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Everything posted by weep

  1. Sorry for not being clear, sometimes I forget that people cant read minds I don't intend to use the given code (at least not the way it is now), it was just out of the blue. What I am looking for is a way to assign available values to an array and ignore the "empty fields". Something like: $data[0] => "sdfsdf sdfsdf" $data[1] => "sdfsdfsdf:" $data[2] => "2011-04-27" and so on... ps. Come to think of one more issue I most certainly will need help with, so I may as well ask now: What do I do if there is a comma inside a sentence that I want to assign to a variable? I.e; ",,,,Hello, my name is blah,,,," would give me: $data[0] => "Hello" $data[1] => "my name is blah" Though I would like: $data[0] => "Hello, my name is blah" Cheers
  2. Greetings! I have a CSV file that looks something like this: <?php $handle = fopen("csv.csv", "r"); while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 5000, ",")) !== FALSE) { echo "<pre>"; print_r($data); echo "<pre>"; } ?> Now this prints everything, could someone please provide me with an example of how I can ignore the "empty fields"? Thanks in advance!
  3. You, my good sir, are a god. Thank you all, problem solved!
  4. Just tried it and still no luck. Same error... :'( Anyone have any idea???
  5. Sorry for the delay, so if I get this right I should do something like this? $arende1 = "\"".$arende[$x]."\""; Also I am sorry that I cannot test any of this until monday, as I am at a different location at the moment.
  6. Array ( [0] => blah blah hus 01 [1] => sdgsdgsdg 01 plan 6. sdgsdgsdgsdgsdg. Bestnr : 235235 [2] => Nätadministrationsärenden Mars-Apr. OBS Fakturerea inte före vi fått underlaget. [3] => sdgsdgsdgsdgsdg äöåö 1-1-1 och x-x-x. Uppöppning av adasdasdasdasd. [4] => And so on... So, no problems here... :-\ Pretty much same as echo.
  7. Hm, isnt it what I am doing here? echo (empty($arende[$x])) ? "Saknas..." : $arende[$x]; Haha, I have no answer for that. Thought thats how it was done...
  8. Yeah, it is spelled with one d (swedish). The "rorligt" table have these fields: The strange thing is that, if I change $beskrivning[$x], $adress[$x] and so on to just plain text or some other variables, the sql query works fine!
  9. Greetings! I have a script that allows me to upload a XML file, the script then picks out some of the values and echoes them (this works fine). I am now trying to insert the values into a database. However, I get an error: error: Unknown column 'blah blah' in 'field list' I really don't see that there are anything wrong with my sql line: $sql = "INSERT INTO rorligt (id, arende, rumsnr, besk, adress, ejfakt, avslutad, best, rikt, listid) VALUES (NULL, $arende[$x], $rumsnr[$x], `$beskrivning[$x]`, `$adress[$x]`, `$ejfakturerat[$x]`, `$avslutad[$x]`, `best`, `$rikt`, `$listid`)"; I tried it out with other variables and it worked, seems that only variables that are tied to the xml are not working... Where did I go wrong? :'( Entire code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="description" content="Das Test"> <meta name="keywords" content="test"> <title>test</title> </head> <?php error_reporting(0); include "cfg.php"; $filnamn = $_POST["filnamn"]; $filnamn2 = "uploads/$filnamn"; if (file_exists($filnamn2)) { //Kontroll om fil existerar $xml = file_get_contents($filnamn2); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml); $arende = array(); $beskrivning = array(); $adress = array(); $ejfakturerat = array(); $avslutad = array(); $rumsnr = array(); $rikt = ""; $listid = ""; foreach($xml->lstResults->lstResults_Details_Group as $textbox1){ $arende[] = (string)$textbox1['textbox22']; } foreach($xml->lstResults->lstResults_Details_Group as $textbox2){ $beskrivning[] = (string)$textbox2['textbox42']; } foreach($xml->lstResults->lstResults_Details_Group as $textbox3){ $adress[] = (string)$textbox3['textbox30']; } foreach($xml->lstResults->lstResults_Details_Group as $textbox4){ $ejfakturerat[] = (string)$textbox4['textbox28']; } foreach($xml->lstResults->lstResults_Details_Group as $textbox5){ $avslutad[] = (string)$textbox5['textbox24']; } foreach($xml->lstResults->lstResults_Details_Group as $textbox6){ $rumsnr[] = (string)$textbox6['textbox26']; } ?> <table border="0"> <tr><td bgcolor="#FFFF00"><b>Ärende</b></td> <td bgcolor="#FFFF00"><b>Rumsnummer</b></td> <td bgcolor="#FFFF00"><b>Beskrivning</b></td> <td bgcolor="#FFFF00"><b>Adress</b></td> <td bgcolor="#FFFF00"><b>Ej fakturerat</b></td> <td bgcolor="#FFFF00"><b>Avslutad</b></td> <td bgcolor="#FFFF00"><b>Beställningsnr</b></td> <td bgcolor="#FFFF00"><b>Riktkostnad</b></td> <td bgcolor="#FFFF00"><b>Sign</b></td> </tr> <?php for($x=0;$x<count($arende);$x++){ echo "<tr><td>"; echo (empty($arende[$x])) ? "Saknas..." : $arende[$x]; echo "</td><td>"; echo (empty($rumsnr[$x])) ? "Saknas..." : $rumsnr[$x]; echo "</td><td>"; echo (empty($beskrivning[$x])) ? "Saknas..." : $beskrivning[$x]; echo "</td><td>"; echo (empty($adress[$x])) ? "Saknas..." : $adress[$x]; echo "</td><td>"; echo (empty($ejfakturerat[$x])) ? "Saknas..." : $ejfakturerat[$x]; echo "</td><td>"; echo (empty($avslutad[$x])) ? "Saknas..." : $avslutad[$x]; echo "</td><td>"; echo "</td><td>"; echo "</td><td>"; echo "</td></tr>"; //Lägg in i databasen mysql_connect ($servername, $dbusr, $dbpw) or die ('error: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($db); $sql = "INSERT INTO rorligt (id, arende, rumsnr, besk, adress, ejfakt, avslutad, best, rikt, listid) VALUES (NULL, $arende[$x], $rumsnr[$x], `$beskrivning[$x]`, `$adress[$x]`, `$ejfakturerat[$x]`, `$avslutad[$x]`, `best`, `$rikt`, `$listid`)"; mysql_query($sql) or die ('error: ' . mysql_error()); //------------------- /* $test1 = "bleh"; $test2 = "bleh"; $test3 = "123,5"; $test4 = "2011-01-01"; //Lägg in i databasen mysql_connect ($servername, $dbusr, $dbpw) or die ('error: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($db); $sql = "INSERT INTO rorligt (id, arende, rumsnr, besk, adress, ejfakt, avslutad, best, rikt, listid) VALUES (NULL, '123N', '123-12', '$test1', '$test2', '$test3', '$test4', 'best', '456', '1')"; mysql_query($sql) or die ('error: ' . mysql_error()); */ //------------------- } } else { echo "Finns ingen sådan fil! Gör om, gör rätt!"; } ?> </table>
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