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Everything posted by jenkyjay

  1. Any suggestions? I'm willing to try anything!
  2. Yeah the ZIP file and screen shot would be pretty good idea. If not, yeah, store it as a text. And just pull the data when necessary.
  3. Hi, I have 3 custom post types setup and I have created a custom permalink structure for each. The problem I am having is that the third custom post type I have setup with the custom permalink, is being used for the previous 2. Example: Classified Employment Sponsorship The above are the post types and I have the custom permalink structure set to (for each): /post_type/post_id/ Now, The above order are the order they are set in and sponsorship takes over all of them. So for instance: /classified/100/ /employment/101/ /sponsorship/102/ The above all use the permalink: /sponsorship/100/ /sponsorship/101/ /sponsorship/102/ What am I doing wrong to get this error happening? Is it a permalink structure error? below is my code I am using to create the custom permalink structures for each. The only difference is that %c_id% is changed to %e_id% and %s_id% for classifieds, employment and sponsorship. And also any reference to 'classifieds' is changed to employment and sponsorship respectively. add_action('init', 'classifieds_rewrite'); function classifieds_rewrite() { global $wp_rewrite; $queryarg = 'post_type=classifieds&p='; $wp_rewrite->add_rewrite_tag('%c_id%', '([^/]+)', $queryarg); $wp_rewrite->add_permastruct('classifieds', '/classifieds/%c_id%/', false); } add_filter('post_type_link', 'classifieds_permalink', 1, 3); function classifieds_permalink($post_link, $id = 0) { global $wp_rewrite; $post = &get_post($id); if ( is_wp_error( $post ) ) return $post; $newlink = $wp_rewrite->get_extra_permastruct('classifieds'); $newlink = str_replace("%c_id%", $post->ID, $newlink); $newlink = home_url(user_trailingslashit($newlink)); return $newlink; } Thanks for the help!
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