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Everything posted by shinytoygun

  1. Hey Everyone, Im having trouble with this code, i'm trying to use preg_match to display an error when someone inputs their email and it doesnt have a specific domain (like for example yahoo.com). My logic is to use it as a filter, if the input doesnt have the word '@yahoo.com' it will show the error. What am I doing wrong? if(preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]\w+(\.\w+)*\@\yahoo.com", $data['email']) === 0) $err .= "• $lang[ERROR_DOMAIN]<br>"; Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. - STG
  2. Hey Everyone, I have a question, I have a script that allows me to receive messages from my visitors on my site. As it is, its a great script (has captcha protection and works like a charm) but I want to modify it and add an additional check on it. As it is, it notifies my users when a required field is empty (this happens when one hits the submit button) but I also want to it to check an input field, or the email field really. I want it to only accept e-mails from a specific domain (like for example, if the email address field doesnt contain the words @phpfreaks.com I want it to display a notification similar to the empty field one when a user hits submit) In appreciation, please note that I will compensate and deposit a little something via Paypal to a user that might help me accomplish this as my way of saying thanks. Here's the script: <?php if($image_verification) { require_once("{$path_escape}captcha.cls.php"); $captcha = new captcha(); } $data = array(); if ($_POST['do'] == "post") { $data = $_POST; $value_missing = FALSE; if(!$data['name'] || !$data['email'] || !$data['message']) { $err .= "• $lang[ERROR_POST_FILL_ALL]<br>"; $value_missing = TRUE; } if($image_verification && !$captcha->verify($_POST['captcha'])) $err .= "• $lang[ERROR_IMAGE_VERIFICATION_FAILED]<br>"; if($data['email'] && !ValidateEmail($data['email'])) $err .= "• $lang[ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL]<br>"; } if ($_POST['do'] == "post" && !$err) { if($image_verification) $captcha->resetCookie(); $msg = ""; $msg .= "Name: ".$data['name']."\n"; $msg .= ($data['phone']) ? "Phone: ".$data['phone']."\n\n" : ""; $msg .= "Message:\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"; $msg .= $data['message']; if (!@sendMail($site_email, $contact_form_subject, $msg, $data['email'])) /* End Version 5.1 - Send mail using SMTP */ { if($debug) echo "<p>Error sending contact message.</p>"; else die("Error sending confirmation mail"); } else { header("Location: /index.php?view=thanks"); } } ?> <div> <h2>Contact Us</h2> <a href="index.php?cityid=<?php echo $xcityid; ?>"><?php echo $lang['BACK_TO_HOME']; ?></a> <br><br>Thank you so much for visiting <?php echo $site_name; ?>. Please write to us by filling out the form below.<br><br> <?php if($err) echo "<br><div class=\"err\">$err</div><br>"; ?> <form method="post" name="frmPost"> <table class="postad" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <b>Name:</b> <span class="marker">*</span><br> <input name="name" type="text" size="60" maxlength="100" value="<?php echo $data['name']; ?>"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <b>Email:</b> <span class="marker">*</span><br> <input name="email" type="text" size="60" maxlength="100" value="<?php echo $data['email']; ?>"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <b>Phone:</b> <br> <input name="phone" type="text" size="60" maxlength="100" value="<?php echo $data['phone']; ?>"> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <b>Message:</b> <span class="marker">*</span><br> <textarea name="message" cols="78" rows="10" ><?php echo $data['message']; ?></textarea><br> </td> </tr> <?php if(!$in_admin && $image_verification) { ?> <tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top"><b><?php echo $lang['POST_VERIFY_IMAGE']; ?>: <span class="marker">*</span></b></td> <td> <img src="captcha.png.php?<?php echo rand(0,999); ?>"><br> <span class="hint"><?php echo $lang['POST_VERIFY_IMAGE_HINT']; ?></span><br> <input type="text" name="captcha" value=""> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <input name="do" type="hidden" id="do" value="post"> <button type="submit" class="btn_post">SUBMIT</button> </form> </div> Lastly and for fyi really, the notification im gonna use in my language file for this email error will be $lang[ERROR_USE_EMAIL_FROM_THIS_DOMAIN] so you can be bring it up like this if you know what I mean $err .= "• $lang[ERROR_USE_EMAIL_FROM_THIS_DOMAIN]<br>"; But ya, any help will greatly be appreciated. Thanks and god bless - STG
  3. Hey Everyone, My website asks for an email address when one registers but I want to put a limit it on it (like to register you gotta have an email address from a specific domain). How can I edit the form input to do this? Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks -STG
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