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Everything posted by ritztech

  1. quick layout trying to accomplish Radio Boxes O O O O O O O SEARCH .............. -OK- OK is the submit button POST should be radiox (function to run) +search user select radiobox 4 and then searches xxxaaa then presses OK then POST PHP_SELF same page being used (index.php) im having an issue trying to get the radio to be selected with teh SEARCH then SUBMIT and RUN a function to perform with the DATA //later looking at trying to view it as the script in the backend is running rather then waiting for it BUT thats just me a google to find lol <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['search'])) { $search = escapeshellcmd($_REQUEST['search']); $command = '/etc/SCRIPT/BLAHLOG ' . $search; printCmd($command, true); } ?> <?php if radio3 SELECTED THEN $search = escapeshellcmd($_REQUEST['search']); $command = '/etc/SCRIPT/BLAHSQLscript ' . $search; printCmd($command, true); ?> <form> <div id="radio"> <input type="radio" id="radio1" name="radio" /><label for="radio1">BLAhscript</label> <input type="radio" id="radio2" name="radio" /><label for="radio2">BLAHTEST</label> <input type="radio" id="radio3" name="radio" /><label for="radio3">BLAHSQLscript</label> <input type="radio" id="radio4" name="radio" /><label for="radio4">BLAHTEST</label> <input type="radio" id="radio5" name="radio" /><label for="radio5">BLAHREAD</label> <input type="radio" id="radio6" name="radio" /><label for="radio6">BLAHLOG</label> <input type="radio" id="radio7" name="radio" /><label for="radio7">BLAHUSAGE</label> <input type="radio" id="radio8" name="radio" /><label for="radio8">BLAHNETWORK</label> <input type="radio" id="radio9" name="radio" /><label for="radio9">BLAH9</label> <input type="radio" id="radio10" name="radio" /><label for="radio10">BLAH10</label> </div> </form> <p> </p> <p><strong>Enter a site:</strong> <input type="text" name="search" id="search" /> <input type="submit" value="OK"/> (PUT IT IN THE SAME PAGE from the response of RADIO4 selected ---PLUS ----SEARCH) <div id="RESPONSE" style="width: 540px"></div>
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