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Everything posted by spec36

  1. Hi All, I am using the PHP Simple HTML DOM parser to connect to a financials website, parse out a companies financial information (Income statement in this case) and then insert the scrapped data into a mysql database that I can then later use to run automated calculations. Here is the code I have so far: <?php include_once 'simple_html_dom.php'; //Connect to financial Website and Create DOM from URL $income_statement = file_get_html('http://www.WEBSITE.com/finance?etc..etc...etc...etc...'); //PULL FINANCIAL DATA foreach($income_statement->find('td[class]' ) as $lines=>$data) { echo $data->plaintext . "<br/>"; } // clean up memory $html->clear(); unset($html); ?> So far I am able to get output that looks like this: Revenue 336.57 331.52 324.32 319.29 320.40 Other Revenue, Total - - - - - Total Revenue 336.57 331.52 324.32 319.29 320.40 etc............................. But being a newb I do not understand how I can break each $ value and each - into their own variables and then insert them to their corresponding mysql table fields. During the database insert I would like to ignore field headings from insertion (i.e Revenue, Total Revenue, etc.... Any help would be absolutely amazing, as I have been reading, scripting and searching for information like crazy, but just can't seem to figure it out.
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