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Everything posted by 72dpi®

  1. Hi, If anyone is interested, here is a great tutorial on creating templates for the Mambo content management system. With it, comes a great extention for dreamweaver. basically, create your layout, then use the mambo buttons to insert your code. it teaches you the appropriate files structures as well to ensure a successful addition of a new template. Visit Mambo Solutions. Hope this helps someone.
  2. Yup, your code target did work, but I originally tried that and tested to their contact form from my server, (using the target) but got the same error. I thought the poster may have wanted a nicer email form, so I spent 10 mins doing it. But since there is no reply, I am taking it down... oh well,
  3. Hi there, I am on the other end of the stick I am designer/learning php. Anyhow, I really suggest you look into Contribute by Macromedia. This package will let the client edit only what you specify in Dreamweaver as editble/non editble, plus allows them to upload/download the pages directly via secure ftp. This way, they can easily update..(worthwhile looking @). Anyhow, to answer you question, If you use dreamwesver editble/non editle tags, It will surely disrupt your <?php ?> tags. The solution IMO, may be in the user creating new pages from a template (that you have designed), then they can save as a new page. Then, so they don't need to add to the menu, they can save to a specified folder, such as "content", then set your navigation to build dynamically, such as: <?php // thanks to lixlpixel for this $dir = './content'; $dh = opendir($dir); while($file = readdir($dh)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') // add filter here ... // for example && substr($file,0,-4) != '.txt' to filter out text files { $dname[] = $file; } } sort($dname); reset ($dname); // we have an array $dname here now ... for ( $i = 0; $i < count($dname); $i++ ) { // bold if its the active you will want to change the index.php to page_self or similar if(substr($dname[$i],0,-4) == $_GET['page']) echo '<b><a href="$PHP_SELF?page='.substr($dname[$i],0,-4).'">'.substr($dname[$i],0,-4).'</a></b><br />'; else echo '<a href="$PHP_SELF?page='.substr($dname[$i],0,-4).'">'.substr($dname[$i],0,-4).'</a><br />'; } ?> and have a content designated area for the content, called "page", as such: <? switch ($page) { # start of main profile categories case "profile": include('content/profile.txt'); break; case "directors": include('content/directors.txt'); break; case "advertisers": include('content/advertisers.txt'); break; # this is default if file not present default: include('content/start.txt'); } ?> But this is the part I am trying to make dynamic, so the switch cases, get built dynamically like the menu. I know this may be off course a bit, but it bascically heads in your direction. That way the content they update, could simply be a text file with all the html stripped out. Then the pages could have headers etc. < mebbe you may come up with a gr8 soulution? I hope I haven't gone off the beaten path,
  4. you are not alone. I think the best place for you to start is to read throught the tutorials @ phpfreaks & also do a big Google search. I am an advanced designer who uses macromedia, but when it comes time to designing a Db CMS, I turn to help bigtime. The last couple of posts are good if you know what they mean, so use them as a basis of understanding. I found a nice little script from this guy in Uk i think, called php update . If anything it will help you understand usage of databases, functions etc. He is constantly updating it, but after all my searching, I have found I can really start to understand it. Anyhow, if you already know this stuff i apologise, but this may help someone else viewing this thread. Do like i do, think big, start small, and if you can design nicely, why not swap design for code, I do & it works out well!. All the best with your search!. 72dpi
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