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Everything posted by ezsmooth

  1. <?php $v1 = $_GET['id']; $ACCEPT_FILE['home'] = 'home.html'; $ACCEPT_FILE['general'] = 'general.html'; $ACCEPT_FILE['attorneys'] = 'attorneys.html'; $ACCEPT_FILE['contact'] = 'contact.html'; $ACCEPT_FILE['login'] = 'login.html'; $pagename = $ACCEPT_FILE[$v1]; if (!isset($pagename)) $pagename = "home.html"; // default file include( $pagename ); ?> does this look secure? did i define the variable in the correct space? it works now. thanks.
  2. its actually not passing the variable from the url bar to the code. any idea how to fix this?
  3. doesnt $id get defined in the URL such as www.yoursite.com/index.php?id=general where 'general' defines the $id variable. If this is the case where and what could i define id to other than it being defined initially in the url? thanks for the help. matt
  4. <?php $ACCEPT_FILE['home'] = 'home.html'; $ACCEPT_FILE['general'] = 'general.html'; $ACCEPT_FILE['attorneys'] = 'attorneys.html'; $ACCEPT_FILE['contact'] = 'contact.html'; $ACCEPT_FILE['login'] = 'login.html'; $pagename = $ACCEPT_FILE[$id]; if (!isset($pagename)) $pagename = "home.html"; // default file include( $pagename ); ?> the url looks like: www.yoursite.com/index.php?id=general Ever since i think like php 5 came out i am unnable to load pages it just defaults to the home.html no matter what variable is defined. any ideas or help would be appreciated. Its almost like its not defining the pagename variable until the bottom where $pagename = "home.html". ive been looking at it and reading the manuals for hours and figured its time to make a post. thanks.
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