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  1. Hi, I have create a small website with a login, over the past month it has been working fine, however today I tried to login and it says incorrect password. So I go into my phpMyAdmin database and change the password with the function type as PASSWORD. I go to login again and it still doesnt work. I did however have a dummy account on the site and that does work, and the only difference I can see is the encryption of the password, the new passwords I create start with the astrix symbol (*) and the old password that works doesnt have that. I can guess im probably using the wrong encryption type, but Iv tried loads of different ones and still nothing. I have however noticed which line of code in my PHP code isnt working for the new Passwords, but I cant see a problem. I have put it below, if anyone knows what the problem is, please, please, please let me know. if ($pwd === PwdHash($pass,substr($pwd,0,9))) { It fails at this point and goes strait to the else at the bottom of the if statement. Thanks Ben p.s. if you want me to post all the Login code I will happily do so.
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