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Everything posted by darkapec

  1. I just posted a topic on here about sorting php array alphabetically, the solution was posted so quick I decided to post this as well and maybe save some of my time. So I have this javascript I have put 2 enclosing the code where I would like to implement the following PHP script Thanks again for the help Jake
  2. Thank you much for your help, as for using multiple scripts for each folder... that is exactly what I was thinking, after I posted of course. Thanks again for your fast response time. I found a lot of info on sorting alphabetically on the forums but they all seemed so code specific and because I am so new to .php I really needed the help. Jake
  3. I am a php newb. I have 2 somewhat simple problems. First I have a huge list of movies that I would like sorted in a drop down list alphabetically. I already have the drop down list made and the movies show up correctly. But I cannot figure out how to sort the list. Here is the code <?php $dir="/backup/Movies"; if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "index.php") { $thelist .= '<option>'.$file.'</option>'; } } closedir($handle); } ?> <form action="listen.php" method="post" name="table"> <select name="Movie"> <P><?=$thelist?></p>' </select> </form> Second problem is inside this directory there are a few other directories is it possible to make the directories show at the top instead of them being sorted alphabetically with the movies. Thanks in advance Jake
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