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Everything posted by adige72

  1. This select box below does remember and highlight -one- selection after submitting the form. But when i make it multiple, it doesn't highlight any of the selections after submitting. Any idea about how to achieve this? Thanks in advance. <?php $options_amount = array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10+"); $no_way = $_GET['no_way']; ?> <select class="postform" name="no_way[]" multiple size="5"> <option <?php if ($no_way == 'all') { ?>selected="selected"<?php }?> value="all">Any</option> <?php foreach ($options_amount as $option) { ?><option <?php if ($no_way == $option) { ?>selected="selected"<?php }?> value="<?php echo $option; ?>"><?php echo $option; ?></option><?php }?> </select>
  2. Hello Firstly, this is the full pastebin code of my admin page because i failed adding full code here correctly: http://pastebin.com/tQAaQjYC and the screenshot of the slide manager page: http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/4830/slidemanager.jpg Well, I have a Slide Manager as an admin menu page in Wordpress. When i click "Add new slide" button, as you see in the screenshot above, it adds a new "slide field" in which that dropdown list shows all titles of posts. (Ignore other parts as they work as expected) What i would like to do is, when i choose a post title, the text box which is next to dropdown to be populated automatically by the post's url adress. I want it to be worked for every "slide field" added via "Add new slide" button. I actually made it work that way outside the foreach: <script language="JavaScript"><!-- function onChange() { var Current = document.myform.link.selectedIndex; document.myform.currentText3.value = document.myform.link.options[Current].value; } //--> </script> <select name="link" onChange="onChange(this.value);"> <?php if($_POST['action'] == save ) { $selected = "selected"; } else{ $selected = ""; } echo '<option value="">...... Choose One ...... </option>'; $args = array( 'post_type' => 'post', 'nopaging' => true ); $the_query = new WP_Query( $args ); while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post(); echo '<option '.$selected.' value="'.get_permalink( $post->ID ).'">'; the_title(); echo '</option>'; endwhile; ?> </select> <input name="currentText3" type="text" value=""> But when i add this after the opening code of foreach, i.e: <?php foreach($nivoslides as $k => $slide) : ?> Each slide field shows the dropdown and text box properly as you see in screenshot BUT none of them work. I tried to add brackets but it didn't work either: <select name="link[]" onChange="onChange(this.value);"> I guess it's the javascript code that should be edited or entirely changed but i have no idea how to do it. I would be grateful for any help. Thanks in advance.
  3. Below code is what i found from a search in web. Suppose i have a taxonomy called Color and terms are Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, White. I want when i select Blue, Green and Red and click submit button, i want to get ALL posts those have Blue OR Green OR Red (OR etc.) taxonomy term on the search results page. Since the code below is just echoes "Insert Query - Blue, Insert Query - Red ...", is there any way to convert this into a code that in which i can get posts? Thanks in advance. <?php if(isset($_POST['clickhere'])) { $selected_values = $_POST['color']; foreach($selected_values as $key=>$value) { // Insert query comes here. echo "Insert Query - ".$value."<br />"; } $select_blue = (in_array('1',$selected_values)) ? "selected" : ""; $select_green = (in_array('2',$selected_values)) ? "selected" : ""; $select_red = (in_array('3',$selected_values)) ? "selected" : ""; $select_yellow = (in_array('4',$selected_values)) ? "selected" : ""; $select_white = (in_array('5',$selected_values)) ? "selected" : ""; } ?> <form name='testform' action='sometest.php' method='post'> <select name='color[]' style="border:0px;" size=6 multiple> <option value='' selected>Select Item</option> <option value='1' <?php echo $select_blue;?> >Blue</option> <option value='2'<?php echo $select_green;?> >Green</option> <option value='3'<?php echo $select_red;?> >Red</option> <option value='4'<?php echo $select_yellow;?> >Yellow</option> <option value='5'<?php echo $select_white;?> >White</option> </select> <br /><br /> <input type='submit' name='clickhere' value='Click Here' /> </form>
  4. Hi. I would like to automatically fill in the textbox labeled "Amount 2" after choosing the value of Amount without refreshing the page. I guess it requires javascript or AJAX but i don't know how to do it. Any help please? http://i55.tinypic.com/29crpdz.jpg $options_amount = array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10+"); $metabox = array(); $metabox[] = array( "name" => "amount", "label" => "Amount", "desc" => "Choose the amount.", "std" => "0", "type" => "select", "options" => $options_amount); $metabox[] = array( "name" => "amount2", "label" => "Amount 2", "desc" => "No need to enter it.", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
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