certain users based on an ID established when they login. // Parse the strings into arrays. $arrUsers = Explode(",", $strUsers); $arrGroups = Explode(",", $strGroups); if (in_array($UserName, $arrUsers)) { $isValid = true; } // Or, you may restrict access to only certain users based on their username. if (in_array($UserGroup, $arrGroups)) { $isValid = true; } if (($strUsers == "") && false) { $isValid = true; } } return $isValid; } $MM_restrictGoTo = "../index.php"; if (!((isset($_SESSION['MM_Username'])) && (isAuthorized("",$MM_authorizedUsers, $_SESSION['MM_Username'], $_SESSION['MM_UserGroup'])))) { $MM_qsChar = "?"; $MM_referrer = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if (strpos($MM_restrictGoTo, "?")) $MM_qsChar = "&"; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && strlen($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) > 0) $MM_referrer .= "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $MM_restrictGoTo = $MM_restrictGoTo. $MM_qsChar . "accesscheck=" . urlencode($MM_referrer); header("Location: ". $MM_restrictGoTo); exit; } ?> <?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) { function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "") { if (PHP_VERSION < 6) { $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue; } $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue); switch ($theType) { case "text": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "long": case "int": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL"; break; case "double": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL"; break; case "date": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "defined": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue; break; } return $theValue; } } $currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $maxRows_Recordset1 = 30; $pageNum_Recordset1 = 0; if (isset($_GET['pageNum_Recordset1'])) { $pageNum_Recordset1 = $_GET['pageNum_Recordset1']; } $startRow_Recordset1 = $pageNum_Recordset1 * $maxRows_Recordset1; $myID = $_SESSION['MM_Username']; $mystatus=$_GET['status']; switch ($options) { case "All"; $All="selected"; break; case "Completed"; $Completed="selected"; break; case"Rejected"; $Rejected="selected"; break; case"Pending"; $Pending="selected"; break; } $mystatus=$_POST['status']; $maxRows_Recordset1 = 10; $pageNum_Recordset1 = 0; if (isset($_GET['pageNum_Recordset1'])) { $pageNum_Recordset1 = $_GET['pageNum_Recordset1']; } $startRow_Recordset1 = $pageNum_Recordset1 * $maxRows_Recordset1; //databse queary for filters $query_Recordset1 = "SELECT username, Jobid, Market, General_10, Entry_Points, Dept_Points, General_Points, Total_Points FROM form_gf "; if($mystatus !=='All'){ $query_Recordset1 .= "WHERE status = '$mystatus'";} else { $query_Recordset1 .= "ORDER BY form_gf.Jobid";} mysql_select_db($database_localhost, $localhost); $query_limit_Recordset1 = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_Recordset1, $startRow_Recordset1, $maxRows_Recordset1); $Recordset1 = mysql_query($query_limit_Recordset1, $localhost) or die(mysql_error()); $row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset1); if (isset($_GET['totalRows_Recordset1'])) { $totalRows_Recordset1 = $_GET['totalRows_Recordset1']; } else { $all_Recordset1 = mysql_query($query_Recordset1); $totalRows_Recordset1 = mysql_num_rows($all_Recordset1); } $totalPages_Recordset1 = ceil($totalRows_Recordset1/$maxRows_Recordset1)-1; mysql_select_db($database_localhost, $localhost); $query_status = "SELECT dropdown.options FROM dropdown WHERE dropdown.dropdownname = 'status'"; $status = mysql_query($query_status, $localhost) or die(mysql_error()); $row_status = mysql_fetch_assoc($status); $totalRows_status = mysql_num_rows($status);mysql_select_db($database_localhost, $localhost); $query_status = "SELECT options FROM dropdown WHERE dropdownname = 'status' ORDER BY options ASC"; $status = mysql_query($query_status, $localhost) or die(mysql_error()); $row_status = mysql_fetch_assoc($status); $totalRows_status = mysql_num_rows($status); $queryString_Recordset1 = ""; if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $params = explode("&", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $newParams = array(); foreach ($params as $param) { if (stristr($param, "pageNum_Recordset1") == false && stristr($param, "totalRows_Recordset1") == false) { array_push($newParams, $param); } } if (count($newParams) != 0) { $queryString_Recordset1 = "&" . htmlentities(implode("&", $newParams)); } } $queryString_Recordset1 = sprintf("&totalRows_Recordset1=%d%s", $totalRows_Recordset1, $queryString_Recordset1); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 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$rows = mysql_num_rows($status); if($rows > 0) { mysql_data_seek($status, 0); $row_status = mysql_fetch_assoc($status); } ?> </select></td> <td align="left" valign="bottom"><a href="excel.php"></a></td> <td align="left" valign="bottom"> </td> <td align="center" valign="middle"><a href="../excelexprt.php"></a></td> <td align="center" valign="middle"> </td> <td align="center" valign="middle"> </td> <td align="right" valign="middle"><a href="excel.php"><img src="../images/Export.png" alt="Export" width="48" height="48" border="0" /></a></td> </form> </tr> <tr class="Header"> <td height="2" colspan="10" align="center" valign="bottom" id="filters3"><hr color="#333333" size="1px"/></td> </tr> <tr class="Header"> <td height="345" colspan="10" align="center" valign="bottom" id="filters"><a href="../excelexprt.php"> <iframe src="pai1.php" width="485px" height="370px" frameborder="0"></iframe> </a></td> </tr> <tr class="Header"> <td height="22" colspan="3" align="center" valign="bottom" id="filters2"> </td> <td align="left" valign="bottom"> </td> <td align="left" valign="bottom"> </td> <td align="left" valign="bottom"> </td> <td colspan="4" align="center" valign="middle"> </td> </tr> <tr class="Header"> <td style="border: 1px solid #000;" height="44" colspan="3" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#666666">Options</td> <td style="border: 1px solid #000;" width="100" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#666666" class="Header">Job ID</td> <td style="border: 1px solid #000;" width="100" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#666666">Market ID</td> <td style="border: 1px solid #000;" width="100" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#666666">Transaction No.</td> <td style="border: 1px solid #000;" width="100" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#666666">Entry Points</td> <td style="border: 1px solid #000;" width="100" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#666666">Department Points</td> <td style="border: 1px solid #000;" width="100" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#666666">General Points</td> <td style="border: 1px solid #000;" width="100" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#666666">Total Points</td> </tr> <?php do { ?> <tr> <td width="31" height="28" align="center" style="border: 1px solid #000;"><a href="../pdf.php?Jobid=<?php echo $row_Recordset1['Jobid']; ?>" target="_blank"><img src="../images/pdf.png" alt="PDF Export" width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a></td> <td width="31" style="border: 1px solid #000;" align="center"><a href="../view.php?Jobid=<?php echo $row_Recordset1['Jobid']; ?>" target="_blank"><img src="../images/preview.png" alt="Preview" width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a></td> <td width="31" style="border: 1px solid #000;" align="center"><a href="../update_form.php?Jobid=<?php echo $row_Recordset1['Jobid']; ?>" target="_blank"><img src="../images/Edit.png" alt="Edit" width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a></td> <td style="border: 1px solid #000;" align="right"><?php echo $row_Recordset1['Jobid']; ?> </td> <td style="border: 1px solid #000;" align="right"><?php echo $row_Recordset1['Market']; ?> </td> <td style="border: 1px solid #000;" align="right"><?php echo $row_Recordset1['General_10']; ?> </td> <td style="border: 1px solid #000;" align="right"><?php echo $row_Recordset1['Entry_Points']; ?> </td> <td style="border: 1px solid #000;" align="right"><?php echo $row_Recordset1['Dept_Points']; ?> </td> <td style="border: 1px solid #000;" align="right"><?php echo $row_Recordset1['General_Points']; ?> </td> <td style="border: 1px solid #000;" align="right"><?php echo $row_Recordset1['Total_Points']; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } while ($row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset1)); ?> <table border="0" align="center" width="270px"> <tr> <td width="30px" valign="middle"><?php if ($pageNum_Recordset1 > 0) { // Show if not first page ?> <a href="<?php printf("%s?pageNum_Recordset1=%d%s", $currentPage, 0, $queryString_Recordset1); ?>"><img src="../images/first.png" alt="First" width="16" height="16" alt="First Page" /> </a> <?php } // Show if not first page ?></td> <td width="30px" valign="middle"><?php if ($pageNum_Recordset1 > 0) { // Show if not first page ?> <a href="<?php printf("%s?pageNum_Recordset1=%d%s", $currentPage, max(0, $pageNum_Recordset1 - 1), $queryString_Recordset1); ?>"><img src="../images/previous.png" alt="Previous Page" width="16" height="16" alt="previous" /> </a> <?php } // Show if not first page ?></td> <td width="150px" style="font-family:'Segoe UI'; font-size:12px; color:#333; font-weight:700; line-height:40px;"> Records <?php echo ($startRow_Recordset1 + 1) ?> to <?php echo min($startRow_Recordset1 + $maxRows_Recordset1, $totalRows_Recordset1) ?> of <?php echo $totalRows_Recordset1 ?></td> <td width="30px" valign="middle"><?php if ($pageNum_Recordset1 < $totalPages_Recordset1) { // Show if not last page ?> <a href="<?php printf("%s?pageNum_Recordset1=%d%s", $currentPage, min($totalPages_Recordset1, $pageNum_Recordset1 + 1), $queryString_Recordset1); ?>"><img src="../images/Next.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Next" /> </a> <?php } // Show if not last page ?></td> <td width="30px" valign="middle"><?php if ($pageNum_Recordset1 < $totalPages_Recordset1) { // Show if not last page ?> <a href="<?php printf("%s?pageNum_Recordset1=%d%s", $currentPage, $totalPages_Recordset1, $queryString_Recordset1); ?>"><img src="../images/Last.png" alt="Last Page" width="16" height="16" alt="Last" /> </a> <?php } // Show if not last page ?></td> </tr> </table> </table> </div> <div id="dash3_grid_bot"></div> </div><br /> <br /> <br /> </td> </tr> </table> <div id="dashboard"> </div> </div> <div class="dock" id="dock2"> <div class="dock-container2"> <a class="dock-item2" href="client.php"><span>Dashboard</span><img src="../Menu/images/Dashboard-.png" alt="home" /></a> <a class="dock-item2" href="brakedown.php"><span>Brakedown Report</span><img src="../Menu/images/brakedown.png" alt="contact" /></a> <a class="dock-item2" href="Compliance.php"><span>Compliance Report</span><img src="../Menu/images/compliance.png" alt="portfolio" /></a> <a class="dock-item2" href="jobstatus.php"><span>Job Status Report</span><img src="../Menu/images/jobstatus.png" alt="music" /></a> <a class="dock-item2" href="reports.php"><span>Reports</span><img src="../Menu/images/charts.png" alt="video" /></a> <a class="dock-item2" href="#"><span>Logout</span><img src="../Menu/images/off.png" alt="history" /></a> </div> </div> <!--Menu End--> </div> <!--Wrapper End--> <!--dock menu JS options --> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready( function() { $('#dock2').Fisheye( { maxWidth: 60, items: 'a', itemsText: 'span', container: '.dock-container2', itemWidth: 40, proximity: 80, alignment : 'left', valign: 'bottom', halign : 'center' } ) } ); 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