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Everything posted by AdmiralAkbar

  1. I just finished (or so I thought) a project. But my client's server runs PHP4, so I need to adapt my code. Here's what stopped working: $localClasses = new DOMDocument; $localClasses -> load("file.xml"); $localClasses -> get_elements_by_tagname('Title') -> item(0) -> firstChild -> nodeValue Here's my petty attempt at trying to adapt this code to run in PHP4: $file = file_get_contents("localClasses.xml"); $localClasses = new DOMDocument($file); $test = $localClasses -> get_elements_by_tagname('Title'); $testText = $test -> item[0] -> firstChild -> nodeValue; print $testText; This doesn't give me any errors, but nothing shows up. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for reading!
  2. I'm working on a very simple CMS for someone. It's working fine but, when I upload the files to their server, I get this error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: simplexml_load_file() in /home/content/s/o/m/sommerpaul/html/src/index.php on line 11 Is it possible that their server is running a different or outdated version of PHP? Is it possible that the files must be in a special folder? This project was going far too smoothly, so I should've expected this. I'm on a deadline so I'd rather not rework the script if I don't have to. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks for reading!
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