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Everything posted by deceevn

  1. OK.. Turned out to be a caching problem with the server. They reset it and everything is working now. Not sure how to mark this as resolved. Thanks again for your help! I will be hanging around here
  2. Yea I added it to the db.. its very strange.. I just noticed my other scripts are giving the same error so there has to be something going on with my hosting company or something has changed on the server that is breaking my code. Anyway.. thanks everyone for your help. I'll keep you updated if something new comes up.
  3. Any one else have and ideas? I'm all out. I am waiting to here from my hosting company, hopefully they will have some answers.
  4. This is what i got: Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 5143036 Server version: 5.1.54-log MySQL Community Server (GPL) Copyright © 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL v2 license Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
  5. Ok.. I have putty and logged in as my root user but not sure exactly what to do. I do have some experience with the commands.. just not dealing with mysql.
  6. Not sure if I have shell access.. I gave the database user all privileges in cpanel.. my host is geekstorage and I have not had much luck finding helpful support information from them.
  7. Here is the code. It's just weird it works after hittin refresh.. makes no sense to me mysql_connect("localhost", "vikingde_lapalm", "pass") or die(mysql_error()); $category = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['cat']); $products = mysql_query("SELECT id, prod_name, prod_img_thumb FROM vikingde_lapalm.products WHERE prod_cat='$category'"); $prod_num_rows = mysql_num_rows($products); if ($prod_num_rows==0) echo "Not A Valid Category!"; else { $i = 0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($products)){ $i++; $id = $row['id']; $prod_name = $row['prod_name']; $prod_img_thumb = $row['prod_img_thumb']; $additionalClass = ($i % 3) == 0 ? " nomargin" : ""; echo "<li class='boxshadow " . $additionalClass . "'><br />"; echo "<a href='products_desc.php?id=$id'><img src='$prod_img_thumb' alt='' /></a>"; echo "<br />"; echo "<h5><a href='products_desc.php?id=$id'>$prod_name</a></h5>"; echo "</li>"; } } Also here is the link to the live page: http://vikingdevelopment.us/millenia/index.php
  8. Hi, I get this error when I load the page, but after hitting ctrl f5 to refresh.. the error goes away and the page works perfectly. I have edited out my details. Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'user'@'localhost' (using password: YES) Access denied for user 'user'@'localhost' (using password: YES) I know everything is set right.. I just don't get it.. I am going crazy of this. Ive cleared my browser cache.. even tried it on my android phone and it does the same thing. Thanks, Deceevn
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